Birds of Tamriel and Beyond: Tsaesci Blood Pheasants

The common man, woman or child may leave their house on any given day of the week in the many towns and cities across Tamriel, and would not be surprised to see a startled pigeon drop the crumb of bread in his beak and waddle away in fear. The Common Tamrielic Pigeon does not interest me; nor should it you. So I have compiled a concise list of the birds of the Starry Heart and beyond, and hope it will enlighten you to a brighter future - Quintillius Trebates

The Tsaesci Blood Pheasants

As the name would suggest, the Tsaesci Blood Pheasant's origins lie in the lower mountain ranges of the nation of Tsaesci, located in the continent known as Akavir, due east of Tamriel. Brought over to the Starry Heart by the Akaviri Dragonguard in the First Era, the pheasants are now considered an invasive species which, in turn, has led to the now traditional cull by the children of the Eastern Nibenay on the first Morndas of First Seed.


Tsaesci Blood Pheasants look similar to the other fowl one would see in Cyrodiil, save for the male's unique colouring. Where the females wear the same light brown plumage as the other fowls, the male's topside is dark ash with white shafts, with the breast of the bird being greenish-white, with the unmistakable splatter of crimson upon its belly and tail feathers. Why the pheasant has this unusal pattern is still unknown to scholars, but it is theorised that one of the pheasant's main predators, the Thrice-Tusked Boar, will leave the bird undisturbed if it feels that it's potential meal is has been spoilt.

During the mating seasons, the skin around the males eyes will turn from a dark shade of brown to a vibrant blood red shade, which is then used to woo potential partners, of which the male will have many.

Distribution and Habitat

Although the Tsaesci Blood Pheasants are more likely to be found on the Cyrodillic side of the Valus Mountains, they are spread out all across the Starry Heart; from the Wrothgarian Mountains in High Rock, to the Red Mountain in Morrowind. During the summer months, they have been known to travel as far south as Pyandonea, and it is thought that the Fuschian Peacocks of Pyandonea are the result of the Tsaesci Blood Pheasants interbreeding with the native bird populace of the isle.

The nest of the Tsaesci Blood Pheasants are most peculiar when compared with other birds. Whether others will construct theirs out of twigs and leaves, the birds in this tome collect the bones of it's fallen friends amd build their nests in the hedgerows near a collection of Conifer Trees. Scholars of the Imperial Bestiary Society have experimented with the Tsaesci Blood Pheasants to see if they would build a nest out of other animal bones, but the bones of their own kind seem to hold a special connection to them.

If only we could somehow communicate with these amazing creatures, and discover what untold secrets they hold. The limitless possibilities send shivers down my spine.