Loci of The Pits: The Purulent Abyss

Part of the Peryite Arcana Series

[Attachment: This note seems to have belonged to a Lesser Daedra that explicitly gives us insightful information on one of the disgusting holdings in the realm of the Daedric Prince Peryite. It also confirms that Vavasours do in fact exist and the Taskmaster employs them in his service, amongst other things.]

####Shift Notice: The Purulent Abyss Author: War-Vassal Yedrik

If you have received this note, it seems that the Nauseating Lord has ordered you to be sent for duty in the Purulent Abyss. The P.A is one of several thousands of craters deeply set within the fabric of his realm, and one of the most dangerous.

You see, the P.A was constructed to contain the most toxic, most infectious of mortal fluids in existence and the Nauseating Lord likes to keep all of his things in specific order and fashion, am I right? Good; there is no need to remember what happened to our brethren who accidentally categorized Plague 45,098 with the Blights. I myself am not afraid of anything, but I shudder at the thought…

But back to the business at hand. You must be extremely careful while within the P.A for multiple reasons. One, these substances are not diluted and can reduce you into a pile of hacking meat or incase you within oozing pustules faster than a blistering wind, and those things come quickly here. Second, none of these should be mixed together. It has happened before, and the resulting pulp nearly ate through the Palisades and the Nauseating Lord didn’t appreciate that at all. Also, keep other cretins outside at all times, especially Plague Atronachs. Sometimes I wonder if those things exist simply to get in the way of our work.

Your chief objective while in the P.A is to help divert the arriving fluids into the vats, and then mark them off in both the 674th Archive of Somatic Liquids and the Codex of Untreatable Maladies, listing them in both alphabetical and numerical order along with threat level.

But what if something splashes on you? Luckily for you swab, the Nauseating Lord allows workers in the P.A to wear armor made out of the scales he has detached from his body. Of course, they have been stripped of all vestiges of his power so don’t get any ideas. They do, however, still retain their invulnerability to poisons of any nature and so your fingers and toes should be unaffected as long as you keep the armor on.

Or if for some reason you didn’t…just take a quick leave to the Cleansing Pools or The Serumatiorum before your hide grows an extra mouth and begins to hack up your insides.

I believe this memo is now officially done now, yes? Good. Now report to the P.A on the double. It’s not wise to be somewhere the Nauseating Lord doesn’t want you to be anymore.