Thalmor Report on the Dragonborn Part III

Here is part three of the series, again any suggestions you would like to make or if mistakes needed to be pointed out just let me know. Thanks for your feedback and continued reading.

First Emissary Elenwen,

I am aware of your growing impatience pertaining to the situation with the Dragonborn. This turn of events was beyond our predictions. I assure you thought that the truce that was orchestrated will not last long, the divide between the Imperial Legion and Ulfric's Stormcloaks runs too deep to be mended by a temporary truce. We all believe that you did the best you could in the negotiations given the circumstances, the appearance of the remaining Blades and the sway of the Greybeards put the negotiations in Dragonborn’s favor. Now that we have the names and faces of those remaining Blades we will continue to hunt for their hideout and finally bring them to justice.

Know that the civil war will continue now that the Dragonborn has returned. Yes, recent information reported to me is that the Dragonborn has indeed returned after he was seen leaving Dragonsreach in Whiterun on the back of a large red dragon. Our sources seem to agree the truce was orchestrated merely to secure Whiterun from Stormcloak interference while they lured a dragon to the city for a purpose I will discuss later. We have reason to believe now that the Dragonborn set all of these events in motion after he fought Alduin on the Throat of the World mere days ago. Alduin is known as the World Eater in Skyrim, Nordic myth depicts him as a malevolent force who “eats” the world periodically and whose appearance to the Nords, heralds the end of time. This Alduin appears to be the force who was behind the return of the dragons, scouts report seeing a large black dragon literally resurrecting dead and buried dragons.

However it appears that due to the machinations of the Dragonborn, Alduin is no more. While our information is at best incomplete we are trying to piece together what happened after the Dragonborn released the captured dragon and flew away with it to parts unknown. Somehow, as far fetched as it sounds the Dragonborn was seeking a literal portal to Sovngarde, apparently it where Nords tell themselves they go after they die. All that is known to us is that the Dragonborn reappeared in Skyrim. Some of our informants report seeing a large number of dragons circling the Throat of the World a few days ago. If this is related to the reappearance of the Dragonborn, it is unknown to us at this time. If I may make a personal observation I think that all this information suggests that the Dragonborn has killed Alduin. We do not know if this is a permanent outcome or how the deed transpired. What we do know for certain is that the Dragonborn has been seen abroad in Skyrim again, and is being hailed as a hero by everyone in the province. I assure you First Emissary that we will strike down this last hope of Men and in doing so, end the biggest threat to our plans in Skyrim and abroad. I personally assure you of our success.

-- Erraille 3rd Emissary


I also must thank you once again on my promotion, First Emissary. I will continue the good work Rulindil started.