The Aftermath: Entry #3

13th 16th Morning Star, 4E 199

Drusus Varo, Overseer of the Ascadian Isles Expedition

The ash storm lasted three days. Three days! But our camp lasted as well. I’ve gained real confidence in the Synod’s magical prowess. Still, this better not be a common occurrence.

I spent the first few hours unpacking, and assembling a crude desk from a crate filled with ink cartouches plus an empty box to hold my folio. The next two and a half days passed in a desperate search for something productive to do. My search was in vain. I ended up drinking like the rest of them. Just a little though; wouldn’t want to give a bad impression of myself. I also made small, awkward conversation with the mages.

It was difficult to talk over the sound of Lideg, Cogan, and Dar’Jiima “composing” a ribald song about old Morrowind. I told them to quiet their foul mouths, and they proceeded to create a “less rude song.” That went on until they offended a Dunmer crew member and it wasn’t funny anymore. I thought it was kind of fu

Through the madness of confinement I managed to learn some interesting information. For instance, I only know the date (16th of Morning Star) because of Vira. Vira is one of the Synod. She is responsible for tracking time by mysticism (among other various responsibilities). Of course the ash blocks our view of the celestial bodies. And I never would have considered it.

Cirelmo told me that the ward renders the tent airtight. This negates all of the storm’s damage, but the air inside becomes noxious rather quickly. Especially given the number of people and the fumes from the oil furnace. Cirelmo combined the ward with a variant of the water breathing enchantment. Whether this makes the air itself viable, or just allows us to live without air, is beyond me.

Maybe I thought this expedition would be simpler, but who knows what I thought. I wanted to escape the Waterfront and I wanted the septims. But I also hope to discover something interesting. And not just because that's my duty. Well, it's getting light out. I’ll put down this pen and bring a few people to scout the ruins of the northernmost canton.

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