HRAHNDEYL's Sword-Meetng with Cyrus the Restless

Well, it's the 23rd. Time for me to head out for the summer because school is letting out. So here's my gift to you all. I hope you all enjoy it. See you all in August!

>#HRAHNDEYL's Sword-Meeting with Cyrus the Restless Stories are told in many tongues and in many ways. The Spinners of the Bosmer whisper the tales of their trees and weave new ones. The Saxhleel commune with their Hist and tell of times since passed, to come, and may be here already. But regardless of who tells it, a story is still a story; founded in both truth and myth, woven through legends and lore. And even when these tales originate from somewhere else, they have a habit of going somewhere else as well. Such are the stories of Sura of the Bend’r Mark, the Maverick-Sword of the Crowns, ‘He-Who-Made-Talk-Shut-Up’, the mythic known as Cyrus.

This tale is one such story, and it whispers in the ears of those that can truly hear it, because it is founded in the very nature of Talk. And all know that all Talk comes from a central source, like how ocean begat river begat lake begat stream. The source of Talk has many names that are both old and new, because he himself is both young and ancient. For some he is Hr’andyl, the Mumblings of Protection. For others he is Hran of the Dale, the Whisperer of Darkness. And in Yoku he is Hoodoc, where he is Voice-of-the-People. But collectively he is HRAHNDEYL, the Bat God of Talk, the King of Speech, the Resonator of Words. He is and is in the truth, the lies, and the truth of the lies of which you say. From his Spire he gazes upon his beloved Ice Cream Isle and into the beyond, where his influence touches all. When HRAHNDEYL speaks, all know to listen. Except for one. When the Restless hears enough of something, he makes it quiet down. The first time he did this was with his brother-in-law Hakan, and that event is how you truly begin a story.

“Is that the sky? But we’re underground.”

“We’re in the last section of my Spire before you reach the Top. I didn’t take you up there because you’re not ready for that yet. Besides, I fear you’re probably not interested in seeing it anyway. This will simply have to do, hopefully.”

“That’s not answering my question.”

“You really are persistent, aren’t you? The Spire’s multiple sections attune themselves to different aurbical notes, as that is the nature of Talk. They exist in when and in where and in what, like I do. This one is a sky because–”

“You know what? I don’t want to know anymore. When the others told me you were the God of Talk And Makes Others Listen, I thought they were just exaggerating.”

“If that’s the form you’ll be more comfortable with… now, does this shape make you feel more at eased?”

“If you think turning into a Yokudan with the head of a bat is going to intimidate me, you might want to think up another magic trick.”

“Everyone is intimidated by Talk, and you are no exception. You just don’t care enough to admit it.”

“Sorry, I’m just not seeing myself being afraid of something as irritating as you.”

“Your courage knows no bounds, sura. These last few minutes have actually been delightful. Are you sure you don’t want to keep having this conversation with me?”

“I’m sure. Now, I’m going to ask for the final time: where’s my jewel?”

“Do you speak of the same jewel which I now speak of? The one you stole from the Hist, who were and still are my companions during my long years in exile? If we do in fact speak of the same jewel, then you already know that I cannot let you have it.”

“Oh really? And why is that? Because the Hist is your friend, is that it?”

“I thought you out of all people Yokudan would appreciate and respect the notion of what you all of quick lives call honor.”

“I do respect it. And any other day I would respect you for wanting to avenge your friends. But I stole the jewel fair and square; now I request again that you give it back.”

“Ah, I see. Did you know that I knew you were going to say that? I shall tell you something, Yokudan: For everything you’ve ever said, have said, and will say I was the one that let and will let you utter it. Stealing it fair and square does not matter to me. When I heard you voice it, I knew it was only a matter of time.”

“Then let me say this, since you already know I’m going to say it anyway: You may be Hoodoc, but I don’t care. The Eye is mine, and I’m leaving with it.”

“And are you so certain about this rash belief of self-entitlement that you would challenge me and risk your life over it?”

“If I have to cut my way through you to get it, then that is what I intend to do.”