Report on Cheydinhal

The following is the report from Cheydinhal on the [REDACTED] of [REDACTED], regarding the Sleeping Sickness.

Commanding Officer, General Andronius Lex is dead. Cause of death, suicide. Found in the early hours of the morning hanging from the rafters of his barracks, a note nailed into his chest. From what J'hzar can tell, there was no foul play involved at all. Needless to say, the remaing troops stationed here have lost all morale. As the second in command, I fear without additional support, I may have a mass desertion on my hand. This is worst case scenario, as we are only barely holding the perimeter of Cheydinhal.

Three days after the recon mission to lake Poppad, the 'Sleepers' began waking, and testing the warding. The battlemages are holding out, but it has been two weeks since the attacks started, and most of them are exhausted. Have you seen the effects of constant magicka deprivation on a man? It is not pretty. They are shadows of the men I used to know. Thank god we have J'hzar. Sometimes I feel like his skill in restoration are the only things that keep us from succumbing to the 'Sleepers'.

I cannot stress the importance of aid being sent here, and this incident being contained. I fear we may have another epidemic on the scale of the Oblivion Crisis on our hands if this manages to spiral out of our already tenous control. It cannot be stressed how quickly the sickness spreads. I urge that all resources be dedicated permanently sealing Cheydinhal from Tamriel. The temporary warding we have is literally the only thing we have keeping it from spreading.

The only reprieve we have had so far is the help sent from the college of Winterhold. Not sure how they got wind of the issue, but at this point, I will take any help I can get. A pale old man, whom were it not for his general enthusiastic (albeit extremely eccentric) mannerisms, I might think he was a walking corpse. His servant(?), a strange Khajiit who calls himself Kesh, does most of the talking. Tells me the old man isn't all that right in the head. Something about elder scrolls? I am trained in the arcane, but the more metaphysical stuff escapes. Either way, they arrived two days, ago, and have already been a tremendous help. Well, the khajiit has, at least. Kesh knowledge of restoration (well, it seems to be restoration. The magicka has a green tinge to it the likes I've never seen before) is the first thing I've seen to have any remote effect on the sickness. It doesn't outright destroy it, but it weakens it nonetheless. The old man (Septimus, I believe he said his name was), stays in his tent, muttering to himself, writing in his notebook, and will sometimes speak with Kesh. I will keep an eye on them.

I will not lie. The situation is dire. From the fifty troops, and the small support entourage that was detached to deal with this problem, there are only a handful of us left. Half of our men are now Sleepers, contained on the other side of the wards. A few have committed suicide. Several have already deserted. Our CO is dead, the eight be damned. I have two teams of four battlemages on rotating hour shifts to keep the wards in place. It is not an indefinite solution, and I need more men. Skilled men.

Commanding Officer,

Niall Endoran

Attached is the note written by Andronius -

>Divines, save me. > >I have failed. The only thing I know to be true. To the one that finds this note, I apologize. >Everything has gone wrong. I have sentenced so many of my men to death. And all I hear are the >screams from Cheydinhal. They torment my sleeping hours. They torment my waking hours. Her voice >is in my ears at all times, speaking to me the horrors I have caused. > >And she is right.

Editting for format, grammar and spelling. Questions, Comments, Criticism all welcome!

Note - Sorry for the delay on the series. Work is kicking my butt.