The White Gold Seat of Kings; A Guide to the Imperial City for wanderers, travelers and sellswords

Welcome Travellers!

I am Rivalen Mothril, experienced traveler, problem solver and blade for hire, and this is the first of my guides to the cities of Tamriel! Within, you will find all the information on the cities of Tamriel as they exist in our modern day, freeing you from having to rely on second hand information from Third Era guidebooks! Being as I am, left hand of the East Empire Company, you can count on my knowledge of the unique and off-the-beaten-track, and rest assured that you are in capable hands.

As you begin your journeys in Tamriel, what better place could there be to begin than the Imperial City, the glimmering heart of the Starry Heart! Here, every race in Tamriel comes together, mixes and lives their lives, sometimes harmoniously, sometimes chaotically, but the results are always interesting. Truly, above all other locales, the Imperial City is where history is made. Though no words can truly give justice to the Imperial City, this guidebook will attempt, as best as possible, to prepare the first time visitor for the experience that is the Imperial City.


The Imperial City is subdivided into multiple districts, all with their own unique…charms. All of these sections of the city have many historical sights to see, as well as more contemporary attractions that any visitor must ensure they sample. To fail to do so is to fail to see the Imperial City. The Districts in Question are: The Waterfront District, New Narsis, The Forum of Saint Martin, The Temple District, The Elven Gardens District, Green Emperor Way, the Imperial Palace (the White Gold Tower), Market District, The Arboretum and the Arena District. Also important and located on two adjacent areas are the Arcane University and the Imperial City Prison, both of which are separated from the main area of the Imperial City. On another nearby island in Lake Rumare, but forbidden to visitors, except by express invitation, is the Consulate of Amity, where the Thalmor High Ambassador to the Empire resides and co-ordinates the other embassies throughout the Empire.


The Imperial City is a welcoming, law abiding place, which is more than can be said for many other places in Tamriel which are just as likely to put an axe in your skull for breathing in the wrong tone. That sort of behavior doesn’t happen in the Imperial City, at least in polite society if you keep your head. Just, for the love of Zenithar, don’t break the law, or do something stupid; use your common sense and you’ll be fine. Doing the opposite is more likely to get you a tour to the Imperial Prison than a once in a lifetime trip to the Imperial City. Keep your opinions about religion and politics quiet, these are topics that have the city rather uncharacteristically unnerved. All it takes is a small word to start a fistfight in a bar, get the Vigil of Stendarr on your back or get you hauled off in the middle of the night to the Consulate of Amity. And that, traveler, is one place you do not want to visit.


The Imperial Watch is the body responsible for both enforcement of law throughout the Imperial City and is also a division of the Imperial Legion, directly under the Emperor’s Control. This has earned them the moniker, ‘Legion Zero’, and they honor Cuhlecain as their founder. They wear distinct steel plate armour, and are all but impossible to miss. Despite their name, members of every race in the city are regularly found in the watch. The Imperial Watch, as well as having official law enforcement mandate in the Imperial City, are also the body which is most often given internal investigation mandate within the Imperial Legion. When a legionnaire commits a crime, the Imperial Watch has authority granted by the Emperor, to investigate the matter. Since the Oblivion Crisis, the Imperial Watch has maintained a culture of suspicion for all other bodies in charge of Imperial Security, including the Penitus Oculatus. This leads to a somewhat terse relationship the so called ‘Spectres’, who are also often called to investigate matters within the Imperial Bureaucracy.

Somewhat controversially for their image, the Imperial Watch also has the responsibility to escort Thalmor Officials within the city. This has led to a number of riots between the citizens of the city and the members of the Watch when Thalmor officials have been present.


The Penitus Oculatus are the Imperial Secret Intelligence Network, having served in this capacity since the start of the Fourth Era. They are known colloquially as ‘Spectres’. While their black leathers are distinctly and ominously recognizable, in truth, the Penitus Oculatus have the majority of their agents in civilian wear. You could be sitting next to an agent of the Spectres and not know it. This has led to the dubbing of the organization as the Shadowy Hand of the Empire, since they do not openly declare themselves. While some agents appear in uniform in the city, their base of operations is not known, though multiple locations have been suggested, such as the Imperial Palace, the Imperial City Prison and the Arcane University. The doings of the Spectres and whether the mysterious occurrences of the Empire are due to the internecine secret warfare between them and the Thalmor are hotly debated in the taprooms of the Imperial City. But beware ne’er do wells of the Imperial City, the eyes of the Spectres never close.


