Sheogorath the Champion and His Favorite Dance

1.I had lived a glorious life with much more glory yet to live.

2.I quest for kings, counts, and coins

3.I delve through dungeons for daedric debt.

4.From one adventure did another beget.

5.On a morndas morning with mourners mourning my merry marring

6.I was summoned by a summoner of one I had once summoned.

7.The courier stood where he could and nary would ever go.

8.His body was wet with salty sweat; his head was made of stone.

9.In a timely manner, I took my time and, on time, I did arrive.

10.I heartily hailed my host and he did hail me with heart.

11.With death he did jest to me, his honored guest

12.He demanded I assist and help him best another guest in a small contest


13.It was a matter of music and of whose music mattered.

14.My host had won the last one and the challenger won one before.

15.The man who started the first did start first and played his lute as though a drum.

16.He struck each string so swift the riff sound as though a hum.


17.The humming sound of the sounding strings left the other guests quite angry.

18.Even the luter, but not the looter, lost his lucidity.

19.Not one of the other guests liked this humorless ballad

20.yet the pallid ballad was, indeed, quite valid


21.The host sang his own song, and it was his song that he did sing.

22.He lost his rhythm but, in his wisdom, found verbal lissome to continue the competition.

23.As though in a trance, the host began to dance

24.And played his own piece without once pausing his prance.


25.The other guests began to move and when they moved began.

26.Each sang their own song, but the slides were all the same.

27.The challenger, whose instrument was crook, shook what he was given.

28.With a quick look, a cue was took and the host’s favored guest was to madness driven.


29.He danced and sang his host’s song and dance.

30.His lullaby grew louder than the luter’s lament.

31.Beaten, the un-bawdy bard threw down his lute and belched ‘Victory!’

32.He stormed off home, with himself alone and took back his place in history.


33.At last the hum was gone and the hum was what the guests heard last.

34.The winner was willing to whistle more warbles while the wobblers continued their wobble

35.But the game was done,and a prize was won and awarded to he who sung.

36.The prize was a prank that promised much power which could never be undone.


37.Mid-dance, the host removed the winner’s clothes and placed his own upon the dancing winner

38.The honored guest was fully dressed in the host’s sundas best.

39.The naked man had only his belt, with which, he walked outside.

40.With splintery pokes and inside-jokes he climbed a tree where he did, for a moment, bide.


41.Around a limb he tied the belt and tied his belt around his neck.

42.With jitters and joy he jumped through the air.

43.The belt was taut, his breath was naught and the naked man was no more.

44.'Such a shame’ thought the host, ‘His dancing I did so adore’.


45.The others kept dancing and the host danced like the others.

46.In a moment the movers changed their movements to new motions.

47.The host saw the new groove, and like them he began to move.

48.He never tried anything new, nay not once, for he had nothing else to prove.

EDIT: 24 hours after posting and I realize a bit of explanation is in order. This is my attempt at using metaphoric prose to describe the Champion of Cyrodiil's apotheosis into Sheogorath. How s/he, the guest, helped the host, Sheog, defeat an old rival, Jyggylagg. The dancing is a play on the phrase 'Walk like them til they walk like you'. As the guest became the host he continued to dance like the other guests, the daedra and other et'Ada, but they didn't dance like him. He continued to copy them without changing. There was no CHIM for him, though there could have been. Possibly.