Arkayn Decree #2044707056311603; Coarse Manes and their Legal Status

(A.) Preamble

Under this decree, it is henceforth forbidden by the Court of Maztiax for person(s) to acquire parasitic attraction nodes. The Holy Clergy of the Hierophant Crab alone are to acquire such means.

(B.) Information

(1) Parasitic attraction nodes;

The growth of otherwise normal coarse manes itself is not forbidden. When grown with promiscuity and abandon, as practiced by The Holy Clergy of the Hierophant Crab, is punishable under pain of castration and/or sterilization. This holy rite is dangerous and the Holy Clergy makes the sacrifice so the laymen may not. It is their suffering and their's alone.

(2) The Holy Clergy of the Hierophant Crab;

Members of The Holy Clergy are exempt from this decree. The practice of our holy seers is crucial to everyday religious affairs and security of the Maztiax. Any and all person(s) who would dare imitate, impersonate, replicate Clergy credentials or otherwise attempt to illegally possess an attraction node will be immediately zero-summed without warning.

(C.) Procedure

(1) Time to respond;

Upon first report, seneschals will be dispatched within the second to the suspected criminals location. At the moment of surrender, peacefully or otherwise, the suspect will immediately be tried and sentenced in a court of negligence.

(2) Trial and Sentencing;

The suspect(s) trial and sentencing will immediately take place in the seconds in between time itself, otherwise known as the Nullarity, to not disrupt the day-to-day activity of the seneschals and the Lord they serve.

(3) Penalties;

Upon sentencing, the suspect will either be castrated/sterilized or zero-summed via antipodal disintegration. This will occur within the Nullarity, where the suspect will be allowed to mend if at all possible, to allow them to continue their day-to-day activities for the good of Lyg.

(D.) Nonparties

(1) The Holy Clergy of the Hierophant Crab;

As described, the Holy Clergy is exempt.

(2) Order of the Maztiax

The High Priest of the Order of the Maztiax and the Underking(s) are exempt.