A Thalmor Tragedy in Vilewood

[These pages are from the journal of Justiciar Surilll leading up to the tragedy that befell him and his company in the wilds of Vilewood.]

Entry 1 ^but ^not ^really ^I ^just ^can’t ^commit ^to ^a ^specific ^date ^right ^now ^:(

Today we stumbled across something very peculiar. They were assuredly betmer, but unlike any that I had ever seen before, or even heard about. They had the body similar to a small, goblinoid khajiit, but with the face and tail of a rat!! The most disturbing thing though were the disturbingly massive stones bobbing all about on the males. It was disgusting and yet you couldn't seem to look away…

One of the older guides has started calling the beasts “kollopiche”; rat-mer in their tongue. These hideous creatures are no kinsmer of mine, but these little goblins and our cousins seem to have an unnatural familiarity with each other. It surely must be the famous bosmeri gift of gab, but the way they stare at each other… it feels like there truly is some kind of unspoken link.

Our guides are insistent on following the beasts, but the forest is already starting to darken, and it’s due time the shamans build up a shelter. The rats may be able to see in the dark, but we can’t, except the khajiit and his house cat, and they’re on guard duty. Those cats better not try anything stupid, or else they’re going straight into bosmer mouths.

Heh, I’d much rather my sleep be plagued by visions of juggling rat-stones than the the usual demons.