The Seventeen Demands of the Sixteen Daedra

By the intercession of Lorkhan, you may be so filled with ambition, and the power and knowledge that come from ambition, that through these teachings you may come to the true meaning of the Sixteen Daedra and Their glories. To convey to man's mind all the manifold subtleties of strength and guile may not be done, were all the seas ink, and all the skies parchment upon which Their wisdoms were writ. Yet the Daedra, in Their wisdom, knowing how weak is man, and how resilient he is to turn away from his blind faith, have allowed these 17 simple demands to be made manifest with powerful clarity and concise definition.

  1. Azura says: Be wise and knowledgeable. Keep your senses aware for new lessons, and always be equipped for the future.

  2. Hircine says: Demolish thine prey. Skulk and stalk swiftly and silently, for the most dangerous strike comes from that which is unseen. Never let your prey escape.

  3. Molag Bal says: Exert thine will. Dominate the weak, break their bones between your teeth, leash them with chains, and turn them into your tools. Be not weak yourself, or forfeit your life.

  4. Mehrunes Dagon says: Rend the useless and show no mercy. Cut away that of you that is useless, and sever your weaknesses without reservation. Destroy thine enemies, and scar thine landscape.

  5. Hermaeus Mora says: Absorb all before you. Knowledge lies at every step, have eyes in every corner to rake in the lessons of friends and enemies alike.

  6. Boethiah says: Respect none but yourself. Your fabricated leaders are weak in the presence of he who covets these lessons. Lead your own way, and be not a follower.

  7. Peryite says: Be meticulous and organized. Only the fool acts without meditation. Spread thine influence.

  8. Sanguine says: Always enjoy life. There is no greater reason to live than pleasure. Find what brings you the most joy, and never waver from that cause.

  9. Sheogorath says: Be unpredictable. Admire the beauty around you. Let not your enemies see your intentions, lest you become a pawn.

  10. Mephala says: Subtlety is mastery. The invisible hand is that which guides fate. Let your name go unheard, and your actions go unseen.

  11. Malacath says: Work alone. The man with no friendships is the man with nothing to lose. Have no valuables for your enemies to target, and you will be indestructible.

  12. Vaermina says: Be without fear. An impenetrable mind lends to an impenetrable body. Fill your mind only with ambition, leave no room for weakness.

  13. Namira says: Strike horror into your enemies. You need not destroy something physically to defeat it. Work from the inside to destroy the outside.

  14. Clavicus Vile says: Use the fools. Wit is sharper than steel. Truth is a tool to be bent and abused to advance yourself.

  15. Meridia says: Cherish your life. You are the greatest beauty you will ever know. Bask in the light of the glory you create.

  16. Nocturnal says: Use whatever lies before you. Everything can be turned to your advantage. Steal from the weak and strong. Be true only to yourself.

  17. The Sixteen say: Above all else, be good to yourself.

If only each man might look into the mirror of these Demands, and see reflected there the power he could wield, were he to serve in strict obedience to these Demands, he would rise up and be made independent and unstoppable. The intelligent man may look inwards and be blessed, and be empowered through his own will as instructed by the Sixteen.
Heedless, the foolish man turns away, and forsaking the simple wisdoms granted to him by the All-Wise and All-Knowing Sixteen, he lives in weakness and ignorance for all days of his life. He bears the awful burden of his stupidity, and before Man and God his mistakes are known, and neither guidance nor strength may he expect from the Sixteen.
Yet the weak and stupid are not doomed, for in their infinite lessons the Sixteen have said, "Arise, and make great of yourself, and the Banners of Victory may once more fly above you."
Arise from your slums! Spread unto the populace the pain and weakness you beared within, and the spoils of power shall be recieved unto you!
Do good works unto yourself! Redeem your blindness by conquering your foes! Show to all Men and the Sixteen the fiery Zeal of the New Man, and you may once again look inwards and approach yourself for the strength to crush any obstacle.