The Gift (Excerpt from an 'Awakened's Journal')

Found near the shrine of Vaermina by Lake Poppad -

He came to me. In the dead of night. A knocking on my window woke me from my reverie.

I let him in to my home, and in frantic, ecstatic speech he told me:

"I come, bearing gifts of the Mistress. A piece of the Panoply, just for you. Can you see its beauty? Can you see its splendor, on display? She made this for you, and bade me give it to you."

'Twas not beauty, nor splendor that I saw. A parchment made of tattered skin, with inscriptions made in blood. Dry, and cracked, the medium was, though the ink still ran wet. I was compelled to look on, and those words will forever be etched into my memory...

Greetings, mortal, prisoner of the Arena, this message is for those that would listen, a warning of things to come.

The Mirrors will fail, and the Thalmor succeed, The Pride of the Dwemer shall cause the Clockwork to bleed.

The Lover that died, will die once again, Much to the Dreamer's abhorrent chagrin.

The Wanderers will fade. The Elders too. Though the Changed Kin will flee, up to the Two.

Mortal, the true end is nigh.

The parchment, once read, changed to beetles in my hands. They crawled under my skin, and spoke to me from within.

They told me there was no escape, but down into the flowers, and even then that was perpetuating the lie.

It was then I awoke, sweating in my bed.

Posting tired - editing for format and grammar.