Birth of the Dragon Cult. Part Three. Rejoice! Three Fools Broke Time and Oh Yeah Man Now Rules Cyrod.

It was a bitter winter when the Sea of Ghosts first froze over; the destruction of the Ice Citadels and the establishing of Dragon Cult in Skyrim had kept the Eagles and Serpents at bay for the most part, and the men of Skyrim kept peace by offering up the old and the sick to the Orkeian Magics, to use Time against the Vacuums of Space. But that peace ended, and Alduin himself rose from the depths of the Sea, and this brought great fear to the Nords, so the priests quickly gathered all they could, and they gave the lives of many babes, and many creatures, and winter descended, and Alduin and his spawn sank into the depths of the Sea of Ghosts, and that winter the ice crept over the Sea, till all was solid.

Gormlaith and her brother Hakon were stationed in a Seeing House in Winterhold, overlooking the now desolate expanse of ice. They were stationed as guards under the Scryer Felldir; who studied Orkeian Magics in the newly founded Seerschool of Winterhold, and was excited to help in the Dragon battery against Serpent invaders after graduating at the young age of sixteen. The siblings were quite annoyed to be working for such a young wizard, but they begrudgingly followed his orders and cleaned his toes as he stared into various reflective objects. One day however a breeze wafted into the house and Felldir sneezed, little did the three know that a similar breeze wafted into all the other Seeing Houses in Skyrim. The snot from Felldir’s nose splattered onto the glaze of the boiled dough Gormlaith was eating, but Felldir was also using to Scry. Gormaith was just about to shove the treat into Felldir’s face when the three heard the sound of booming voices coming from all directions. The three ran out to look at the Sea, the voices dying out as others did the same all throughout Skyrim. All was still for a moment, when suddenly from all around the icy expanse Sea Serpents came crashing out of the ice, barreling towards Tamriel with fury and little regard for what they ate or crashed into, if there is a difference between what a Black Hole eats and contacts. And every Seer had sneezed the same sneeze, and each bit of spit and snot was a Serpent, and they covered the sky like a cloud.

The three ran, Gormlaith grabbed her brass hilted sword and Hakon his axe, and the three ran south, for they were cowards, for they knew not what to do to fight a swarm of Gravities so strong that they could eat Mirid and shit her out as Namir. And the three ran as far as the Eastmarch before they ran out of bottles of keeprunning, and the three hid in a cave, hoping to evade destruction. But soon a small Serpent, the size of a brook ate his was into the space of the cave, and in fear Felldir shouted his age at the Serpent, making him an old man and the Serpent ISed out of unexistance becoming nothing, but the sort of nothing that only doesn’t exist on its own, without stealing existence from all around it. The three ran deeper into the cave, before long they found themselves in a city deep beneath the ground, and in the center was a fake sun, and orbiting it was a Serpent caught in Dwemer magics, some would call this thing Tyrant of the Darkened Fire, but the Dwarves called him, Excavator. The three did not know what to do so they looked for an exit, hoping to hide from the Elves, before long the three found an elevator which they took, however this elevator lead to a strange chamber, filled with mirrors and crystals, and the three discovered an Elder Scroll, Gormlaith told Felldir to keep the scroll there as to not aggravate the Dwarves but Felldir placed his hand upon Hakon’s face and issued forth Age, and Hakons eye grew old, first wrinkled, then cataracted, then mummified, and Gormlaith grew younger, her breasts grew smaller, she discovered pimples all over her face, her sword hilt grew less tarnished, and the they knew that from that point onwards Felldir was best made leader. Felldir grabbed the Scroll and the Three took the conveniently located Elevator back to the surface. The Three discussed where to go, remembering the Seven Fights the three decided that they would best summit the Throat to survive the longest against such an enemy. After many weeks the Three found themselves at the Throat of the world and they all sat around for a few minutes before realizing that they had absolutely no plan and not even a deck of cards to play with. In a bout of insanity brought about by boredom, hunger, and hopelessness Gormlaith Shouted Alduin’s name, hoping to spur him into eating faster. This shouting caught the attention of every Serpent in the Skyrim who all rushed the Throat. Upon seeing Alduin, who blacked the entire sky of Skyrim with his size, Gormlaith Shouted her Age at him, this did very little to quench the thirst of the entirety of Space, and Gormlaith Goldenhilt died of old age. Acting quickly Hakon One-Eye threw his axe at Alduin but he missed and set hit another Serpent, who then flew a little too close to Alduin and the two Supper-Massive Black Holes began orbiting each other. Felldir The Old thought, “What has so much life left to exist that it can give enough to nullify Alduin. Perhaps something that has always and forever will exist!” and at that Hakon attempted to shout the Elder Scroll’s Age at Alduin, this of course did not work because the Scrolls have no Age and the one he used merely a copy, however this did cause a mathematical error in the programing of Nirn, for the equation used to determine nullification requires Nirn to divide by the Age left of the object being Aged from, this caused Nirn to attempt to divide by zero and infinity at the same time, and so the mighty Alduin was merely taken from time until the past could be rewritten sufficiently as to allow Alduin to be mathematically allowed. This scared the Serpents and they returned to the Sea to await the return of Alduin. However this angered the Eagles, and for such a blatant disregard for the fabric of time, they ate Hakon and Felldir, so ending the Serpent Wars.

