Deep Under The Sea With A Clockwork Deity

Miles below the ocean, life still struggles on. There was no sound, no light, and no heat, but some things still lived out their existences here, feeding off the heat of turning Wheels, or the debris pulled down by the great machine monsters.

Some joke of Kyne's, full of teeth, scurried past two crouched figure in the pressurized dark, which minded not the cold, or the darkness, or the pressure. If one could have listened, they might have heard the sound of broken clockwork.

Sotha Sil looked through the darkness at the little grain of sand between his fingers. Eyes focused on the little gears and cogs exposed on it, he pocketed the tiny wrench, and pulled out an even tinier screwdriver. The waters around him stirred with movement, and he looked up at the sight of a ship falling to the depths, a two-hundred foot long tentacle dragging it proudly.

Got caught with Salsa Thalys behind the stables liked my centurions lied to her father but found out anyway said the two-headed mass beside him.

"Oh leave them alone, at least they enjoy their jobs, unlike some," said Sotha Sil to the Imperfect. He couldn't fault the Trademarks, they knew he loved the attention.

With a ceremonious splintering sound, the shipwreck crashed down, kicking up sand and debris. Sotha Sil staggered a bit, and when the dust cleared, found the screwdriver missing.

Laughed when I asked to fix it let the lost little boy try his hand they said stopped laughing when it chugged to life now all dead WHO IS LAUGHING NOW said the Imperfect sarcastically. Sotha Sil shrugged in response, then held out his hand.

"I need a light." There was a feeling of movement, as fifty tentacles of various Trademarks shot off into the darkness, fighting for favor. A few seconds later, something slippery dropped into his hand. Sil frowned, then gave it a squeeze. A weak glow lit up his surroundings, and the frown faded to a smile.

Biolumiscence, a funny little miracle down here in the depths.

"They used to inflate these, the dreugh did," he mused, "The palace in Nal-ha-drek used to be lined with their lights every full moon."

Deflated a netch once no idea why I did that smell was awful Fyr dared me

"If it didn't want to be used as a light, it should have found a different purpose. Ah!" Two fingers held up the screwdriver victoriously. A few desperate Trademarks applauded, to which Sotha Sil bowed.

A few turns, and the grain chugged back to life, and whirled out of his hand and back into the ground below him. With its job done, he let the angler go. It swam hurriedly back into the dark before being caught by a hopeful, if inattentive, Trademark.

Made me watch didn't want to didn't say anything made me hold his face and I didn't say anything put it in a jar and I didn't say anything SHOULD HAVE SAID SOMETHING. Sotha Sil paused.

Knew what I did knew it was wrong but just had to know it had taken so much from me thought I deserved something back never meant the worst NEVER moaned the Imperfect, looking up. The sun couldn't be seen down here, but even Sotha Sil could feel its warmth, and more. He sighed.

"What year is it?" he said to the air. A swirling and brief alliance of Trademarks shaped out a number with their tentacles.

3E 410.

Only a few years left.

He looked down to the repaired grain, only one of several quintillion. There was still so much to do. He would have sighed, but then, he wouldn't have. The work was welcome. After all, it kept his mind off things.