The Rape of the Reach, or the Myth of Red-Eagle, Chapter VII: Faolan is Healed and Builds his Militia

Faolan and Andoe made their way to the water of the Karth. There Andoe helped Faolan down, so that he was submerged to the wound in his chest. Hérnach -Healing Hand-, a priest from the local temple saw them, and made his way down.
He spoke: "Greetings, travellers. Who might you be, and what is your interest in these waters."
Andoe spoke: "Greetings, priest. I am Andoe the messenger, and this is king Faolan."
Faolan interrupted them: "I am no king anymore, Andoe. Héstram made sure of that. Priest, I am wounded, and in the hope that the waters of the Karth might heal me. My battle has been fought, but it is not yet over, and I plan on coming out victorious."
Hérnach replied: "Greetings then, messenger Andoe and king Faolan. I am Hérnach, and the highest priest of this humble temple. We still worship the Old Gods, even though our lord does not. You are both welcome here, and we will see what we can do about the wounds."
Hérnach sat down at the waterside, examining Faolan's cuts and bruises and wounds.
He spoke: "Most of these are not fatal, king Faolan. When my healers have treated you, you will live the days that you still have. Your chest wound is another concern. From what I see, it was given to you by a proud woman, one which is of royal statute, more so now."
Faolan replied: "That is correct. These wounds were given to me by Héstram, who rules the Reach now, for she has conquered them and calls them her own. Is there anything your healers can do for me?"
Hérnach replied: "We can let you rest here for three months, and then you will live for how many days you still have left, or we can heal you for three nights, and you will be able to fight the armies of Héstram. You will not live for long this way, and you will definitely not be able to best Héstram in single combat."
Faolan replied: "The latter then, for I cannot wait three months. If it takes my life, so be it."
"Andoe, my trusted messenger, go to the other kings, and see if any of them is willing to help me in my effort. If they do not want to help me, see if any of their warriors or heroes or champions are able to help. I will take the fight to the queen of the South once again, as long as I have men."
This is what Andoe did. He went to Rénach of Karth and Mashuig of Dráchstáir and Cíer of the Leap and Fernhete of Sian Háirgramen and Huithar of Karthwasten and Fedelm of Réchthabd and Máithramail of Némach and Balgadb of Badb. All replied that they would not help Faolan, for the Gods of Héstram had healed their injuries. Andoe did find warriors and heroes and champions [most which weren't in the fighting previously] willing.
Then Andoe went to the grave of Léech, which was inconspicuous. There he conjured the ghost of Léech [which some said was still walking around].
Andoe said: "king Léech of Sian Spír Flach, I summon you to help us in our hour of need. Faolan requests help in his strive against Héstram, and the other kings do not want to help him. I did find warriors and heroes and champions, but not enough to pose a real threat."
The ghost replied: "I am afraid I cannot help you directly. I am dead, and my body is destroyed. My ghost is still too young to help young warriors. I can haunt my former men into helping Faolan, for I do not agree with the Gods of Héstram as well, even though I used to love them all. Go with my blessing, Andoe, and tell your lord of the words spoken here. I offer any help I can."
Andoe heeded these words, and went back to Faolan.
In these three days, Faolan had recovered enough to bring the fight back to the armies. He had been training in the sword-feats and the shield-feats and the javelin-feats again, but his strength and mind weren't the same. He was still weak, and every battle would be a strain on his body.
Andoe came into the temple, where Faolan and Hérnach were.
He spoke: "My king, I have found men that are willing to stand with you against Héstram. I did not get the other kings to work, for the Gods of Héstram have healed them of their wounds. The only king that wanted to offer aid was Léech, but he is dead."
Faolan was grim, and spoke: "Well then, if none of them would help me, I will do it myself. Tell the men to prepare. I am healed enough to fight armies, but not strong enough to fight the Héstram one on one. Tell them that we will fight differently. We will strike pre-emptively, and without warning. We will destroy Héstram one man at a time. It is a coward's move, and not a warrior's, I know, but we have little choice."
This was what Andoe did. He told the men what Faolan's plan was, and all agreed that it was necessary.