Provinces of Tamriel (Annotated)

Anonymous (Personal Notes by Barak, Arbitrator)

[Hmph. Apparently the Tamrielics are so ignorant of their own environs that they must create a book detailing their ‘Empire’ in some detail. I despair at the Tamrielic educational system. Nevertheless, this guide of sorts should do some good for our young ones as they learn about the lands outside our own.]

The Empire of Tamriel encompasses the nine Imperial provinces: Skyrim, High Rock, Hammerfell, Summerset Isle, Valenwood, Elsweyr, Black Marsh, Morrowind, and the ancient Imperial province itself, Cyrodiil. Morrowind was among the last of the provinces to be integrated into the Empire, and because it was added by treaty, and not by conquest, Morrowind retains exceptional power to define local law by reference to ancient Great House precedents.

[Humorous knowing that although Yneslea, Roscrea, Esrionet, and Cathnoquey are all considered Imperial territory, we’re not even loosely included in this passage. How insulting. Also, where are they getting this nine from? In recent correspondence with the Empire it was stated very clearly that the nation of Orsinium was recognized as a province. Strange.]

Skyrim, also known as the Old Kingdom or the Fatherland, was the first region of Tamriel settled by humans from the continent of Atmora: the hardy, brave, warlike Nords, whose descendants still occupy this rugged land. Though more restrained and civilized than their barbarian ancestors, the Nords of the pure blood still excel in the manly virtues of red war and bold exploration.

[Ah, the descendants of the inhabitants of the Frozen Continent. Stubborn, hot-tempered, and a bit too rowdy for their own good. Still, they are a honorable – albeit superstitious – race (they think us to be monsters!). No mention of their slaughtering of the Falmer? Ah, I forget myself sometimes. This is a guide, not a history book.]

Hammerfell is primarily an urban and maritime province, with most of its population confined to the great cities of Sentinel and Stros M'Kai and to other small ports among the islands and along the coast. The interior is sparsely populated with small poor farms and beastherds. The Redguard love of travel, adventure, and the high seas has dispersed them as sailors, mercenaries, and adventurers in ports of call throughout the Empire.

[My race has to look into the sinking of Yokuda at a much greater depth. Clearly it was the result of spontaneous combustion of some sort, perhaps through the use of forming weapons from raw stray creatia. Regardless, the Redguards are an admirable people and their ‘more recent’ connection with the Tamrielics shows. They too do not like meddling in the arcane, which we can respect. Must find a way to solidify our relationship without leaving our archipelago.]

High Rock encompasses the many lands and clans of Greater Bretony, the Dellese Isles, the Bjoulsae River tribes, and, by tradition, the Western Reach. The rugged highland strongholds and isolated valley settlements have encouraged the fierce independence of the various local Breton clans, and this contentious tribal nature has never been completely integrated into a provincial or Imperial identity. Nonetheless, their language, bardic traditions, and heroic legends are a unifying common legacy.

[It is almost…right to say that the race that is both man and mer controls the land that surrounds Adamantia Tower. But how do they get things done? Literally hundreds of cities, each hailing a solitary monarch. Very chaotic and confusing. Despite this, their diplomatic skills are excellent and is why I prefer dealing with Bretons more than any of the other Tamrielic races.]

The Summerset Isle is a green and pleasant land of fertile farmlands, woodland parks, and ancient towers and manors. Most settlements are small and isolated, and dominated by ruling seats of the local wizard or warlord. The Isle has few good natural ports, and the natives are unwelcoming to foreigners, so the ancient, chivalric high culture of the Aldmer is little affected by modern Imperial mercantilism.

[Arrogant, pompous…! These ‘High Elves’ come to our islands, and ‘politely request’ that we remove the mer suffix from Echmer. How dare they! Yes, we may not be mer in the true sense of the word but we have earned the right to have it. Perhaps we should mention the fact that the Altmer are also degenerates from the ancient Aldmer…or completely denounce their absurd faith in their goal of ascending back into heaven. Ridiculous.]

Valenwood is a largely uninhabited forest wilderness. The coasts of Valenwood are dominated by mangrove swamps and tropical rain forests, while heavy rainfalls nurture the temperate inland rain forests. The Bosmer live in timber clanhouses at sites scattered along the coast and through the interior, connected only by undeveloped foot trails. The few Imperial roads traverse vast dense woodlands, studded with tiny, widely separated settlements, and carry little trade or traffic of any kind.

[A race of elves that isn’t high-strung or full of themselves? Simply fascinating. Must have something to do with their origins, intricately tied to the primal forces of Nirn as they are. Their acts of cannibalism is disgusting however, even though that can be overlooked in favor of their humbleness. Side Note: Must classify Y’ffre (FRE) separate from Jephre (FRE), like Alduin (TOSH) is to Akatosh (TOSH).]

The Khajiit of the southern Elsweyr jungles and river basins are settled city dwellers with ancient mercantile traditions and a stable agrarian aristocracy based on sugarcane and saltrice plantations. The nomadic tribal Khajiit of the dry northern wastes and grasslands are, by contrast, aggressive and territorial tribal raiders periodically united under tribal warlords. While the settled south has been quick to adopt Imperial ways, the northern nomadic tribes cling to their warlike barbarian traditions.

[Pfft. The Khajiit are not beastfolk. We’re beastfolk; they’re just elves transformed by Daedric magicka. Also, their Lunar Lattice is incredibly interesting. A physiology directly tied to the rotting remains of ALORKH…must study this more. Can this link be severed? Must contemplate…]

Most of the native Argonian population of Black Marsh is confined to the great inland waterways and impenetrable swamps of the southern interior. There are few roads here, and most travel is by boat. The coasts and the northwestern upland forests are largely uninhabited. For ages the Dunmer have raided Black Marsh for slaves; though the Empire has made this illegal, the practice persists, and Dunmer and Argonians have a long-standing and bitter hatred for one another.

[Must request the East Empire Company for Hist Sap if possible. The Argonians are clearly of the same strain as us in racial development, although we had different paths. Perhaps a Hist sapling can be brought to Yneslea? Don’t know what we could possibly trade for such a specimen though. Have to try…]

Morrowind, homeland of the Dunmer peoples, is the northeastern most province of the Tamrielic Empire. Most of the population is gathered in the high uplands and fertile river valleys of central Morrowind, especially around the Inland Sea. The island Vvardenfell is encircled by the Inner Sea, and is dominated by the titanic volcano Red Mountain and its associated ash wastelands; most of the island's population is confined to the relatively hospitable west and southwest coast.

[Giant insects? Hostile terrain? Hah, almost sounds like home. Their ‘Living Gods’ need to be discussed however between the Council of Dull Chimes. Toying with an artifact like the Heart of ALORKH is incredibly dangerous. Look at what happened to our Begetters, the Dwemer. Do they want that fate to be their own?]

Cyrodiil is the cradle of Human Imperial high culture on Tamriel. It is the largest region of the continent, and most is endless jungle. The Imperial City is in the heartland, the fertile Nibenay Valley. The densely populated central valley is surrounded by wild rain forests drained by great rivers into the swamps of Argonia and Topal Bay. The land rises gradually to the west and sharply to the north. Between its western coast and its central valley are deciduous forests and mangrove swamps.

[Ugh, Imperials. Almost as arrogant as Altmer. Still, their control of the Empire since its inception is very impressive. The fact that they could defeat our warriors and automatons – who have repelled every Kamal invasion force that dared attack our coasts – shows the strength of a truly unified Tamriel. They’ve been keeping us in the dark about certain events in Tamriel, however, and that worries me. What has been going on?]