A quick look into a Space-pool

The only difference is this time there was a Cyrod with that little glowing Alfiq.

So here, the setting is Senchal, way back in the Septim Era. Though it is night there's still enough of the street lit to make it relatively safe. This was neither a port or one of the many common establishments that makes Senchal both famous and infamous. This was a place too many forget; and, sadly, a place too many didn't care to know to begin with.

The door opens and Finrus, a fit young Cyrodiil on the edge of his toes for adventure, stops to take in all the sights and sounds and smells that it has to offer. Jo'rubbo, the quick-witted cat wearing his classic blue and cream budiit, walks through the room and jumps onto a wooden bannister.

To Finrus' surprise, there is a large assortment of pure Moon Sugar on wooden shelves. To his unease, there was also a black and gray Suthay-Raht sitting with a slack-jaw and noticeably contorted limbs slightly moving around. Jo'rubbo looks away from the cat and his face becomes noticeably depressed.

"Our beds are downstairs, you'd best take a good look at him before you follow." Jo'rubbo thinks to Finrus.

He was already uncomfortable from the wave of smells that overcame him and the Suthay-Raht's body. He didn't know Khajiit were that flexible, or even that they had enough self-control to have such an organised stock of Moon Sugar. Nevertheless, he walked down the stairs for what would finally be a nice bed to rest in. Down that staircase where he would stay for the night was a room, at least 30 metres long and 20 metres wide, filled with what can only be described as either a very elaborate variety show or a sad display of the truths scholars never seek. That even in a place where the community and brotherhood are such valued concepts there were outcasts. Not like criminals, there are plenty of stories about them. These outcasts were, in all honesty, quite scary to Finrus; he'd never seen man nor mer nor beast that ever looked or smelled like them.

"Welcome to S'ribathi's home. She is kind enough to let us sleep here tonight without payment. I know you're frightened, these aren't the fairy-tale things you wanted to slay on your adventure; they're people. I don't know if Cyrodiil has a word for them yet, Elsweyr barely holds on to its own. They are... unable to do many things that we can. Healers get frustrated as they usually cannot fix anything and many of the Khajiit like them have to fend for themselves. It is better here at least. In Anequina many of them are killed quite young, though there is one here who was found somewhere in between Orcrest and Corinthe. They aren't all the same, some problems are entirely in the mind, what many priests call 'Namiira-stained'; others have physical limitations. Some have both."

This didn't quite help Finrus, but he got quite a fright by the Dagi-Raht woman who quickly spoke to him.

"Did he introduce them yet?"


S'ribathi just stared at Finrus, knowing he was too on-edge to give a proper response anyway. She stood wearing a multi-coloured robe and some kind of red sock on both feet.

"Um. No. How did you know he was thinking to me?"

"His look. All the mages do it around foreigners, mostly to show off. They focus on someone and have a very noticeable face when they do so. I knew he was done when he relaxed."

"Oh. Well. Alright, but no, I was just informed on their... status" Finrus looking concerned as he didn't want to offend those he'll be sleeping next to; that story about the Breton nightblade really made him nervous outside of home at night.

"Then you'd better meet them"

S'ribathi walks to the first on the right, a bare-faced Ohmes with no arms and a partially missing ear.

"Here is R'inni. She is sleeping now, so don't do anything to wake her. R'inni likes her dreams, most here do, but her more than most. She has trouble expressing herself, but everything is clear in her dreams. At least, it's what she says."

Next is the white and brown Suthay slowly eating a slightly crystallised apple.

"Here is Refir. Don't bother him whilst he's eating, he's finally doing it for himself. I only sugar the food lightly here, they're not as immune as most Khajiit and one fit against the stone walls or floor could kill them."

"That's a Sabre Cat! I know them when I see them!" Finrus pointed in a panic. Whilst very similar to a skinny looking Sabre Cat, S'ribathi must correct him.

"His name is King and don't wake them. He was born much smaller and with many problems in his leg bones. No, magic cannot help him, you cannot fix what was never there. We gave him that name because he is fond of the old tales about Nords; and he needs something to make him feel big, even if it's just a name."

S'ribathi is noticeably unhappy with Finrus. It's understandable, if he were referred to like such a beast he'd be angry too. However, he is not done meeting the rest and it appears the next three are quite fond of each other. A sleeping Pahmar-Raht, Ohmes-Raht and Alfiq all laying together.

"The big one is Juth, the other two are her brother and sister. There is another, but she left them around 5 years ago. Alfiq is S'anni and Ohmes is Ma'shir. Just let them sleep, it's better to not go through it all. If you must know it will be told in the morning. Don't ask Jo'rubbo either, S'ribathi knows when to talk and when to be silent."

Lastly is a caramel Ohmes-Raht who is lying towards the corner, curling up and holding it's ears and head.

"That is Zjuleh. Do not call her or touch her. Some Sheggorathiit believed her to be a prophet. She is just a troubled woman who needs comfort, that is all. Be sure to forget her name if you meet them, this is her third home since she left them."

Finrus was feeling rather taken aback, all he wanted was a place to sleep and he gets all this. That stable in Bravil doesn't seem so bad now.

"Our beds are here, Finrus" Jo'rubbo thought to him, sitting by two sacks filled with Tenmar Tea leaves; which actually smell rather lovely considering their surroundings.

"You can sleep, I'll just sit down for a bit." Finrus replied.

He takes a seat on the staircase watching S'ribathi care for the others.

"Uhh. You speak Cyrodiilic quite well" Finrus stated.

"We have to here, Cyrods bring in the most money to Senchal."

"Yes. Well. If you don't mind me asking, why do you do all this? What makes a ca- eh, Khajiit, such as yourself to decide on living down here?"

"Because no one else will. They need homes and caretakers, if I can be to them what M'ahara was to so many others then I know I've been a good person. And no, I'm not talking about Mara, you Cyrods always wait to bring your gods where they don't belong."

"Well someone's a bit hostile. Who's M'ahara?"

"She is like what Cyrods would call a saint. She looked after many, many Khajiit like this; they say she even fought a northern tribe leader by herself to save a child who'd have otherwise died. From Dune to Senchal she saved those who 'were not fit to climb'. As if they could without a thousand others to hold them."

"I've never heard of her"

"Of course you haven't. Not even many Khajiit know about her. Only stories, a few books and maybe a shrine or two are all that's left of her. Most don't want to remember her, it would make them think of things they don't want to believe is a part of Elsweyr. Oh how many troubles come from northern men and mer to the west, but nothing could ever be wrong with Khajiit, what could ever be wrong with perfection?"

Finrus knew Khajiit thought climbing was some kind of special task after hearing Jo'rubbo talk about something on the way to Leyawiin, though he phased in and out of that talk.

"Well, what would you do about them if you had to climb?"

S'ribathi gave him a very serious look.

"If I cannot climb then I will jump. If I cannot jump high then I will jump from a high place; and they will be with me when I do it. Or perhaps I won't have to. Perhaps I don't have to run away. Whatever happens will happen anyway, but I won't let it stop me from giving them a life no one else would give them"

By now, Finrus was rather intimidated and decided now was the time to get to bed, or sack. S'ribathi took old Ra'fujj from the ground floor down to his bed and slept in her own hammock at the end of the room. Ripples begin to distort the image.

The Mane is happy he has people like S'ribathi with him now.