Ancestral Tome of Proverbs

Azarias, Sage (Translated and Edited)

Note from an Imperial Linguist: This seems to be a Echmeri book of wise sayings of some racial importance, perhaps related to their mystical Law? Regardless, I have decided to translate some of these phrases for the benefit of the Imperial colonists in their hope of integrating with the native bat elves of the Yneslea archipelago. I have also included explanations as well, for better understanding. I hope my Echi is exemplary enough for this endeavor!

####Excerpts From Page 19

“A wise mer practices until they always get it right. The wisest mer practices until they never get it wrong.”

Explanation: Seems to embody the Echmer’s love for work and their determination. It also seems to suggest that the Echmer strive to be perfect in everything they do, which is odd since the bat elves that I have spoken with say that perfection doesn’t exist(!).

“The Individual cannot exist if there aren’t Others around to define it.”

Explanation: With relationships – both familial, romantic, antagonistic, and friendly – a person can never truly understand their role in the Aurbis. A very beautiful saying, if I do say so myself.

“Everything exists because it is a fact. Without facts, reality is unreal and must thus be considered null.”

Explanation: There is a reason behind everything. Nothing exists simply because ‘it exists’. Clearly shows the Echmer’s strangely hostile attitude towards the gods and the arcane arts, something they undeniably learned from the Dwemer.

“You are never completely gone if somebody still remembers you.”

Explanation: Another beautiful saying, this time dealing with the passing of a loved one. Although the Echmer (like actual mer) wish to be free from the aurbical prison, they still highly respect the souls of their dead and their accomplishments and relationships in life.

“Strike first, strike fast, strike hard, and strike last.”

Explanation: A combat proverb said during times of war by generals and whatnot. Very aggressive, which is unusual as the Echmer seem to have more of an agricultural-industrial society.

“Change yourself, and the universe changes with you.”

Explanation: Different life experiences can make everything look different to a person, regardless of previous life experiences.

“Do not worry about upsetting things beyond your control. There are no gods, and there are no masters.”

Explanation: An almost blasphemous statement to a devoutly religious person (like myself) until you recognize what the Echmer are really trying to say. Be proud of yourself and your work, and don’t let anyone tell you different.

“Stop hiding behind the stalagmite.”

Explanation: Ha, a humorous statement! I was beginning to worry that these bat elves didn’t have a sense of humor. A phrase for telling a companion to get to the point of a conversation.

“Violence is best left avoided if at all possible. Bloodshed, of both friend or foe, is disheartening.”

Explanation: If possible, try to talk to an opponent first before battle. You never know when a conflict can be avoided.

“The tongue is much more useful than the fist.”

Explanation: The same as the above, but focusing more on individual words rather than speeches.

“A great love is like a great memory. When you know it’s there, but you can’t recall it, it can become the only thing you think about. It consumes you. And the more you attempt to focus on it, the more it sinks into the bowels of your mind. But if you’re patient, and wait for it... it’ll come to you.”

Explanation: Poetic and beautiful, this saying instructs one to not pursue desires and let desires come to him or her.

“Happiness is temporary and life is pain. Only the greatest suffer through it without complaining.”

Explanation: A depressing phrase. Do not live in the moment, for it will soon pass. Overindulgence leads to ruin.

Footnote by an Altmer Agent: Ugh, clearly this is the work of an Imperial. No respectable mer in his or her right mind would call Echmer elves. They are lowly beastfolk who believe themselves to be on the same level as us, like the foolish Imga of Valenwood. These sayings, however, are interesting and I shall send a copy of this book to the Summerset Isles for deciphering. Perhaps it shall reveal some secrets of both the Dwemer and these bat-men.

Footnote by an Echmer Exul: Saw this in that suspicious High Elf’s journal and immediately knew it was stolen, for the ink didn’t match. Some of these translations are incredibly well done, but some are…less than satisfactory. I’ll try to find the original transcriber and give it back to him; it’s the least I can do for such an exemplary work of scholarship…for a foreigner.