The Mistress's Awakened - Chapter One


The world is a lie, told to us by the gods god, and perpetuated to infinite.

You all are lulled to sleep, fearing reality. Our Mistress teaches us that we do not know real fear. We sleep to escape it.

She is the path to wakefulness. Her gift to us is to provide us with the means to cleave ourselves from our fears so we might see the lies for what they are.

By submitting yourself to The Mistress she takes our false memories and replaces them with terrible fear. The uninitiated go mad and are collected by Sheogorath, foaming at the mouth.

But you, you are not the uninitiated. That is not to say that opening your eyes is easy or without peril. Even with the proper incantations and prayers your mind and soul may not withstand the punishment that our Mistress bestows upon us. But fear not! As the devout you will continue to serve her with or without a mind. She watches over us as we sleep.






>By the machines

>That hold you on this side >

>Anger or fear

>So calm


>I cease to live

>I fear my infection >

>Watching over your soul as you sleep

>Injecting nightmares as you sleep

>Injecting nightmares as you sleep

>Infecting nightmares as you sleep >

>All I want is your purity

>All I want in this world is your mind

>The timeless place

>tamed by your psyche >

>Living in the world of dreams

>Always sleeping

> >-Psyclon Nine, As You Sleep

As always, editing for format and grammar. This piece is written as a supplement to my 'Sleeping Sickness' series (Which, yes, I am still doing...) to give you an insight into how I think dedicated cultists of Vaermina act. Feel free to discuss or ask questions :)