Our Oaths and Our Creed

Damasen, Talk-Fabulist of the Lorist Union Long ago our race was wild and violent. When our begetters the Dwemer disappeared, we descended into the animals we once were and painted the Dweech with much Echmeri blood. It wasn’t until the Three and Five Armies subdued the rest that the constant fighting began to end. Never again, our ancestors said. We must never again spill our own blood.

So we used the notes of our begetters and we bound our race to the Law, altering the very nymic of our race to the point we are born knowing it in its entire. The Law – our Creed – is what defines our race from all the rest. It is made of many vows, some shorter than a grain of sand and some so long they seem to stretch to the end of time itself. But it is our Law, and we must cherish it always.

It is possible to break the Creed, but woe to he or she that does it. The Curse of the Oathbreaker comes swift and deadly, and it is unavoidable. Your family will know what you have done. Your friends will know what you have done. Our entire race will know what you have done. The Creed is one of the few things we cherish in our lives; breaking it is like cutting out your very own soul.

As I said above, there are many oaths inside the Creed. But there are five that we cherish the most. These important vows are all subsets of the Four Honorable Troths and The Eight Virtuous Paths of Enlightenment. The Four and Eight are states we all wish we could attain, but only one of our own has reached such a level. And we know him well.

Our Five Important Oaths are as known below:

“All blood comes from the same source. To defile the blood of a friend or direct kin is the defilement of yourself. Such defilement includes murder, theft, and relatable acts.”

“Loyalty to one’s friends and family is invaluable. Do not abandon your family or friends in their time of need and they wont abandon you.”

“Honor one’s ancestors, including the ancestors of others, as you would honor yourself. Desecration of the dead or troubled spirits is prohibited and vile.”

“Do not make promises idly; always fulfill the ones that you make. Lying is frowned down upon unless it is out of necessity.”

Remember our Creed. Remember our Oaths. And maybe your time in the Mundus will at least be somewhat satisfactory.