Great House Evangelism of the Fourth Era - Great House Dres

Disgusting. Abhorrent. Revolting. Despicable. Loathsome.

All of these describe the repugnant Empire and their malodorous legions, their gormless lackwit Mede ‘Dynasty’, their bilge-ridden trade ships carrying plague from every foreign cesspit across the continent and the utterly ceaseless jingling of their Septims. I could continue my descriptions, utilizing terminology from the Ancient tongue of our race, which contained multiple synonymous terms. Regrettably however, the people of our land, our Resdayn, have been so insidiously corrupted by the mongrel dialect of the Empire they do not even realize how deeply it has affected the language of this land. Nor is linguistic mutation all that could be blamed upon the Empire, but it is a start.

To describe the Empire as a den of Skeevers would do dishonor to the many Skeevers throughout history that have amounted to more than any Imperial ever could.

If this dissertation has seemed merely an amusing collection of profanity, then you are clearly not cut from the cloth of a true noble of House Dres and are no true Dunmer. If you have felt the words of this work resonate deep in your breast then perhaps you have the necessary love of tradition and love of country to join our ranks. This is as the Reclamations, the true deities of Resdayn, would have it. If this is what you will, House Dres can be reached either in the capital, Blacklight, or on the Island of Sheogorad, where House Dres headquarters in the city of Dagon Fel.

We in House Dres are resolute in living in a manner uncorrupted by the cultural murder of the Imperials, untouched by the lies of the Imperial Chapel and dedicated to the ancient philosophies espoused by our forefathers, the followers of the most blessed Veloth. Dres alone of the Great Houses are absolute in our defense and participation of the worship of the ancestors, that most noble practice of the Dunmer. We alone never abandoned the worship of Daedra and never participated in the persecutions carried out by the edifice erected in worship of the False Tribunal. We, as ever, stand beside our brothers, the Ashkhans and of all the Great Houses, Dres has the most interaction and greatest friendship with the revered Ashdwellers who aided in preserving the true heritage of Resdayn.

Listen now to the hideous and unmitigated truth; there is something deeply wrong with this realm, this Resdayn, my brothers and sisters. The truth is that we, the Dunmer people, willingly allowed these plagues which shame our ancestors and spit on the name Dunmer, to afflict us. When we should have spoken out as one people, with raised swords, we were silent. When the False Tribunal killed the khan of khans, we were silent. When they declared themselves our new gods, we acquiesced, in silent acceptance of a comfortable lie. When these same deific charlatans surrendered our realm to the ‘Emperor’, Tiber Septim, we bent our knees and lowered our heads before a foreign tyrant, again, silent.

When the Reptilian Menace came, we showed a glimpse of the mettle we might someday regain. When Titus Mede came, weakened by disaster and divided as we were, we still served him steel before traitors wearing Dunmer skin handed him our realm. Imagine what we might have been had we never suffered these plagues!

Do not bow to Imperial lies and accept no outlander coin. Fight against the unseen golden tendrils of the Mede Dynasty wherever you see them. Most of all, without mercy, renounce, defy, persecute those Dunmer who do whore themselves to the golden lies of this plague of an outland empire.

Do this, and you shall then join House Dres in victory.