The Worshipers account Volume 2... "Play the Prey"

Following the theme of the first volume, I have found my way to the shrine of Hircine, Lord of The Hunt, to gain better incite on the day to day practices and on goings of active Daedric worshipers.

A Bosmer dressed in head to toe in hard leather, pelts, and animal hides sat with me to discuss his religious practices ( After proving my worth hunting a simple deer, of course.) He had this to say:

"Ah Hircine. Aye, i follow him. And he follows me. Every time i string my bow he is watching. Waiting. Not just on whether ill succeed in catching my prey but if the prey succeeds in alluding me. Im sure there has been more times than one where Hircine has favored the Hare over my skill.... Its a humbling experience to watch as a perfectly lined arrow miss your meal by a.... heh... hair. Hunting reminds me every day that i am not the master of these woods. There is always something out there, in the world, that will make you play the prey."

I finished up with the bosmer and he directed me towards a rather large Nord fellow. He was covered mostly in furs and hefted a long, sharp looking spear. He seemed more than delighted to speak to me.

"I remember how i came across Hircine and his ilk. Years ago, when i was a younger and more foolish, i bragged on and on how i was the best hunter in my village. For days and days i would come home with many pelts, furs, and meats of my kills. Soon, though, i stopped skinning and gutting them, only killing for pleasure and glory in my own name. It was fine till i got a big head and claimed that i could out hunt a werewolf. Well from that day forward i became the worst hunter... my arrows would break mid shot.. my spear would rust and shatter... tracks would lead me to dead ends and one time led me to get ambushed by the biggest bear i have ever seen. I knew from that moment that i was being tested. I had to prove myself. I had to better myself. That bear had a roar that could silence the halls of sovengarde and claws so sharp it could tear a hole into oblivion it self. Yet somehow i prevailed. I killed that bear and planned on using every part of it when a voice called out. It was none other than Hircine himself speaking through the remains of the dead bear. Hircine gave me a choice: Hunt in his name for his glory or fight a beast of his choosing, either way i would regain my skills as a hunter as long as i used every bit of my prey. Obviously i chose to fight the beast of his choosing...and to hunt in his name... but that's a story for another time. Long story short, i learned that the line between hunters and prey is about as thin as the blade of my spear... and only Hircine himself knows which side we stand on.

I decided to continue this and hopefully make it out into a full fledged series. The first one can be found here

Its short, needs updating, and written a looong time ago, But nonetheless i think it'll be a interesting series to continue (I hope)

Thanks for reading!