The Manaudyssey: Prolegomenon and Book I

'Lo everyone. I'm releasing Book I and Book II of The Manuadyssey for viewing, because you all deserve it. Enjoy!


The Lunar Province of Tatterdemalion is both ancient and new, and is beautiful in every one of its aspects. But if it was not for the efforts of one man, Bethalamet Grieves the Mananaut, it would’ve never seen the light of the Second Empire and its descendants. Bethalamet encountered much and went through much to display one of the greatest feats of mortal achievement, and this is dedicated to him. In the official transcripts, there were only twenty-nine volumes. But there is in reality thirty; the last one was hidden by Dathfliin, his son, that crafted a glorious crew of the First Era’s most legendary heroes to help him rescue his father. But I believe it deserves to see the light of day. May he never be forgotten.


>#Book I: Reman II Visits The Gods >|BOOK ONE, AS RECORDED BY MNEMOLI|

Reman II travels on the NVN Heart of Music to the ancient but always-never-was temporary plane of Ephēmeros where the Aedra, Daedra, and other beings have gathered together for one of the few times they have since the Dawn. The Grief-Stricken Ruler descends from the Voidship and when given leave begins to speak his troubled mind.

“Et’Ada listen to my voice as Emperor. I, who wears the CHIM-EL ADABAL, and hear me speak. For I speak of the man who has never sought naught but good. I speak of Bethalamet Grieves, First Captain of the NVN Accrual, who is still lost in the tumult seas of the Void with no hope of ever returning to the majestic lands of Tamriel. I speak to you Et’Ada, and ask why do you delay him? You gave your consent for his voyage and yet you torment his mind, body, and soul. Please tell me, why can’t you just leave him be?”

The Gods look at Reman, Son of the Son of Reman, and Julianos answers.

“We speak to you now, CHIM-EL ADABAL, Akalorkh – for those two are not here today – but his suffering is not caused by us but by another, who you will also realize is not here. The Breath of the Winds, Kyne, who Bethalamet angered by not giving her proper prayer. It is by her hand that he drifts from one place to another and sometimes both in-between. But I am sorry, Akalorkh, for we cannot do anything about it.”

Reman II blinks, and his eyebrows furrow. The tension within the realm suddenly grows even denser, causing Ephēmeros to begin cracking in multiple places around it’s edges.

“What do you mean you cannot? And why do you say it so simply? Are you all not the Et’Ada, the beings that existed since the dawn of time itself? Forgive me for this statement, but I cannot believe that a such a simple task is impossible the gods whose mere existence was grown from the crop of impossibility.”

Nocturnal gazes at the Emperor-Manifest with a look of amusement, and speaks.

“You are as right as you are wrong. It is true that nothing is impossible for us to undertake. But there are rules, no, understandings between all of us that we must abide by. Some things we cannot simply undo. We are the forces that you mortals sillily ascribe as being parts of your world; if we interfered directly with one another, what do you think would happen to said world?”

Reman II grabs the amulet at his throat and an intense light breaks out of it and envelops him. He answers, but this time his voice is more than mere man and something else.

“Nothing can happen to the world that you speak of, and so your silent threat is ignored in its entirety. Now I will you all to listen to what I have to say. I am of the Starline of Reman, who was Seeded by Space and Birthed by Time. The amulet I wear only confirms what is common knowledge. Tell Kyne that she will allow Bethalamet to continue on his journey, or she risks many things. You all have your forces, but so do I. Shall we test what will happen when my Armies of Transience engage your Fleets of Eternality? DEAD GODS CAN STILL BLEED, you know.”

Mehrunes Dagon grabs Reman II and lifts him upwards out of the realm, causing it to momentarily fracture.

“Do you really think the CHIM-EL ADABAL will protect you? Do you truly think you are Space God because your father’s father was begot by Space God? And if you actually were, what do you think you could do? When you wear that useless jewelry you become Akalorkh, but We are older than you. Bethalamet does indeed suffer but from the hands of another, but do not make it so that he will also suffer from ME. AND I AM NO DEAD GOD.

I repeat this once and I say this twice: AKALORKH AE MORTAL. YOU ARE A MORTAL.”

Reman stares at the divine being, and says this with cool tone.

“Maybe I am mortal because it suits me right now? Do not think that you know me, Dagon, just because you know of me. If I was mortal would I be here with you all right now? Would I be able to stand in your presence? Maybe yes or maybe no. But do not prod me, and I will not prod you. What do you think I am?”