Are so great. And they always dress snappy. Really.



Considering that the Waterfront District, or simply ‘the Waterfront’ is likely to be the first area in the Imperial City that most travelers arrive in, it seems a logical place to begin the discussion of the districts of the Cyrodiilic Capital. Though a prominent part of the city in terms of the sheer number of folk that pass through it, the waterfront is nonetheless one of the poorest districts of the Imperial City. The majority of the Waterfront’s residents are poor dockworkers and fishing folk who have little in the way of property or coin, or otherwise are newly arrived migrants, hoping to change their lives in the Imperial City. While the Imperial City does have many tales of success, it does not always promise a clear road from rags to riches. The widespread shanty towns of the Waterfront are proof enough of this.

This region was one of the first hit during the Great War, as it sits outside the walls. When the Thalmor fleet swept into Lake Rumare, they struck at the Waterfront with fury. Many of the less permanent structures, such as the boardwalks and stilt villages of the Argonian fisher-folk burned with their inhabitants still within.

Despite the often downtrodden nature of the Imperial Waterfront, there is a tremendous vibrancy in this area. All races live and work here, but the Argonians are a strongly noticeable presence. One of the best of the many taverns in the area is the legendary Bloated Float, which is actually a converted trading cog. Fighting, drinking and affordable female and male companionship can be found in abundance here. The best evenings here are the ones in which the owner, Ormil, takes his tub out onto Lake Rumare. The night view of the city from the Crow’s Nest is truly spectacular. The tavern is also notable as Ormil is a rather heroic fellow, even if he merely adopts the guise of a humble publican. When the Thalmor struck the Waterfront, he took as many civilians away from the city as he could, including a large number of children, and sailed all the way south to the deepest jungles of Blackwood and kept his charges safe.

For an interesting cultural experience of the waterfront, joining one of the many families of Argonian fisherfolk on the waters of Lake Rumare is truly unforgettable, as well as a great source of both fresh fish and outlandish fisherman’s tales.


Although the appellation Dunmertown is often applied casually to the great Nibenese city of Cheydinhal, it is also the unofficial name of one of the newer districts of the Imperial City. Officially, however, the district is called ‘New Narsis’. Originally, New Narsis was constructed as a shanty town outside the walls of the city, after masses of Dunmer began arriving on the shores of the Imperial Isle after the Red Year. However, Titus Mede I eventually ordered this suburb to be outfitted with the complete infrastructure of a formal Imperial City district, as opposed to being left as a refugee area. Stretching along the Southeastern Shores around the Arcane University, and at times extending at times out on boardwalks onto the lake, Dunmertown is a curious taste of Morrowind in the middle of the Heartland. Designed by talented architects of the East to resemble a city built around cantons, in tribute to lost Vivec City, New Narsis is spiritually centered on the substantial temple of Azura which abuts the Eastern Shores of Imperial Isle. By Dawn and Dusk, the views of the temple, which changes color as sun rises and sets, are astounding. Despite the ravages of the Great War, the still largely Dunmer populace of New Narsis remains a vibrant and essential component of the Imperial City.

Considering the intricate layout, the best way around this district is by poleboat, which are able to navigate the small creeks and canals of the area. Taking a poleboat tour of the district will result in sampling the finest of Dunmer culture, including a number of individuals who can supply the finest Skooma in the Imperial City. Yet, for the life of me, their names do not come to mind. Persistent rumors of one of the finest Skooma refineries in Tamriel being located in Dunmertown, have been persisting since the dawn of the Fourth Era. Multiple attempts have been made by the Skooma lords of Bravil to gain a foothold in this district but have always been rebuffed.

