Great House Evangelism - Great House Redoran

To join Great House Redoran is to defend Morrowind.

Whether one expresses these words in the ancient tongue of Ald Resdayn, or in the more Imperialized pidgin utilized on the streets of Blacklight, Balmora or Raven Rock today, this is the sentiment that drives all Dunmer of Redoran. We do not merely speak these words. With blade, spear, shield, pickaxe, plow and with the quill and parchment, we live and breathe the message of those words.

We are the First House of Morrowind today. We led the fight against the Daedra of Oblivion. We led the Grand Army against the Reptilian Menace. We lent our strength to the Armistice with Emperors in Cyrodiil. This position of great responsibility is not a position we take lightly, but we treat it, rather, as the true calling of our house and we shall treat it as such until the people of Morrowind decide we are no longer worthy of the honor.

We ever keep at the forefront of our minds, our solemn duty to protect the people of Morrowind. We also never forget our commitment to our sacred duty, our commitment to honor and to our commitment to our faith in the Reclamations. We honor the Good Daedra, the Saints, and we give our respect to the Ashdwellers who had the courage to defend our heritage in the face of persecution and suffering. We stand firm with the other Great Houses and the remaining houses of Morrowind in hope for a brighter future for our realm.

While Redoran are tight lipped and soft spoken, we are not, as some would portray us, bumpkins or hicks, devoid of sophistication. We have no qualms with the enjoyment of life; but we stress always that pleasure should never supersede the business of duty. But a Redoran knows that to take pleasure in the arms of your beloved, or to accept a bag of Septims for a task is no dishonor in of itself. To honor your beloved is to honor the family, one of the most fundamental aspects of Morrowind’s ancient and vaunted culture. And the heart of a lowly sellsword can display greater valor than the most decorated knight. Any Redoran that lives by the sale of their blade should aspire to honorable conduct, if they hope to prosper in the Morrowind Guild of Fighters, an institution forged in the blood and sweat of noble-hearted Redoran mercenaries. This is good and honest work, worthy of House Redoran, if you’ve got the stones for it, novitiate. The Guild always looks favorably on a son or daughter of Redoran. And only the most honorable can hope to ascend to the ranks of the Redoran Guard, who are entrusted with upholding the laws of Morrowind and protecting its settlements.

But, novitiate, make no mistake about House Redoran. We do not, as a Great House, or as individuals, live for war. We are not Nords. In times of war we muster the Grand Army of House Redoran to defend Morrowind. The Redoran Guard polices the roadways and the streets, and ensures that the laws of Morrowind are obeyed. Yes, we sponsor the Guild of Fighters, and yes, this is a guild of mercenaries. Yes, many sons and daughters of Redoran have marched with, and even commanded, the Imperial Legion, but we never forget our love of our homeland. Great House Redoran lives to serve and protect. Our greatest joy is to return home and exchange our swords and spears for plows and picks. When war is over, we farm, we mine, we smith. Our crops feed the people, our ebony enriches the realm and our smiths craft great works. The greatest pride of the Redoran is that we toil for Morrowind. We embody and uphold the ideal of the citizen militia and there is never a time when Redoran does not answer the call to defend Morrowind. To fail this calling is to fail as a Redoran.

But for all that we embody the way of the warrior and sponsor excellence in the defence of the realm, remember always that Morrowind, Ald’Resdayn, was founded on both philosophical wisdom and martial excellence. True warriors do not live by berserker rage like the Nords and Orcs. A Redoran holds their strength in check for the greater struggles. If the Reclamations call you to fight, fight without hesitation and with conviction. We met the Kyn of Dagon with our blades. Remember that we willingly suffered for this, and suffered in honorable silence, asking no reward. This is the Redoran way. But if, novitiate, it falls within your power to resolve a conflict without violence, swallow your pride, and do so. Redoran never fight simply to win glory and accolades. Leave such frivolity to the less wise...or to the Nords. We attempted peace with the Argonians and we made Armistice with the Septims and Medes. By doing so, we served Morrowind, not our egos.

House Redoran can be joined by coming to our chapter houses in the capital, Blacklight, the main settlement of House Redoran, and also on Raven Rock and in Balmora. We also have representative offices in the Imperial City and have representatives in Windhelm. We are spoken for strongly throughout the Guild of Fighters.

And above all novitiate, never forget,

"Life is hard. Judge, endure, and reflect. A careless life is not worth living."