The study of magical implementations within Tamriel's cultures. Volume 2: The Bretons.

Sorry about the delay for those of you who enjoyed the first volume. I have been busy and am currently on vacation, so I squeeze some writing in whenever I have time. This volume is a bit longer than the first but I think it turned out alright. Let me know if you felt it was too long or anything else. Thanks for reading. I'm really enjoying writing these for you guys!

Edit: The first volume.

These works were found at a burning caravan wreckage approximately three days ride south of Bravil. The body holding them was burnt beyond recognition but can only be assumed to be one Alomir Firefist, the author of the works. He is presumed to be the son of Krogmir Firefist, a bard of much renown in the frozen lands of Skyrim.

Alomir Firefist 4E 201.

I traveled from Skaven through Dragonstar to Evermor to research how the Bretons wield the magic that is so deeply engraved in their society. It was not hard to find a mage that would show us his talents in the lands of High Rock. When we arrived in Evermor we could see more kids playing with staffs rather than swords and rudimentary spells being practiced by the youths of this land.

We had traveled through the night and arrived in the early morning hoping to find a suitable Breton during the day. We did not have to look far before we found a Breton by the name of Darius Dubois teaching a class of adolescents in a training yard on the outskirts of the town. After the class concluded we arranged a time with Darius to meet tomorrow evening in the same training yard we found him in. We retired back to an inn further into town only to find that there were no rooms left available as the second level of the building was infested with skeevers. We decided to unroll our bedrolls in an alleyway a few buildings down to sleep for the night. As we approached the alley we could see empty bottles of skooma lining the sides of the alley to my surprise. I did not see anyone that looked the sort of either a skooma user or dealer as we had entered the city, and I had certainly not seen any Khajiit. Nonetheless we settled there for the night after clearing a portion large enough to accommodate our party.

I was awoken by the first light of dawn and began to prepare to head out to meet Darius Dubois this evening. Despite the griminess of the alley we still managed to get a decent nights sleep, only interrupted by noisy revelers departing from the taverns through the night.

We met Darius after we had our supper. I was eager to begin the demonstration. Darius was wearing some of the most intricate robes I had seen since we arrived in High Rock and was sporting a beautiful staff made from oak and tipped with a masterfully cut sapphire. Just from his attire you could see that he had devoted his life to the craft or magic. The sun had just met the tips of the Evermor roofs when we began. Darius wove spells from many different schools of magic. Balls of magelight circled around the yard summoned by Darius at the start of the demonstration. Darius lifted rocks from afar, transmuted iron into shimmering gold, and even turned one of my understudies stiff as a board with a perfect paralysis spell that lasted until next morning. He moved silently and turned his flesh hard as steel, absorbing blows from our thrown rocks with ease. Darius was well versed in the arts of Alteration and Illusion, toying with the world around us. He astonished us with his display of breathing water as he walked on the bed of a nearby river. Darius finished his demonstration by charming one of my assistants, Loita, who became enamored by him for a while wooing over every spell he cast for the next few minutes. He slung a spell that struck a nearby rabbit with uncontrollable fear causing it to bound away as fast as it could. After the demonstration we said our farewells to Darius and we wished him luck in the future. Before we had even turned out backs Darius was gone, cloaking himself with a fierce invisibility spell.

The Bretons seem to not only use magic for it's destructive powers, but also for the finer arts of the craft. Their magic is useful in ways other than the brute power we had seen displayed by the our Orc wizard in Hammerfell.

We had initially planned to journey to my personal homeland of Skyrim after our stop in Evermor, but the civil war's fires have rumored to be rekindled along with whispers of dragons returning to the realm. Thalmor have been said to be patrolling the roads of western Skyrim more frequently now, making the journey too dangerous for comfort. Now we plan to head south and enter Valenwood through Skingrad. Hopefully we will meet an Imperial battlemage on the roads that is willing to show his craft to us although it seems unlikely. In Volume 3 we will look at the Bosmer and their mysterious magic they use to bend trees into cities and command the beasts of the forests.