Dunmertown is also a favorite of Imperial Legionnaires and marines on leave. Many of these wayward warriors enter the district seeking companionship from exotic grey-skinned beauties, many of whom can be found regularly in the Cornerclubs of the district. If this is your preferred method of entertainment, o visitor, look no further, for one need mention to the barkeepers of the area, merely that you “seek a good spear polishing” or to “raise your tail”. The finest establishment offering such delights is the infamous ‘Uncle Crassius’, a dinner theatre and bawdyhouse. Just beware of the ever present rowdy, intoxicated legionnaires who, while confronting to the first time visitor, are a vital part of the experience.

Allegedly, the infamous Morag Tong have their one of their major branches in this district, perhaps even their Tamrielic headquarters, but they are a secretive bunch, and do not make themselves public. In the Cornerclubs of this area, one can however, always hear rumors about this or that tale of the mysterious Tongs. Just beware traveler, that you do not get yourself into more trouble than you bargained for.


Forum Saint Martin was formerly the Talos Plaza District, and it remains an extremely desirable location. However, when the Empire decided to accept the peace treaty with the Thalmor, the Imperial Government decided to give the district a new name, one chosen in honor of the Empire’s greatest hero; the district is now named for the savior of the Great Anguish, the chosen of Akatosh, patron saint of martyrs, and a figure for which all citizens of the Imperial City possess deep reverence.

In the centre of the plaza stands the monumental statue of the saint, head bowed in prayer, the purifying fire of Akatosh burning all around him. Leaving a small bouquet of flowers at the base of the statue is considered customary for all first time visitors to the city, and is considered indicative of personal remembrance of and gratitude to the saint. It is believed those visitors that leave flowers will have Saint Martin’s protection while they visit the city. The most reputable establishment of the Forum of Saint Martin is the Tiber Septim Hotel. Though expensive and frequented by nobles and the wealthy, the Tiber Septim has excellent fare, if not consistently set at very high prices. Any patron wanting the best, most lavish cuisine the Imperial City has to offer should ensure that a full coinpurse is ready at hand when visiting.

For the rest, aside from the Shrine, the district is one of the more high end districts of the city, and is largely populated by snooty nobles, both natives of the Imperial City, and the multiple visiting princelings from Skyrim, High Rock, Hammerfell and Morrowind.


The spiritual heart of the Imperial City is the Temple District, which centers on the majestic vaulting dome of the Temple of the One, also known as the Temple of Saint Martin. This monumental basilica is the traditional site for the coronation of new Emperors. While it now serves as a temple to all the Divines, the Temple of the One was originally constructed by the Alessian Order in worship of their mysterious ‘One’, a nearly monotheistic perspective on Akatosh. With the fall of the Alessian Order, order’s foes systematically dismantled the severe doctrines espoused by Marukh. The Temple of the One was rededicated to the Divines as a whole, and is now the primary temple within the Empire and is also the seat of the High Primate.

In previous times, Emperors were to light the ceremonial Dragonfires, signifying the upholding of the Alessian Pact. After the Oblivion Crisis, the Dragonfires are no longer an important element of Imperial Ceremony. Some Emperors have chosen to light the flame as part of their coronation ceremony, but this is no longer an integral part of the institution of Emperor. Visitors should take especial care to visit the statue of Akatosh within the Temple of the One, held by the people of the city to be the remains of the avatar which banished Mehrunes Dagon during the Oblivion Crisis. Despite repeated calls by the Thalmor to have the statue removed, it remains a beloved fixture of the city, though due to clashes between Justiciars and the folk of the city, the Temple is now permanently defended and patrolled by an honor guard of chevaliers selected from the Knights of the Imperial Dragon.

Beside the Temple of the One sits the Palace of Divinity, the august residence of the High Primate. When a new Primate is acclaimed, they are personally invested by the Emperor with their authority, in solemn ceremony in the Temple of the One, and then are allowed to take up residence within the palace. The Palace of Divinity remains a very beautiful example of Imperial City Architecture, despite being twice ransacked by invading armies; the first time by a mob during Titus Mede’s capture of the city, the second during the Aldmeri siege during the Great War.

