The Conundrum of Ninu’yutesaz

By Morpheus, Scrivener of the Council of Dull Chimes Circa 3E 345

There are many mysteries that still perplexes our race to this very day, but one that has befuddled us since times immemorial is the disappearance of the ancient Urb of Ninu’yutesaz. The City of Silence has been a popular matter of debate amongst our scholars, and many wonder if it ever existed at all. We do, however, know it did. Our records do not lie. Or at least, we hope they don’t.

In ancient times (around the First Era in common terminology) there was a great schism amongst our people. A group of cultists that followed LYEDNHARH, the ATEDA of Silence, set off deeper into the underground caverns of Yneslea than no one had gone before. Prone to not speaking, the last thing they verbally said to anyone was that they were ‘going to become with the quiet and shadows’. These cultists became the progenitors to the Mirror-Talkers that plague our lands to this very day, but we are jumping ahead of ourselves now.

Of course, the Council of Dull Chimes was happy to see them go. And many years went by without incident until the Penta Wards came under attack from a radical group of Echmer that belonged to the self-exiled cultists. During one of their excursions, we were able to capture one of the younger members before we drove the rest of them out. Later interrogation revealed that the Mirror-Talkers had built their own Urb sacred to LYENDHARH called Ninu’yutesaz and were in the process of creating some device known as the ‘Void Stone’. With it they would be able to wield devastating power, and would use it to conquer Yneslea. Before the cultist died, the Interrogator was able to gain the location of Ninu’yutesaz.

To stop this new threat, the Council of Dull Chimes gathered an army and marched further into the Dweech than any civilized Echmer had gone before. The expedition took many cycles, but it did not yield fruition: we found Ninu’yutesaz. An Urb of sparkling black mirror, and above it was a black swirling vortex that could be the Void Stone described to us.

Our forces descended on in waves, but before we even reached the outer district something peculiar happened. The Void Stone began to pulsate like a cocoon before exploding, and a black flash illuminated everything. The servicemer were blinded in both their eyes and through echolocation, and when they regain their sight…there was nothing. They searched the site, but it was empty.

Ninu’yutesaz had completely vanished into thin-air. And we knew not why.

There are many theories regarding the true fate of Ninu’yutesaz. I have listed four of them below, in order of validity:

[01] The Abduction Hypothesis: The inhabitants of the city entered into a pact with one of the ATEDA (probably LYEDNHARH himself) and was whisked from the Mundus and into another plane of existence at the moment of attack. Highly probable, considering the unpredictably of the ATEDA sometimes.

[02] The Invisibility Notion: Through the use of forbidden magicks, the citizens of Ninu’yutesaz were able to effectively make their Urb invisible to both the organic and mental eye. Would explain the black flash and twice-blinding of the expedition party.

[03] The Lunar Spacial Jump Proposition: This one may sound unintelligent in naming, but is sensible in nature. By meddling with ALORKH the Mirror-Talkers produced a phenomenon known as a Serpent Fracture, and by manipulating the broken aurbical margins were able to transport Ninu’yutesaz to the moons. The presence of lunar energy in the Urb’s former position adds credence to this theory.

[04] The Cessation of Existence Explanation: This theory was entirely built from the imagination, but may hold some truth to it. Through the tampering of their mysterious Void Stone, the Mirror-Talkers either accidently and permanently unmade themselves or transported themselves into the Void. Regardless, they and their city no longer exist in the Aurbis.

Perhaps one day we will learn the true cause of Ninu’yutesaz’s disappearance.