The Hoon Ding's Decree to the Chromeguards

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Decree of Yokeda Origin Lord Hazir Orob, Hoon Ding of the Chromeguards:

Our fathers dreamed of reaching the Walkabout once again when they lived in the land of Hammerfell, but in time they grew complacent and fat with comfort. They forgot the ways of the sword that their ancestors showed them and contented themselves with the luxuries of Lost Tamriel. This laziness cost them dearly when the Brass God fell from the Heavens and tore the Starry Heart asunder. Their contentment with mortal life kept them from reaching the Walkabout and becoming spirits again.

We will not make this mistake. Hereafter, we will no longer be known as the Redguards, for their name is drowned in the sea of unworthiness. We are the Chromeguards, for we wander the Blackblock and will tear out our unworthiness with swords. We will harden our hearts and do whatever it takes to reach the Walkabout again.

Our society will be divided into castes according to the level of enlightenment. Those modified with many Spirit Bones will join the more prestigious castes, and those with fewer Spirit Bone modifications will be part of the lower castes according to their gradience. The lowest level of our society will be composed of baseline mortals, who serve as image bearers to show us the weakness of our past.

In order to move up a caste, the member must prove himself worthy by bringing the carcass of a demon to the Scarab Chirurgeons. The Scarab Chirurgeons, if they deem the sacrifice worthy, will then bind the slain foe to the Chromeguard in mind, body, and soul. The new modifications will be observed for eight days to ensure the Nymic Entanglement is not faulty. This process will be known as the Changing.

All members of society will be trained in the art of Sword Singing. There will be a special emphasis on the Name Cutter and other anti-spirit moves. Upon reaching the age of majority, a Chromeguard will be sent into a foreign Realm of Oblivion alone for eighteen days. If he is killed, then the Chromeguards have shed a weak member. If he returns empty handed, we will send him back out after being punished. We do not tolerate cowardice. If he brings back a suitable bounty, then he may go to the Scarab Chirurgeons for his first Changing.

Our ancestors were content to look at the stars and long for a way home. We will not be so weak. When the time comes, we will prove our worthiness to Tall Papa not by our pitiful whining. We will fight our way into the Walkabout as an invincible Spirit Army just as the Ragada fought their way onto the Starry Heart when they still knew their destiny.

I seal this decree with my own blood. FRANDAR DIVAD DIAGNA CYRUS ATOR HAZIR