The streets of the Temple District are replete with a great many small shrines. Various powers are prayed to, including the multifaceted powers and pantheons of the Breton and Redguard subcultures, but also to powers that have positively affected mortalkind such as Azura and Meridia. However, there are a number of other important temples within the district which deserve mention.

The Temple of Reman, the Cyrodiil, is an important fixture, and this august, black marble shrine is considered a cornerstone of Cyrodiilic patriotism, and is also held to be the heart of chivalry in Cyrodiil. The majority of the festivals that are celebrated here centre upon commemoration of the union of Colovia and Nibenay to form one realm, celebrate the Imperial Law, or are dedicated to the chivalric ideals espoused within the faith of Reman.

Additionally important is the Shrine of Malacath, which was constructed after the Imperial Legion brought a large number of Orc refugees, fleeing from the first attacks on Orsinium during the Fourth Era, to the Imperial City. The shrine is attended by shamans who are all trained and decorated Imperial Legionnaires. The Shrine of Malacath was, initially, quite upsetting for some of the more zealous citizens of the Imperial Capital, but time has washed away the initial alarm. While the Vigil of Stendarr persist in decrying this as a heathen edifice, and especially zealous Keepers have been known to attempt arrests, nowadays, most who pass the shrine have no reaction whatsoever. The headquarters of the Cult of Emperor Zero, a religious order founded by Tiber Septim in honor of Cuhlecain, who founded the Empire, is also located within this district, in a sizable temple not far from the Temple of the One.


The Elven Gardens district is a residential district, which was hit hard during the war with the Thalmor, being as it is, not far from the Weye Bridge. When the Thalmor broke through the gates, they swept through Forum Saint Martin, northeast, into the Elven Gardens district, which, despite the name, received little in the way of reprieve from the Aldmeri Dominion. While it has been largely repaired, the scars are still borne by survivors of the sack, and as such, Thalmor officials rarely tend to enter this district. Apart from the King and Queen Tavern, which was named for Baron Volag of Hammerfell, when he and his wife were invested as monarchs of Sentinel, who chose to stay in the tavern during one of their many visits to the Imperial City, and the somewhat average Elven Gardens Boarding House, this district is not orientated toward visitors.


This is not as much an Imperial District as it is a wondrous memorial. The Green Emperor way is the location of the tombs and graves of many important individuals from Cyrodiilic history. These graves are set amongst some of the loveliest gardens in all of Tamriel, and are home to numerous exotic and beautiful birds, such as the Imperial Peacocks and others housed in aviaries crafted from the living gardens of the Green Emperor Way by skilled Bosmer rangers of the Great Forest.

One particular highlight is the tomb of Prince Camarril, a mysterious figure from one of the many inept, feuding houses such as which contested Nibenay during the Second Era. Camarril was allegedly the heir to the Ruby Throne and the royal line of Trebates, before Cuhlecain removed him. The tomb is not only a historical oddity, but it is alleged that this tomb was the site where the Hero of Kvatch was granted the knowledge required to defeat the Mythic Dawn Cult.

Furthermore, and of interest to the more conventional tourist, are the mausoleums of the Septim Emperors, including Cuhlecain, Katariah, Uriel V, Uriel VII, Potentate Ocato and many other princes who sat upon or beside the Ruby Throne. Furthermore, many other princely tombs lie within this district, not merely for the Imperial Lines of the Septim, Mede and Ocato families, but many other lesser known royals, whose achievements, both good and bad, are listed on their memorials. Surprisingly, these memorials seem to have been largely untouched by the Aldmeri soldiers who sacked the nearby Imperial Palace in the White Gold Tower, which means that either the Eight Divines defended these resting places or the Thalmor specifically avoided disturbing the dead.


The Heart of the Empire. The Heart of Tamriel. Terminus of the Ayleids.

All these labels have been applied to the famous White Gold Tower, which may be the most famous monument in all of Tamriel. This magnificent structure can be seen from almost all over Cyrodiil, and it towers above the cityscape of the Imperial City. Within the White Gold Tower, the priests of the Ancestor Moth read the Elder Scrolls, and though their collection of apparently Elder Scrolls varies in size with each season, Moth Priests are always vigilant for word of a scroll that they can claim and return to the tower.

