Walkabout, Far Shores and the Yokudan creation myth

On the UESP and here i saw thecommon notion of Far Shores being Aethirius. I won't say it's certainly false but will try to present another point of view. Feel free to corrrect me if I'm wrong

>Satak was First Serpent, the Snake who came Before, and all the worlds to come rested in the glimmer of its scales. There was nothing outside the First Serpent, so aid had to come from inside it; this was Akel, the Hungry Stomach.

>Pretty soon Akel caused Satak to bite its own heart and that was the end. The hunger, though, refused to stop, even in death, and so the First Serpent shed its skin to begin anew. As the old world died, Satakal began, and when things realized this pattern so did they realize what their part in it was. They began to take names, like Ruptga.

This first passage is said to be the kalpic events of Mundus. But what (or whom) do we see here? There are the two primordial First Seprents Satak and Akel who are Satakal - enantiomorphicly binded Anuie-El and Sithis. Whom do we NOT see in the first passage? Ruptga - Aka. He doesn't exist yet. Who did call the kalpic motion forth in the first place? Satakal, not Ruptga. This is not Mundus kalpa, unlike them which are eaten by Alduin, that one was eaten by Anui-El. He told the first story, story about repetitive existence. DEAD LANGUAGE, CONTINUED MEANING. From that the god of (not everlasting) time was born. So, what comes next?

First dream (How many there were? Dunno, pich a number. I like "twelve", and you?) of Anu is over, the first kalpa has ended and Satakal shed his skin. What was that skin? Memory about past kalpa, past timeline, past variation of events. Spirits realised the pattern of random sequence by seeing that skin. Variation realms were the evidence needed. And so spirits decided to find a way to bypass new kalpa's end. How were they going to do this?

>the strongest spirits learned to bypass the cycle by moving at strange angles. They called this process the Walkabout, a way of striding between the worldskins.

Walkabout, moving at strange angles. Multiagonal travel. Transliminal passage. Shadow magic. Ability to run through different variation realms and timelines while your own becomes a memory and a new one begins.

>This practice became so easy for the spirits that it became a place, called the Far Shores, a time of waiting until the next skin.

Here is the main question of this topic: what is Far Shores. Most of people believe that it's the Aethirius. But that's the misconception. Aethirius doesn't exist yet, even if there was one in the previous kalpa it's no more. Everything is anupadomayic greyness of Satakal. Theory of Far Shores being Aethirius is built upon 2 arguments.

Firstly: >Tall Papa continued to place stars to map out the void for others

People see the word "stars" and think: "hey, stars are Magna-Ge. And Magna-Ge are the gates to Aethirius. Far Shores are Aethirius". First part is not wrong but is misleading. Stars are gates to the higher level of subcreation. Unstars of serpent constellation are wo(r)mb-hole for the New Man who shall descent to the next level of subcreation. I dare to postualte that from Aethirius our stars are seen as the unstars while the stars of Ruptga are leading even higher.

The second argument is: >Tu'whacca found a purpose; he became the caretaker of the Far Shores, and continues to help Redguards find their way into the afterlife.

People see the word "afterlife" and think: "hey, men and mer believe that their souls departs to Aethirius after death. That means that Aethirius is Far Shores". But we know where do souls really go after death, don't we?

So, let's summarise. Spirits were in need of a way to bypass kalpic untime. How can one percieve it? Short answer: always through the dreamsleeve.. What do you do when your vehkship has stucked in the void? You do short dreamsleeve jump to the near (time-)era-stream.. Where do souls go after death? To the dreamsleeve to be recycled. Now i can't find the source (it was either here on reddit or archived in Imperial Library) but MK said that dreamsleeve wraps up all the creation allowing instanteneous delievery of information.

IMHO It's to the "arm-cloth of Dreamer" - boundary between dreamer and his dream - Ruptga stars do lead.

From here let's move to the next topic: proverbial "merishness" of the redguards, so-called "dunmers of human race". Redguards are humans, that means they liked the idea of Mundus before the fight between Aka/Trinimac/Lorkhan took place. And their view of world clearly shows that they are not satisfied with it now. Let's analyse: Redguards hate Sep because he decieved them. But they didn't become elfs so they are not against the idea of being trapped inside this world and being parted from Aethirius. They have another problem with serpent - his world didn't meet their expectation and they understood it only after Convention. Convention is the turning point. What is difference between pre-Convention time and after-Convention time? Mundus kalpas. >Sep promised them this was how you reached the new world, by making one out of the old. These spirits loved this way of living, as it was easier. No more jumping from place to place.

Redguards participated in the Mundus project because they wanted to tell their stories without fear of the end of Satak-Akel kalpa. But after Convention (moment of the begining for the new kalpa) took place they saw the needed evidence - the variation map (dai, Elder Scrolls), and they realised that kalpic random sequence found its proportion here. DEAD LANGUAGE, CONTINUED MEANING. Now they lived in the fear of the end of Aka-Lorkhan kalpa. Worser, now they couldn't reach the Far Shores by means other by dying. But death results in the loss of the memories to the Oblivion. That's why Sep is Deciever in their religion.

Post scriptum: as you could see there're references to the Tsaesci creation myth. I have a question about it. HOwever, I don't want to create a new topic. In this myth Tsaesci are said to ate the virus. In the C0DA Talos is called Virus. Do you think it is the coincidence?