Echmer: The Missing Link

Hurgleblecherp, Mad Seer (Formerly Thom Tree-Hummer of the Cult of the Ancestor Moth)

Read these words and read them good, dear traveler For the Elder Scrolls have never been wrong before and neither has poor blind Hurgleblecherp. The other Moth Priests threw me out because I was always right all the time haha! I see more than most in the Scrolls; they like to whisper the most secret things in my ears. And before they took my sight the Scrolls showed something to Hurgleblecherp, something about the natives of my new home of Yneslea. They are the missing page of the Aldmeri book; the much needed chapter to end the story. Oh, the others laughed when I told them this! But they were, and I was right! I was right, I was right!

Back in the days of Old Ehlnofey – which all races of mer remember as Aldmeris, the Land of their Ancestors – the Aldmer worshipped Auri-El and Anui-El lovingly in the light of Magnus the Sun. But one group hated and scorned the light, preferring to dwell in the few shadows of Old Ehlnofey. In these shadows they discovered the House of PSJJJ and were swayed away from the path of Aetherius to the path of the Void. These were the ancient ancestors of the Echmer, who were once indistinguishable from other Aldmer.

When their brethren discovered their newfound allegiance, they were disgusted and horrified. They exiled the Sithis worshippers from Aldmeris and stricken all mentions of them from their records. The Scrolls! The Scrolls foretold this Exodus from the ancient merish lands! The others laughed at the prophecies I read but I told them! There is no such thing as a broken Elder Scroll!

The Exiles sailed from their continent until they made landfall on a series of islands, the Ynesleaic archipelago in ancient times. It was here that the Scrolls whispered to me that in those times there was once a race of giant bat-men who dwelled on the islands. In order to fend against the hostile monsters of their new home, the Exiles were forced to intermingle with the bat-men. Eventually the modern Echmer race was created from the eventual unions between the two races.

So do not believe the stories of the Empire, the Altmer, even the Echmer themselves! The bat elves of Yneslea are indeed related in blood to the other races of men and mer. The Scrolls themselves whispered me this secret, whispered in the years of poor Hurgleblecherp. But I wish they would stop now. The whispering just wont stop now…