Potential and Limit

Just thought I'd make an actual post of this for visibility. Inspired by /u/Watosh66's question about Aka.

A few things first, so the newer members can get a grip of the basis of what I am about to write:

Et'Ada are basically ideas given sentience and AE (a combination of mind and soul. Essentially, 'to be'). Each Et'Ada more or less represents some tangible concept. Two important ones are:

Lorkhan (the Space God) and Aka (the Time God). Now, we can distill both of these Et'Ada down a little bit.

To properly define Space, I would say you need to know the boundaries or LIMITS that space fills. I argue that therefore, Lorkhan is also the god of Limit/Boundaries

Aka is a bit of a tougher nut to crack in this regard, but we know him as the 'Oversoul of time' The collective of all of his insane shards. He is ALL OF TIME. I will argue that this means he represents POSSIBILTY/POTENTIAL.

I think this fits in well with the I AM / I AM NOT screaming match Lorkhan and Aka get into. Now that we have this base, I will move on.

Aka is credited as the first Et'Ada, and his formation allowed the others to solidify. He made it POSSIBLE for the others to exist. So far so good. Somewhere along the line, Lorkhan comes along.

Being the soul of Sithis, Lorkhan is drawn to the emptier parts of the Aurbis, skirting the edge of the Void and Oblivion. He learns two things: That 'creation' is a result of a God-head, and that we are part of this God-head. That is Lorkhan learns of CHIM, but cannot achieve it. He realizes that none of the Et'Ada can. He sets out to fix it.

Regardless of his methods, a group of Et'Ada go along with Lorkhan's plan to achieve CHIM. Magnus is enlisted in designing the Mundex Arena, but he realizes after completing the design, what the cost of it would be. Warning as many as he could, he flees with them back to Aetherius.

It is to late for some though. Nirn has been created. Much like the Daedric sphere's... but instead of being comprised of one GREAT et'Ada, they are composed of many et'Ada, both lesser and greater (read Earthbones/Ehlnofey and Aedra). Nirn however, is different from the Daedric plane(t)s. Lorkhan imposes his sphere of LIMIT on Nirn. Outright, this mortalizes the Ehnofey, sends the Aedra into a state of death-like sleep, and binds the Earthbones to Nirn. Everyone invested in Nirn is LIMITED. That is why Nirn is finite, and the Daedric Plane(t)s are not.

Aka, being POTENTIAL, is shattered. The creation of Nirn causes a schism amongst the living spirits, and they war against each other (though at this point, it is futile, and also a part of Lorkhan's plan). As we all know, Lorkhan loses, and he dies. His body is cleft in twain and tossed into the sky.

Auriel, the god/king of the Old Ehlnofey, is left with no choice. He calls convention, stabilizes time by creating the second tower so that the Ehlnofey may live a sensible ordered life, and then (probably to spite the dead Lorkhan) Auriel mantles Auri-El, and escapes the Mundex Arena, returning back to the state he existed in before Limit was imposed upon him.

And the rest is Tamriel's history.

Will be editing for spelling and grammar.

As always, thoughts, criticisms, and conversation are all welcomed.