The Aftermath: Entry #7

24th Morning Star, 4E 199

Drusus Varo, Overseer of the Ascadian Isles Expedition

I’m writing this to the light of Cirelmo’s restoration magic. The ash is gently falling outside, the ward around the tent is resonating with a peaceful hum, Lideg and Ervis are bleeding all over the place, and nobody will shut up.

Needless to say I concluded the search of canton number two. I had assumed this would be the same maddening tediousness as the last search, but we discovered a vault on the middle tier which looked quite promising. There was a little chest of jewels that had smashed on the floor outside the vault (no worries, I gave Ervis a look at them before touching anything). We also found some shards of broken glass-metal (Dar’Jiima is working on reassembling them into a cuirass right now; that Khajiit doesn’t even give a damn what happened ).

But the cream of the crop was inside the vault, and the barred steel treasury gate held fast, even after ages of submersion. Dar’Jiima pointed out a gaping hole in the treasury floor and wagered that it was accessible from one of the lower levels. So we all took another dose of water breathing from Ervis and paddled on down.

And then, Droogs Dreughs. I actually didn’t know what they were until Lideg told me, but now I know those filthy lobster-men were Dreughs. Five or six bloodthirsty Dreughs at that. One shoved me against the wall, I was stunned, and the next moment flew by in wild frenzy. All I can remember is desperately flutter-kicking away with the rest of the crew. Most of us got out unscathed, but the Dreughs were oddly persistent with Lideg and Ervis. Ervis fumbled around with magic. The water lost resistance and seemed to yield to my limbs. It was some spell to make us swim faster. We soon surfaced and were back to the camp in an instant. Lideg had a long slash across his arm and Ervis’s ankle bore a few cuts. They don’t seem to be injured though, just hurt.

Just how careful do we have to be?

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