It was in this time of Peace from the Serpents that the Tyranny of the Eagles truly began, and in their assuredness the Eagles would eat any being found too Padomaic, too silly, promiscuous, wild, or manish, this last rule spared the lives of many mer, and ended the lives of many slaves. It was in the Ayleid rainforests that the birds fed, and the sons of Auriel loved to coax slaves into the maw of the Eagles. It was Auriel the Elf King who lead the Elves after Auri-El was bound to the Wheel, and Auriel soon came to embody Auri-El and he attempted to fly Auri-El’s spacecraft out of time, however he found that he was bound to Time, for he had become Auri-El and the Birds kept him grounded, but Auriel taught his peoples to build similar Towers in order to unbalance the Wheel, in order to change the Laws. The Ayleids forged an Amulet, and they bound the soul of each Ayleid high king to it, and they used it to become half Eagle, and they used it to summon Daedra, and they used it to steer the eyes of the Eagles and Auriel away from their wrongdoing, and they used it to mix the kingsouls, to live forever, and the Chim-El Adabal, the Amulet of Kings, held the oversoul of Aylied kings, each mixing to become one.

It was in this wretched place that a young nameless slave girl was born, and she grew up in the shadow of the Whitegold. She lived in the slave markets of Sard and would often see strange men from strange places on their way to new masters. One day a shipment of meat came in from the north, and among the scared faces of the men was a Nord at least ten feet tall, who was called The Atmorian. Later that day the young slave girl was alone in her chambers when the Atmorian came in.

“Hello Paravant, I have come to speak with you of matters of grave importance,” shyly muttered the man.

“Excuse me? Who are you? Who are you to come into my chambers? You are a meat slave, and you belong in the slave pits, surely the only reason such a person as yourself would be here is vile! I am to be a virgin, to please Auri-El and keep the Eagles at bay! Be gone for the good of men like yourself!” Yelled the slave girl.

“Pardon, I did not mean to intimidate. I am Morihaus, The breath of Kyne, and the Winged Bull. I have been asked by The Prophet to tell you truths, for you are to give birth to The Dragon, who will devour the Serpents and the Eagles and prevent the coming of Alduin. Come let us overthrow the tyranny of the Auriel and the Auri-El. I have come to teach you the name of the Dragon, and to give you instructions on how to Summon the truth.”

And so Morihaus taught the girl the beliefs of the Nords, and he told her which parts of Auri-El called Ald were truly of the Dragon, of Akatusk, and he told her of Shor, and he gave bowed before her upon his knees and promised to protect her and to lead her, and he called her queen and told her that she would rule man, and lead the slaves in rebellion, and that she was chosen to usher in Akatosh, and that was the second time the Dragon’s name was spoken. And so Perrif did as Morihaus said, she escaped to the Whitegold, and she stole the Chim-El Adabal and she ran west into the Colovian Highlands. She soon made her way to Sancre Tor, where she and Morihaus pretended to be slaves, but she told the other men of Akatosh, and his promises to protect man, and lead them from the arms of their enemies. Rumors spread through the camps one day of a Reachman with a Briar for a heart that was challenging elven lords to single combat and had slew many lords. And one day a man was brought into the slave pins of Sancre Tor with a hole in his chest, and Morihaus ran to his side, and he cried saying “uncle, awake for we have much doom to wrought.” And Perrif saw the hole and placed the Amulet of Kings in his chest, and he awoke and was covered in armor, and morihaus grew excited at the prospect of the destruction to be brought, and he took Perrif in their excitement, and the three began to rally the slaves, and they killed elf after elf, and they brought down Eagles from their high perch. And the rebellion spread across Cyrod, and soon the Whitegold fell and the name Akatosh was upon everyone’s lips and Perrif was called Al-Esh, or Alessia. And Alessia’s soul joined in with the Red Diamond in death. And the First Empire of man was established, and Auriel trembled, for he knew not what this Akatosh meant for him. And for the first time in some time the Eight were joined together in peace, worshiped in one place. And the Dragon Egg was lain; to be incubated by an Ape, and birthed by the Tharn.