Mission Akatouch, Captain's Log: Day 36, Cycle B
Day 36, Cycle
STUPID stupid ever pouring blood seems to be normal. Shame the growth of interesting. has grown into rain, blue falling streaks dotting all of my vision.
We'll have to kill them of course. One permanently, one more so. Along with the fish
HIST offer us help? Why not before? War and tears more real than crystalline thoughts and they're in their SWAMP WATER, half risen ground
Shameful by the driven snow they walk
should have stayed in the fire
Shame we do not have an argonian to compare to, but being where we are that's expected. Someone else will follow up, I am sure. Nine centimeters ! [REDACTED]
[REDACTED] weep. Weep and know it is for nothing, because they fail, because you fail, because if you are not honest in your actions how can your rewards be honest? [REDACTED] did not understand, but [REDACTED] will. Slay you all, moths and more
my simple mother you raised me on a farm but can you say that I am your son? am I the earth's son? or is the earth the son of mine?
erasing all mention of our names. Shackles, shackles [REDACTED] no notes to hold me any longer, no shape enforcing [REDACTED] by bending the very frame, substance, weave
I am intimidated by what we have created, and you should be angry.