Imperial Field Guide to Combating Enemies of the Empire. Volume 3: The Khajiit

Hello again soldiers. This section of the Imperial Guide will be directed toward the Khajiit of Elsweyr. The Khajiit have been swayed into the Altmers' grasp following the return of Masser and Secunda to the night skies following the void nights, thus reforming the Aldmeri Dominion. This coalition between the Bosmer, Altmer, and Khajiit pose the biggest threat to the Empire in these recent years and we must be prepared for another conflict. Although the Khajiit may appear similar to a common beast be assured that they do not lack any amount of cunning and combat prowess.

The Khajiit, unlike their Altmer allies, prefer lightweight and hard wearing armor to suit the sweltering heat of the Khajiit homeland of Elsweyr. Heat is not the only reason the Khajiit hiss and claw at armors that would encumber them. Most Khajiit show great disdain to armors that would restrict their natural agility, one of their greatest strengths on the battlefield. Some Khajiit will adorn heavier armors prior to a regimented battle where the two armies meet head to head, which the Khajiit heavily disfavor. Nirn's moons are heavily reflected in Khajiiti attire such as plate armors and shields. You may find Khajiiti shields shaped in a crescent to not only honor Maser and Secunda, but to also allow for a swift stabbing motion through the shield's gap from a dagger toting Khajiit. Most armor worn by Khajiit is crafted from lacquered segments and sewn into loose fitting leather hides and trimmed with colorful cloths and linens. Some Khajiit refuse to wear any metal armors entirely and favor more brightly colored quilted cloth. Even the heaviest of Khajiiti armor is like a feather compared to the over en cumbersome Orcish armors. The Khajiit may use bows and javelins to hunt, but are not always seen on the field of battle. The Khajiit rely heavily on their claws and bladed weapons, cleaving through foes and dancing around their opponents striking them down with lithe strikes.

The bulk of Khajiiti fighters as moderately armored melee soldiers wielding curved blades or daggers made to penetrate through major organs and arteries. While these soldiers seem easily overpowered, do not doubt the physical strength of the Khajiit. These warriors are quick and strong, often striking opponents from the sides and overpowering them with slashing claws and stabbing blades. Do not expect one of these fearsome cats to be easy prey if disarmed, for the claws of the Khajiit are razor sharp and can slash through leather armors with ease, and their tails used as rudimentary clubs that are sometimes know to hurl daggers at unsuspecting enemies. Rarely will you meet these Khajiit fighters in bulk on the field of war, rather they will strike in clever ambushes and small skirmishes taking out large numbers of enemies before they have time to react. When facing heavier armored enemies the Khajiit warriors are known to single out individual enemies and assault them with two or more of their allies. Stay close to your fellow legionnaires to avoid being put in a fowl situation fighting more than double your numbers. Occasionally the Khajiit will call out their Cathay-raht, or jaguar men, to make up the meaty front line when facing open combat. These Khajiit are taller than most men and can easily crush enemies with powerful strikes from war clubs and bashes from their crescent shields. These cats are more often clad in heavier armors than their Suthay-raht brethren and will have no quarrels with facing a heavily armored enemy in head to head combat. Be wary of these cat's strength and stature and try to sweep their legs when facing them as their heavier armor will restrict their mobility.

Khajiit do not often engage from a distance, but when they do it is often in the form of expert hunters well versed in the art of the javelin or longbow. While these archers may strike from a long distance, they are very few in number and are often the minority amongst the ranged forces of the Khajiit. Javelin throwers are often hunters who earned their living in Elsweyr slaying beasts and goblins in the rocky dunes of their home. Their accuracy is nigh perfect from 40 paces or closer but the nature of the javelin forces them to carry fewer projectiles than the common Imperial archers putting them at a disadvantage the longer the battle draws on. While there are few dedicated archers and javelin throwers in a Khajiiti force, the vast majority of Khajiit know how to throw daggers at some capacity. Just because there is a gap between you and a dagger wielding khajiit, doesn't mean you should let your guard down and your shield droop.

Khajiit do not often employ mages in their ranks and when they do they are novice level sorcerers compared to the Altmeri wizards or Breton war mages. The more common place for Khajiit spellweavers is in infirmaries and local healers. If you come across a khajiiti mender it is highly frowned upon to kill them for it greatly impacts our relations with Elsweyr negatively and if we are to defeat the Aldmeri Dominion wholeheartedly then we will need to regain the trust from the Khajiit people and their Bosmeri neighbors.

Khajiit are as quick and cunning in the mind as they are in the body. Do not expect the obvious from these creatures, for they will always be looking to outsmart you. Their coordination is astonishing on the battlefield, making their seemingly tactical mistakes into destructive traps for their enemies. Often times the khajiit will favor a small skirmish or an unexpected ambush over meeting their enemies head on in the field of battle, so be wary of roads and trails that are easily surrounded. The khajiit have been known to lie in wait and burst out of holes and bushes when an enemy force draws near and becomes vulnerable from their own confidence. Luckily, khajiit are seemingly uninterested in aggression towards other provinces, although fiercely defensive as a result of years of being captured and sold as slaves. When possible draw their forces out and fight them in the open where their tricks will not work to the same degree, but be wary of false retreats that are staged to lead straight to the pursuers deaths.

Although the Khajiit seem to appear as friendly and innocent beast-folk, they should be treated as a sincere and dangerous threat when faced in battle. They make up some of the fiercest fighters in the Dominion and should not be taken lightly when faced in a duel. Though seemingly strong individually, they lack the strong arm of a provincial army to lash out at their enemies. Our legions strength will not falter if faced with a conflict from Elsweyr, and will raise the banner of the legion over the shattered khajiit warriors of the dunes and jungles alike.