The White Gold Tower was constructed by the ancient Ayleids as their greatest stronghold. However, when the Nibenese revolted under Alessia, it was attacked by the legendary crusader, Pelinal Whitestrake, who alone, assaulted the tower and dispatched the sorcerer king Umaril within the center of the city, dying in the process however.

Despite the deeds of Pelinal, and the subsequent disappearance of the Ayleids, the Ayleid legacy of this structure remains strong. Large collections of Ayleid artifacts were gathered within the White Gold Tower by the Thalmor, during their stay in the Palace, and the Thalmor Mages spent hours poring over the ancient Ayleid magic woven into the structure and in their artifacts. When the war was over, most of the simple artifacts were gathered to form the basis for the new Ayleid section of the Refurbished Imperial Library; gossipers in every bar room of the Imperial City say that the College of Whispers hoarded away the more potent Ayleid Daedric artifacts gathered in some mystic laboratory hidden somewhere in Cyrodiil. Taproom chats often turn to the topic of the Ayleids and whether they still roam Cyrodiil’s wilderness, particularly the wilderness of the Great Forest and in the wilds of Nibenay.

The private sections of the Palace are known to be located within the lofty, towering sections above the ground floors where the Elder Council meets. These skyward sections serve as the private residence of the Mede Dynasty and also to the Supreme Chancellors. Allegedly, the inside of the palace is far larger than the outward appearance of the White Gold Tower would suggest. Rumor has it that the renegade Jagar Tharn seized control of the Daedric powers of the Ayleid to turn the Imperial Residence into a mystical labyrinthe which Uriel VII would never escape. Further rumor tells that the Battlemage Ocato then spent many of the following years reverse engineering all of Tharn’s dark magicks so that the Imperial Family would never need fear the Daedric Magic of the Ayleid Sorcerer Kings, amidst which they lived their day to day lives. When the Mythic Dawn attacked, it was Ocato who advised that the Mythic Dawn might be able to manipulate these spells and that Uriel VII should flee the city.

Visitors should remember to be on their best behavior if visiting the public sections of the Imperial Palace, since security is tight and the Penitus Oculatus brook no argument in matters of the security of the White Gold Tower.


Just as the heading suggests, this is the district where the largest portion of commerce occurs in the Imperial City, and this a city devoted to facilitating inter-province trade. The Market District is by far the most crowded area of the city, and it quite simply never shuts down. The market district’s shops may typically close around 10 pm, this is simply to make room for the sprawling night markets that occur in the district. The streets of the Market District are not merely lined door to door with shops of every description, but also packed with stalls selling merchandise of varying reliability and quality. Regrettably there is no true guide that could be written about which stalls to avoid and which to choose. As Calindil and Aurelinwae, a husband and wife who run a successful Market District enchanting shop, the Mystic Emporium, told me, “The Market District is where you truly must go to feel the heartbeat of the city, see its colors and to talk to those who form the lifeblood of the province”. The largest concentration of stalls is within the Tiered Bazaar, a grand, multi-level edifice where row upon row of stalls crowd a large central area, and on great, ascending layers resembling a hippodrome, many other stalls compete for space and customers.

The Market District is also home to the Black Horse Courier, a government funded news service that is delivered freely to all citizens of the Empire. The infrastructure of this news service was temporarily requisitioned during the Thalmor Occupation of the Imperial City by the occupying Aldmeri Soldiery to spread messages that the occupiers deemed acceptable to their regime. After the war, a number of brave souls chose to re-open the paper to bring “…the news of the empire to the people of the empire…”, as the typical boast of the Black Horse Courier goes. There are however, multiple other newspapers that operate out of the Market District, mostly racially based ones, which the Empire does not take any position toward. Other notable organizations include the Office of Imperial Commerce, Society of Concerned Merchants, an honorable group that seeks to maintain harmony between the many competing merchants of the district; those seeking membership should seek out the Chairman of the Society, a jovial Bosmer named Thoronir, a noted philanthropist of the Imperial City.

Within the Market District are a number of statues depicting previous emperors, including Uriel III Mantiarco, Pelagius IV, Uriel V, Uriel VII, Titus Mede I and Potentate Ocato.


