The Cephalo City, Volume III

By Quintillius Trebates, Imperial Scribe

Resigned to the fact that soot-covered clothes were better protection than wearing no clothes at all, I pulled the shirt over my torso and the trousers up to my hips. As we left the canton, the wind blew violently and threw ash from the floor into our faces, causing me to choke on the inhaled dust.

Kaatesh shouted to me, and I had to watch her lips movements closely to see what she was trying to say over the incredible noise. "Ash Storm. You'll get used to them soon enough. The trick to surviving them is to not breathe in. Come on, if we're quick about it, we can get to Aseshi before she closes."

For an individual not born with humanoid legs, she was incredibley fast on her feet, and it took all my will and determination to keep up with her. With the ash storm battering Vivec with the force of an angry God, the only foolish ones to be still outside were Kaatesh and myself, so the way to the tailor was a lot easier to get to than it would have been had the market been at full capacity.

As we approached the tailor, we could see a Dagi-raht struggling to bring her belongings inside. Still choking on the ash, I, along with Kaatesh, helped the small cat lift a trunk as big as herself and took it inside the shop, and the wind slammed the door shut behind the three of us.

"Thank you stranger, this one appreciates your help. No, Kaatesh, don't bother with the rest, let the ash-goblins come and take it as a peace offering. It is mostly junk, anyway. Does this one want something to clear your throat?"

Kaatesh's eyes lit up. "If you still have a bottle of that Anequinian Ale, Aseshi, I wouldn't turn it down. Kroki, you want anything?"

I scratched the stubble that had grown on my chin since I had been taken from the mainland. "Would you happen to have any vintage 420 Surilie Brothers Wine? Or even a little Wayrester Whisky, dear khajiit?"

"Kaatesh, where did you find this strange child?"

Kaatesh took the two bottles from the Aseshi's small hands and nodded in my direction. "He's here on business from Blacklight. He's going to help us win our fight against the Grey Ones."

"I'm going to what?!"

Kaatesh threw one of the bottles at me, rather than to me. "We'll talk about it later. Drink this, and shut up."

The Dagi-raht motioned for her guests to sit down. "So Kaatesh, why has this one come to see me? I do not think you have braved an ash storm just for chatter between two children of the moons."

The Cephalo removed the bottle from her lips. "I have brought you a customer Aseshi. Can you use your expertise to dress him?"

"A customer? And a Cyrod at that! It has been far too long since I had the pleasure of crafting garments for such beasts. So Cyrod, what does this one want, hmm? Do you want clothes fit for the Mane himself or some armour to protect you from the Red Mountain?"

"I'm not sure. Do you happen to spin Ancestor Moth silk?"

"Oh, for the love of Xacses. Aseshi, just smith him some Chitin Armour, and a garment so he will look important in the courts of the Grey Ones."

"Ah, a wise choice Kaatesh. Cyrod, let me measure you and you can come back later when I am finished. Oh, and I would like 250 gold pieces from you before I begin."

"250? But you haven't done anything yet!"

"That is true, Cyrod, but in these times, you cannot guarantee you will return to me safely. I would require payment, so if this one meets a most unfortunate end, my hard work will not be for nothing."

I sighed, with a hint of resignation. "Ok, fine. But don't make this a habit of yours. My Septims only go so far."

Aseshi took the coinpurse from my grasp, and ran to place it in a safe. When she returned, she held out a hand to shake. "A pleasure to do business with this one. So Kaatesh, what are you and the Cyrod doing when the ash-goblins are finished with their storm?"

"Kroki here wants to see the Grey and Gold One."

Aseshi hesitated to take another sip of ale. "Are you sure that would be wise? I heard that he has woken from his long sleep."

"All the better reason to go see him. Maybe he'll answer some of our questions."

"Maybe, or maybe he will bring the waters of the Scathing Bay alive and drown us all."

"What is life without risks?"


Kaatesh clinked her bottle together with my own.

"And very, very boring."