The Undiscovered Worlds of The Universe-A Letter from The Prince of Discovery

On the date of 4E 348 Turdas, 22nd of Second Seed, a large ship that looked similar to a golden galleon sailed through the sky above Cyrodiil. It dropped a treasure chest of what appears to be pure Aetherium as it passed over the White Gold Tower. The treasure chest landed in the northern section of the Imperial City. The area was quickly sealed off by the Imperial Legion and the chest was brought before Imperial scholars. When opened, the treasure chest was found to contain a spyglass made of unknown materials, a book crusted with an assortment of gems, and a letter written in golden ink on top of the book. Similar packages have been reported in High Rock and Hammerfell. The Aldmeri Dominion and the other nations of Tamriel have not been willing to share whether or not they have received a similar gift, but Imperial agents have produced intelligence suggesting that they may have. We have transcribed the content of the letter below for your convenience, Your Excellence.

Citizens of Tamriel,

I send you this letter, and the text attached, from one of the many unknown or forgotten places of the Aurbis. It has taken much study to put this into terms you understand, so please pay attention.

I come to warn you and open your eyes to the vast universe that is being hidden from you. The truth has been obscured in the miasma of your mortal politics and stored away in the libraries of Apocrypha. Censors and sophists like Vivec would have you believe that the Mundus is the central plane. They would have you believe that the World is a Wheel, and the Eight Aedra and Sixteen Daedric Planes revolve around the Mundus at the center. I will endeavor to open your eyes to the glorious truth of the universe.

The reality that is being kept in the shadows is that there are many more worlds than the ones you have seen. The World is not a Wheel, it is a River flowing with many branches and tributaries. Some of these branches are raging white waters that would obliterate anything short of what you would call a “Daedric Prince”, others are gentle streams that are welcoming of visitors. This is, of course, not a totally accurate metaphor for reality. However, it is close enough and put into terms your mortal minds can comprehend. The Planes of Oblivion are far more numerous than you have ever imagined. The Magna-Ge have not been idle in their Aether. New worlds are being created in every Moment, while others are being obliterated at the same time. Some exist only in the memory of the Spirits, others are half formed dreams in the mind of a bleeding lover.

Some of you will say that this impossible, or a hoax. How can such things exist? A plane cannot exist on its own! It must have a source of power! You are correct in this assumption. Creatia is inherently unstable, and will fly apart and return to Potential if you do not have something or someone to hold it down. What you underestimate is the vastness of the universe. Did you really think there were only sixteen “Daedric Princes”? Do you not know of the Aetherial Skeleton? What of Fractal Impossipoints? How blind you have become! The text I have sent with this letter will open your eyes to possibility.

You are about to take a journey, in heart and mind if not in body, that will change you forever. Read further and you will never understand the world the same. Your mind will go beyond the confinement of the Mundus and into the infinite realm of possibility. You may be afraid of what you find, and perhaps with good reason. Mortals are weak creatures, but your AE is your own. That is your strength. I bid you, come to us if you can. Learn of the infinite world that awaits you and find a way to see it.


Varasieth, Spirit of Discovery, Exploration, and Piracy

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