Minor Factions of Skyrim: The Elk-Killing Society

by Dervyn Releth, Scholar of Winterhold

I was invited to interview a member of the Elk-Killing Society recently. As his organization does not have the best name and he is an individual of some repute, he wishes to remain anonymous. Below is my transcript of our interview. I assure you, future installments (however hypothetical) will be more objectively based.

Q: So you're a member of the Elk-Killing Society?

A: Yes, and I have my badge to prove it. You don't see these every day.

Q: Why Elk-Killing? Why not Elk-Hunting?

A: We don't hunt elk for the food or the leather they provide. We just do it for sport. We believe that there's a difference between hunting an animal and killing an animal. It's all in our charter.

Q: So...why do you hunt elk again?

A: That's what our society's based around.

Q: Just elk? No other bird or beast?

A: Just elk.

Q: ...I'm afraid I don't quite understand.

A: Look, if you're looking for an explanation, I don't have one. You can try asking Jyrik Silver-Blood...

Q: Silver-Blood?

A: Yes, he was one of those Silver-Bloods.

Q: But why would he need to hunt in the wilds? Surely he must have had enough money to buy private properties.

A: It was part of the thrill for him. It just wasn't the same if it was on his property. Less thrill. Less excitement.

Q: I'm afraid I don't understand.

A: If you want a rational explanation, why not just go with the most popular one?

Q: The one where he was a werewolf cursed by Hircine to hunt elk forever?

A: Yes, that one.

Q: And is that true?

A: I don't know.

Q: That isn't the only explanation, though. They say that it's to spite a Nordic ancestral spirit of some sort...

A (interjecting): That's not true.

Q: Wait, I wasn't done.

A: It's not true and we will not discuss it further.


Q: Fine then. So exactly what do you do with the elk?

A: We kill it.

Q: No, after you've done that.

A: We make sure to bury it properly.

Q: ...That seems respectable.

A: If you want to kill something, at least have the decency to bury it afterwards. That's also in our charter.

Q: Well, anyway, this was a great opportunity that we had today. I hope we can meet again under the same friendly circumstances, [name redacted].

A: The sentiment is the same.

We then shook hands and left.

Two days later, I received a letter notifying me that I had become an honorary member of the Elk-Killing Society. This enables me to participate in any of their hunts. Sadly, it is a privilege I will be unable to exercise. Scholarship is such hard work these days...