The Arboretum is a large district entirely given over to professionally tended gardens which are every bit as beautiful as the gardens of the Green Emperor Way. However, in the Arboretum, there is far less masonry, and none of the graves and mausoleums which can be found within the Green Emperor Way. In the Arboretum, which is very much secluded from the rest of the Imperial City, it is easy to lose all track of time. Poets of the Imperial City have written extensively about the beauty of these gardens and people from all walks of life are free to come and relax within this green sanctuary within the stone jungle of the Imperial City. Though only a small presence within the district, as the district is meant to be a green haven, the principal stonework in this district are the statues of the Divines. The central rotunda of the Arboretum once held a statue of Tiber Septim, though this was smashed during the sack of the city and now a statue of Akatosh takes center stage, as per the White Gold Concordat. Where Akatosh once stood, a statue of the divine hero Reman has been erected.


When visiting the Imperial City Arena, remember above all, Gaiden Shinji’s legendary words, that “…the best techniques are passed on by the survivors…”. Also, never admit that you do not know who Gaiden Shinji is, unless you want to get punched in the face. This may, in turn, end up starting a fistfight. The Imperial City Arena is, along with the Kvatch Arena, one of the two gladiatorial arenas within Cyrodiil, and certainly the largest event stage in all of Tamriel. It has the capacity to seat more than fifty thousand citizens of the Imperial City. The arenas of Kvatch and the Imperial City are also the only places within Cyrodiil where it is legal to bear arms against another Imperial Citizen (except in self defense) and where public bloodshed is legally sanctioned. The arena is a constant source of entertainment for the Imperial City, not merely for the gladiatorial combats, but for the symphonies and dramas staged there. The Imperial City Arena has two long standing, firmly established teams which vie for ever increasing glory. Both the Blue and Yellow team claim to be the true heirs of Blademaster Gaiden Shinji and have more than once broken out into street violence to settle this issue, or some other vital question. Both sides have produced outstanding Grand Champions. Any visitor to the Arena District would be well advised to avoid the area if the two factions have come to blows, because it is frequently a bloody business.

However, despite the violent nature of the area, it is an incredibly even handed and egalitarian area of the Imperial City, perhaps the most even handed and honest place in all of Tamriel. Where, within the chambers of the Elder Council and the Imperial Court, the Highborn of the continent come to sneer at others they feel below them, and plot demises through silent treachery, this behavior and attitude is utterly alien to the arena. Folk as highborn as Imperial princesses and Altmeri monarchs have come to the Arena to compete, and they lived and died on the harsh sands, not as royalty, but simply as competitors. In the arena, you are no more than your blades or your spells can raise you to become.


Whilst the casual visitor might do well to avoid the convoluted political schemes that inevitably follow the mages of the Empire, for those that come to the Imperial City with the purpose of studying the Arcane, much promise lies within the walls of the Arcane University. Founded in the Second Era by Vanus Galerion, whose dream of a united mage’s guild died along with the Septim Emperors, the Arcane University is both a place of almost infinite knowledge, but also a place of monumental division. Here, as well as in the Imperial Court, the magical schools of the Synod and the College of Whispers play out their rivalry most fiercely. Here they compete with one another for coin to fund their various schemes, and also for the allegiance of the many students who come to the university for education. The Arcane University often hears word of the “unexplained disappearance” of a student or of a master wizard, and often, these disappearances are attributable to that individual’s alignment within the divide amidst magical study.

The Arcane University is carefully policed by the vaunted Battlemages from the Empire’s Shadow Legion, who strictly enforce the ban on inter-factional warfare within the grounds of the campus. If you specifically seek to join one of these factions, you would do best to go and seek out the organizations themselves. In Bruma, the College of Whispers has its dark and brooding fortress. Alternatively, in Leyawiin, the Synod has one of its most important centers.


So ends this guide, but Rivalen Mothril shall, most definitely return, to guide you through another great city. Keep your head in the seat of Imperial power and it is sure to be one of the most unforgettable places you are ever like to visit. There is no other place on Tamriel quite like it. Stay safe and enjoy.