Mehrunes muses.

“You are REMAN and that is all you will ever be.”

Mehrunes Dagon sets Reman back down in Ephēmeros before stepping back, and the demon Molag Bal stands up to take his place, smiling cruelly and looking only-just interested in the conversation.

“I do not find this story at all humoring, but I have listened and now I shall speak on this matter which I bade you to listen. Bethalamet has not only angered Kyne but all of us. We gave him leave but he did not give us pension. Why should we care for him after he showed no respect? He is a remarkable mortal – and I must admit that to you for Molag Bal is not a liar – but until he gives us our proper respect than I will let Kyne do what she will because I’ve already had my fun, and shall not lift a finger to help. Let him suffer from the one.”

Reman is furious.

“From the one? Bethalamet has suffered from the hands of nearly all of you! By Mora, who kept him lost in his knowledge! By Xarxes, who in his misguided rage drove him off into the Erudition! By Molag Bal, whose horrors I shall not delve into! By Meridia, who stole his sight! By Dagon and Hircine, who made him prey in a war not his own! And by consequence the rest of you as well. FOR YOU ALL LET. IT. HAPPEN!

So now I stand here, as not only Reman but also the Empire of Tamriel and manifestation of Nirn, I tell you to let him come home to his realm so he can be given a heroes welcome and rest from the terrors you have bestowed on his mind!”

Mara steps forward.

“Reman, we–”

Molag Bal steps forward.

“You dare–”

Mara raises her hand at the face of Bal and he growls at her.

“Bal, I am now talking and I bade you be the one who listens. Or will you betray me like you betrayed yourself, so stiffly do you show your pain?”

Molag Bal screams at the Aedra, and on Nirn many of his followers bleed out from their ears and wilt.


Clavicus Vile chuckles and now speaks in a pathetic childish tone.

“Ah, poor Molag, crying like an infant for his mother. Would you like a nipple to chew on?”

Bal turns to stare at Reman II, and his cold eyes alight with the flames of pain.

“I can not take my anger out on them, but I can on you. Savor yourself as the Manifestation of Nirn, Akalorkh. Because I will come. And I will make her BLEED.”

Molag Bal leaves and Sheogorath turns to look at Reman II.

“And now you’ve made him angry! Well, angrier. He’s always angry about something. But you’ve done it now and now he is gone. Oh, how I love our family gatherings!”

Reman II turns to look at Mara, who resumes her speech.

“Reman, please understand that if we could we would force the Mananaut back to his home. But he is in the hands of Kyne now and we cannot and will not anger her. Bethalamet must be forgiven by Kyne and Kyne herself in order to be free from his wanderings. Only then will the winds of the Void stop blowing him into the distance.”

Reman II looks down at the ground, which is made from crystal glass and allows one to look at the entirety of the cosmos, as Ephēmeros rests above.

“Is there truthfully no other way?”

Reman II looks back up and stares at the gods, who all nod their heads. Except Sheogorath, who nods his twice.

“Then I pray that he comes to this revelation. Thank you for your audience.”

Reman II boards the Heart of Music and leaves the plane of Ephēmeros and returns to Nirn still holding grief, for Bethalamet Grieves was one of his greatest friends and he could feel his sorrow. And so he did not return to White-Gold, but traveled to the little cabin by the sea where his friend’s wife and young son lived. Standing outside was Dathfliin, who cries out in alarm when the Voidship sails into port in the air.

“By the Divines! Stendarr, shield me!”

Reman II jumps down from the stern and lands in the dust, and not one speck lands on his regality. The Amulet of Kings gleams on his chest.

“Calm child! For I am Reman II, son of Kastav, whose father was Brazollus Dor, whose father was Reman, and I speak with you because you are like nephew to me and I love you. I have returned today from the Outer Planes, and I bear news that will shock you. Will you listen to me today, child?”

Dathfliin runs forward and hugs his godly uncle, and his clothes become clean.

“Uncle Reman, I follow you. I kiss the soil at your feet. Tell me what you need me to listen to, and I will devote myself and my time to your voice for eternity if need be.”

Reman II nods his head once, and pulls the sword from the sheath of his waist and hands it to the young man, who is surprised as he grips the Emperor’s sword. The blade is made from enchanted sapphire, and the hilt from jade and silver. The Emperor nods, and hands over the sheath.

