All-Maker is Nirn, the Adversary is Every Divine Being In Existence, and the Greedy Man is Malacath

I never understood or bought the whole 'Hermaeus Mora or Lorkhan' is the Greedy Man story. To me, the fact there was even a Red Mountain to hide under pretty much rules out Lorkhan, because he's 'dead' at the time of Alduin eating LDK and vomiting him back out inside-out.

Also, I really dislike the HM=GM aspect as well. Yes, Hermaeus is Greedy but at the same time I don't see him literally stealing the spirit of the sun, beasts, trees, water, and wind for no reason whatsoever than to screw with the Skaal. That's not his style. Not to mention that people seem to forget the fact that the Greedy Man was consumed by the Adversary and became what is today. And we learn what the Adversary is in Aevar Stone-Singer:

>In a time before now, long before now, when the Skaal were new, there was peace in the Land. The sun was hot and the crops grew long, and the people were happy in the peace that the All-Maker provided. But, the Skaal grew complacent and lazy, and they took for granted the Lands and all the gifts the All-Maker had given them. They forgot, or chose not to remember, that the Adversary is always watching, and that he delights in tormenting the All-Maker and his chosen people. And so it was that the Adversary came to be among the Skaal. > >The Adversary has many aspects. He appears in the unholy beasts and the incurable plague. At the End of Seasons, we will know him as Thartaag the World-Devourer. But in these ages he came to be known as the Greedy Man.

The Adversary is one of only two deities that the Skaal recognize, along with the All-Maker. But we never know what they are. So here's where my argument comes to a head. In my opinion the All-Maker is literally Nirn and the Adversary represents every divine being in the Aurbis. The Skaal worship nature and have more of a religon akin to animalism. To them, working off the land on your own accord is superior to waiting for the gods to do something for you. Take Thartaag for example, who is clearly an allusion to Alduin the World-Eater. The Skaal believe in the gods; they just don't like them. Hardwork is greater than excessive worship.

Then what of the Greedy Man? Well from what we know here:

>The Greedy Man (that is what we call him, for to speak his name would certainly bring ruin on the people) lived among the Skaal for many months. Perhaps he was once just a man, but when the Adversary entered into him, he became the Greedy Man, and that is how he is remembered.

Now who do we know in TES that became corrupted from one being into another, who is way more well-known than his former self? Trinimac, who was corrupted from an Aldmeri God-Hero into a Daedric Outcast named Malacath, who is one of the most well-known deities in Elder Scrolls history. Here is some more support for this theory:

>It came to be one day that the powers of the Skaal left them. The strength left the arms of the warriors, and the shaman could no longer summon the beasts to their side. The elders thought that surely the All-Maker was displeased, and some suggested that the All-Maker had left them forever. It was then that the Greedy Man appeared to them and spoke. > >"You of the Skaal have grown fat and lazy. I have stolen the gifts of your All-Maker. I have stolen the Oceans, so you will forever know thirst. I have stolen the Lands and the Trees and the Sun, so your crops will wither and die. I have stolen the Beasts, so you will go hungry. And I have stolen the Winds, so you will live without the Spirit of the All-Maker. > >"And until one of you can reclaim these gifts, the Skaal will live in misery and despair. For I am the Greedy Man, and that is my nature."

Now who hates people being fat and lazy, people being weak? Malacath. He despises those things with a passion. Why is he called the Greedy Man then? Because he expects too much of people, taking away their luxury to force them to work without fun. Life in the Skaal is brutal, like how Malacath likes it.

Not to mention this:

>So, Aevar wandered the land in search of the Greedy Man. He looked in the trees, but the Greedy Man did not hide there. Nor did he hide near the oceans, or the deep caves, and the beasts had not seen him in the dark forests. Finally, Aevar came to a crooked house, and he knew that here he would find the Greedy Man.

Crooked house? As in the House of Troubles? Not to mention that Malacath was corrupted, thus his sphere became corrupted and 'crooked'?


Now I'm not one for crackpot theories (cough blatant lies cough)

So there you go everyone. The Greedy Man is Malacath. Debate below!