Pay the price and I'll make the way.

Good evening, what do you need? To bring you to the right place? But do you even know your destination? So, you do, but you don't see the way. Y'know, just follow the Warrior and everything will be g... OK, got it: I shall bring you to whereever you want, but money first - money are the religion of unbelievers and infidels, the lifeblood of the world. They say, once upon a time an evil spirit has used the giant ruby (or was it a diamond?) to bribe a king into... But that's the long story, just pay your fees and go onboard. Whoa! That's too much, where did you get it? With that amount you could buy the living statue from the distant lands. But I'm the fair captain, I know all the sorts of honor and have no need for extra coins. Don't mistake me with those pirates and black merchants. Did you see that midget with a pet? He would take the last trousers from you, then give you a boat with a hole and point you to the opposite direction. I'm not that sort of man, but every deed should be fairly paid. There are people who try to sail on my ship for free, they hide themself in the shadowed corners and shake in uncertainty. But they are always revealed by the starlight when I take out my astrolabe. Now I just have to find my map... where did I put it? Maybe it's already non-exist yet? Oh, found it, here it shall for now. And you can go to rest, you've worked hard to earn these money you gave me, I will take care about everything else. Don't worry, there will be no cays of bad luck for I always win. I've made the way, let's go.