Of Massr and Zekkun

The following tale was told to me as I sat around the blue flames of the Firestone, surrounded by the Priesthood of Xacses and the native Cephalo citizens and armies of Ald Vivec, a week before the Battle of the Scathing Bay. I have done my best to transcribe the words spoken by Father Kossce-Naare of the Priesthood of Xacses at this gathering.- Saint Cuintil.

All Cephalo know of how Ahni and Padmai created the Aurbis; all Cephalo know how Lok tore his own heart out to grace us with his blood; all Cephalo know how Magis gave his life to give us life; but not many know the truth of how Massr and Zekkun were tricked into becoming the Moons.

In the days of old, back when the proto-Cephalo had an Empire ruled under the guidance of the Firestone, there lived two kings; King Massr of Ressin and King Zekkun of Halnore. They each lived in lands on opposite sides of the world from each other, but this did not stop them from having a hatred for each other.

King Massr accused King Zekkun of stealing land King Massr owned, and King Zekkun accused King Massr of stealing land King Zekkun owned.

A war broke out between the two kingdoms that lasted more than two hundred years, and a billion lives were lost on both sides.

The Firestone, although happy to see much blood being spilt in his name, seeked council with Xacses, Aah Zha, Ehmra Ram and Ghoma in Sar Khazar to try and find an end to this conflict.

Ehrma Ram suggested that two Kings should be taken to his castle and be punished by Ohb Het until the end of time.

Ghoma suggested that the Kings should be turned to ash, and their remains be gathered and smoked by Daggr the Acrobat-Prince.

But Aah Zha and Xacses suggested that their new-born child, Vok, should be sent down and punish the two Kings as he see fit, for although Vok was still covered in Aah Zha's womb-blood, he was the smartest being in all the Aurbis (even smarter than Shagrt the Clever).

The Firestone listened to Aah Zha and Xacses wisdom, and agreed that Vok should deal with the crisis. Vok asked to borrow the Firestone's greatest weapon, and Vok shouted across the world for Massr and Zekkun to meet for peace talks.

Two years passed before Massr and Zekkun agreed to the peace talks, and in this time Vok had grown weary. Heavily guarded were the two kings when they arrived at the Fuschian Tower, and Vok had to eradicate the two Kings armies before Massr and Zekkun would lie eyes on one another.

Vok made them stand face to face and he cried out to the two.

"Too long have you idiots fought over superficial things. You argue over what land is yours and what isn't, well know you can look down on this world and squabble in the night sky."

And before Massr and Zekkun could react, Vok had hooked the kings upon the end of his spear and threw them up into the sky, where they still argue amongst each other to this day.