Mission Akatouch, Captain's Log: Day 27, Cycle B

Day 26, Cycle C

Now that he has a fish to take care of, He-Who-Reads is often in his room. Now, it's that stays up in the observation deck. When I went to relieve him, he stayed there with me for at least an hour. Casual chatter now and again, but we really have little to talk about.

Nothing is in sight yet, the blue streak continues to be a blue streak. Provisioning is tomorrow, but can not think of anything that he particularly wants. I want a salad. It has been a while since I've had a proper salad.

Llevan sleeps. Thinking about it, we will be another week without the materials to make the sensor Llevan and I have designed. Hopefully the little daedric plane has learned we are not to be approached, but I still worry. I still have nightmares about it.

Divines protect us.
