The Daedric Doctrines: Weaver of the Panolpy

> Close your eyes
Look deep in your soul
Step outside yourself
And let your mind go
Frozen eyes stare deep in your mind as you die

-Slayer (Seasons In the Abyss)

My research has led me to believe that Vaermina is a deity so misunderstood that she warrants empathy from even Malacath. Like my previous subject, Hircine, she comes off as very one-dimensional, and needs some exploration.

The first thing I noticed was her titles. She's been referred to as the Gifter and Weaver of the Panolpy. Hardly sounds like something befitting the patron of terror. Now, I didn't know what a panolpy was, so I'll just presume some of you don't either.
Pan-o-ply: a group or collection that is impressive because it is so big or because it includes so many different kinds of people or things
Sounds interesting when you consider the idea that (Credit goes to /u/Jaridase_Zasmyocl for this idea) Quagmire is a collection of memories.

Vaermina represents nightmares, and her titles of the Gifter and Weaver of the Panolpy.

> Nightmares

Nightmares, in our world, are horrific dreams created from our own memories. It's your inner fears and doubts coming forward and punching you in the ego as you sleep. You can't dream a face you've never seen before, nightmares are comprised entirely of our own minds and memories. It's like facing your inner demons.

A nightmare is a brutal introspection. Those parts of you that you're afraid to face are brought forth. And strength comes from defeating these weaknesses. Conquering your fears in your mind will allow you to conquer your fears in life. Vaermina allows us to overcome ourselves by defeating the beats that lie in wait, coated in our innermost fears.

> The Gifter

Odd title for a "bad" Daedra. Vaermina is, I believe, benevolent towards those who don't delegate her to the corner of being a big, bad witch.

Nightmares in the Elder Scrolls universe are a tad different than real ones. A nightmare occurs when a mortal mind is pulled into Quagmire, and is tormented by the ever-shifting terrors of the plane. Vaermina forces people to face themselves. Vaermina's domain is universal, everyone has nightmares, from kings to peasants to dogs. She casts her gift to every living creature, and prevents us from succumbing to our inner weaknesses. A world without Vaermina would be a world where everyone stays inside all day in fear of, well, everything.

The Skull of Corruption always struck me as odd. Cloning people doesn't sound like a nightmare. The staff forms an angry clone of the target so it may face itself while awake. The clone is you, but hostile. Defeating your clone is defeating yourself. The Skull is another tool in the path to greatness.

The Dreamstride is a strange one. What little we've seen of its use allows the user to enter dreams of another. The transportation may have been a use discovered by mortals. Entering the mind of someone else would allow you to defeat their fears once you've conquered your own. Vaermina provides us with much to train ourselves, it seems. What an "evil" Daedra indeed.

> Weaver of the Panolpy

This was really interesting. What "panolpy" could she weave? Well, all nightmares take place in Quagmire, which may be a conglomerate of memories. She weaves a gestalt of minds, in a sense.

Upon death, memories are dumped into the ocean, but not before Vaermina takes her pick of things she finds interesting. Each death provides her with more material to test people with in Quagmire. She is the filter we are run through, she is the result all mortal life builds together. Vaermina teaches us cooperation, in this way. All our memories are shares within her realm, we may all benefit from each other. The enlightened follower of the doctrines knows to use others for his benefit, and tries to leave them unharmed, for we are all one.

> Conclusion

Vaermina is sadly undeveloped. If they were to make an entire game about her, I wouldn't be upset. She could use some fleshing out. She lets us learn from ourselves, and from each other. She's truly misunderstood, and could use a hug. Let's all make an effort to be nice to Vaermina.

> Woeful people with pale faces
Staring obsessed at the moon
Some memories will never go away
And they will forever be here

-Mayhem (Pagan Fears)