Logbook of the Captain of the Dark Whisper

Loredas. 15th of Morning Star. 4E 25.

We’ve set sail for the Yneslian islands eight days ago, and I must admit I’m rather nervous. Never met an Echmer before in my life, don’t know what I’m in for. Hopefully nothing to strange, right? By the Three I’m writing to myself again, I hope the bat elves aren’t able to tell I’m a new captain from a mile away.

Councilor Azarien told us to acquire as much cream, fish, fruit wines, and silk as we could. I still don’t understand why we couldn’t bring a chest full of gold, but according to him the Echmer don’t use currency. Now what kind of culture doesn’t use money? Strangest thing I’ve heard of, I’ll tell you that.

In exchange we’ve brought them so dusty old books and spices. They like exotic foods and lore about Tamriel, Azarien says. A bunch of backwards folk If I’ve ever told you.

…who is this you I’m referring too? I swear sometimes Sheogorath is trying to lure me to his side these days. I hope a storm doesn’t hit; Bleakrock needs the supplies.

Morndas. 17th of Morning Star. 4E 25.

One of the men asked me if we were going in the right direction, and I docked his pay because of it. Truth be told though, I don’t know if we’re heading in the right direction or not. The compass began to make erratic movements around midday yesterday and hasn’t stopped sense. It said we were heading east and I hope that’s the way.

According to Azarien before we left, we have to be careful out here. The eastern part of the water of Yneslea is the domain of the Chaotic Sea, which has frequent whirlpools and thunderstorms. Not to mention the fact that pirates from Esrionet have been reported to have been in the area soon – but hopefully the Echmer took care of them.

I hope the ash yams haven’t spoiled. There’s a funny smell coming from the cargo bay, but that might be poor Ralis. Never had the stomach for seafaring I’ve always said.

Middas. 19th of Morning Star. 4E 25.

Hmph. Them Echmer weren’t all to bad. Look just like bats except for…well, they looked like elves too. I don’t like them automatons though, too mer-like in my opinion. Like they’re actually armor with people walking around in them or something.

Well, the trading was a success. We got what we came for and the Echmer got what they wanted in return, and not a single ash yam was spoiled. They also gave us some type of rock called ‘binding stones’, saying that Sherinah had requested them some weeks back. I don’t think Azarien is going to like that.

Oh, and it turns out the Echmer did take care of the Esrionet pirates. They even gave them to us due to the fact they had been troubling our ships for months. We’ll go ahead and bring them back home for a proper punishment; some work in the mines ought to do it.

Now all we have to do is return to Bleakrock Isle. I’m going to go see if I can procure one of them bottles of wine. How are the Echmer able to make the drink without grapes is beyond me.