“Her name is You and I give her to you. Wield You as you partake on this dangerous task that I must bestow on you, young Dathfliin. Wield You in ferocious battle and never make her cry. Do you understand this, boy, before I tell you what you must do?”

Dathfliin nods, sheathing You at his waist and Reman smiles before continuing to speak.

“Your father, Bethalamet, who is one of my oldest and most beloved friends is in grave danger. He is lost in the seas of the Void, with no hope of returning to the realm of Tamriel. The Et’Ada, who I must obey even when given the harshest of orders, have told me I cannot lift a hand to help him.”

And at these words Dathfliin begins to cry, for he had known that had been the fate of his father, who had not come home for years and had thought he was ruling on Lorkhan’s Plate.

“Godly Uncle, now I cry because of you and it is heresy to shed tears in your presence. For these last nine years I have wondered why my mother has almost cried herself into true withering for all the days and all the nights since my father set sail. And now I know, and I do not like it! This truth is unbearable, and now I wish you had never come to tell me, for my heart feels like it has been cut and nothing in the world can heal it.”

When he finished Dathfliin sunk to his knees and wept in his hands, until Reman II placed a hand on his shoulder and pushed him up.

“Do not continue to cry in my presence, my nephew, for I have not finished speaking. For I said that I could not lift my hand to help him. But what about you, his son?”

Dathfliin’s mouth falls open, and he stares at his Uncle astounded. Reman gently closes his jaws, but the boy begins to speak.

“You want me to find my father in the Void? I…”

Reman raises an eyebrow at the young man.

“You do not want to rescue your own father? After the tears I have seen you wept?”

Dathfliin finds himself angry despite standing in the presence of the Emperor, and turns back to him with heartache and rage in his eyes.

“I know you are my Uncle, and the Emperor of Tamriel, but I bade you to never say those words again. For every piece of my heart and soul cried out to find my father. But I must also think of my mother, who is so full of grief that she barely eats without my coaxing. I can’t possibly leave on a voyage filled with such peril because who would look after her?”

Reman II takes his nephew’s hand, and holds onto it tight.

“I will Dathfliin, and I swear on the CHIM-EL ADABAL that contains the souls of my ancestor and the lifeblood of the land and the Curators of Twil that she will see no harm in my care. I will have only the most loyal of my Dragonguard see her to White-Gold, and she will be watched over as if she was the queen herself. I give you my word nephew.”

Dathfliin looks nervous, but firmly grasps the hand of the Emperor and bows.

“The Word of the Emperor is like the Word of a God, and I would be a fool to doubt it. With my mother now taken care of, I now offer my services for the quest to find Bethalamet Grieves. But I do say this, for I am worried. I am only the Captain of a small fishing boat and crew, and I know that they will not follow me into the Void nor will my ship be able to take me there. How will I be able to even enter the Seas of Oblivion?”

Reman II nods, as if expecting this, and from his depths of his robes he draws out a scroll sealed with the sigil of the Dragon and begins reading from it in a voice that makes the wind expand.

“The Immaterial Harmonics Institute of Incongruitech and Extrinsic Travels, by order of the Glorious Emperor Reman Cyrodiil II, hereby make Dathfliin Grieves First Captain of the NVN Tesaloricus, complete with all rights and privileges of the rank. First Captain Dathfliin will also be given any crew that he may request, as long as they can be reasonably found. First Captain Dathfliin will also be given the rights and privileges of a General of the New Void Navy. Congratulations to First Captain Dathfliin. May you serve the Empire until your very bones turn to dust.”

Dathfliin is speechless for several moments before looking back at his Uncle, who stands there impassive.

“I-I-I don’t know how to work a Voidship.”

Reman II nods as he hands over the scroll respectfully.

“The NVN will teach you how to use one. It’s really not that hard, actually.”

Dathfliin looks at the scroll, unbelieving.

“And…I can have anyone I want in my crew?”

The Emperor smiles.

“Well, of course not my crew. Do you have anyone in mind?”

Dathfliin nods, still astounded by his sudden promotion.

“I have, I have a few. I’ll make a list.”

Reman II puts a hand on his shoulder.

“Bring him home, First Captain Dathfliin.”

The Emperor lets go and begins walking back to the Heart of Music as the First Captain replies.

“I wont come back home without him. And if I do, then I swear on Saint Alessia’s life that I will end my own.”