Guild Recruitment Flyer - The Tinkers Guild

Keen eyes and inventive minds wanted!

With the Guild Act of CE 231, Potentate Versidue-Shaie took the first of many great steps to bring the Empire into modernity, issuing charters to many guilds and offering them the means to expand their positive social influence. Most notable among these newly official guilds are the Fighters and Mages Guilds, which undeniably represent a step forward in the equalization and expansion of access to security and scholarship, but these are not the only guilds that are searching for new members. The Tinkers Guild is looking for your talents!

The Tinkers Guild provides an understated but vital service to the people of Tamriel: we offer affordable repairs to the tools and technologies that put food on the tables of hard-working common folk across the land, as well as forging ahead in a spirit of invention and optimism, providing new advances in technology to the Empire's citizens. While its importance is not to be denied, the arcane has only so much reign over the life of the farmer or the blacksmith or the shopkeeper, and it is for these people that we work.

It is the Guild of Tinkers that invented the spectacles for the enhancement of eyesight, an idea sparked by one inventor's fascination with Dwemer Animoncularies. Our Guild created the improved mouldboard plough, which allows farmers in less fertile areas to grow greater crops. We invented the astrolabe, which allows sailors to better navigate the seas, cartographers to more accurately survey the land, and astrologers to make more accurate predictions. We have studied and improved upon certain clockwork inventions of the Dwemer, and we do not rest in our pursuit of innovation.

If you have a drive to understand the world, improve the lives of your fellow men, and tinker with the technologies that make our society tick, go to your local guildhall and sign up today. If you are interested, our central headquarters is located in the Imperial City in Cyrodiil.