The Arias of Harran-Zhirr

Clan Mother Zahana

Zahana knows that there are caves so dark, not even the sharpest eyes can see in them. Zahana knows that inside those caves, there are sometimes people, like Khajiit but unlike Khajiit. They walk upon air like Khajiit walks upon soft dunes. Their songs howl as sharp as the desert sun, as piercing as the sharpest cliff upon soft paw, yet are as beautiful as the twin moons in the black velvet sky. Zahana knows the way, young cub...

One person, a great sage, came to Elsweyr in ancient times, and with him came songs that charmed the sand, the beasts, the sun, the night, even the moons. He then taught these songs to Khajiit, but of them only few are remembered. Zahana speaks now of course of Harran-Zhirr, King of Deepest Caves, of Black Dunes, and of No-Moons. Harran-Zhirr, Wise King, Keeper of Secrets and Things Unknown. Harran-Zhirr, King of Song and Moonless-Winds.

####Harran-Zhirr and Merrunz the Scaredy-Cat

Shush dear child, for Zahana shall tell you of how Harran-Zhirr came to Elsweyr, and how he stopped Merrunz the Ja’Khajiit by scaring him with himself.

He arrived from the East in the times when Jone and Jode were new, and his arrival was announced by a blue glow in the sea. His boat was in tatters and most destroyed, so he leaped out of it like a kitten leaping out towards their prey and glided across the sea to land near Senchal. He was so tired that he found a rock and collapsed upon it, going into a deep slumber. Many young ones came and were both amused and amazed at his appearance, and tried to wake him up. But the stars came down and shielded him from their attempts, and all knew him as the wearer of the mantle of Magrus.

In these days there was more than just Pa'alatiin and Ne Quin-al but also Tara’nel-lia, where scholars were known to be able to make jewels and robes of most beautiful lunar silk. These scholars came to the rock, where they were surprised to find the Chosen of Magrus awake and awaiting them meditating, a sheepish but sly and secretive smile on his face.

“The people of Tara’nel-lia are curious of you, stranger from the east,” the scholars said in a rush. “Who are you, who wears the fabric of the sun and whose wings announce the darkness?”

And the Chosen of Magrus replied in the words of the people, “This one calls himself Harran-Zhirr, hailing from a land far to the East, and this one is here to walk the whole of Nirni for many phases.” And with those words many scholars believed him to be deceptive Lorkhaj in disguise, but Harran-Zhirr said simply, “Lorkhaj was tossed to the moons, but Harran-Zhirr’s love is for the stars.”

The Scholars of Tara’nel-lia were pleased with this answer and were amazed with Harran-Zhirr. They wanted him to meet their Lord, Akh'bar, in Senchal to discuss the Tides and the Paths of the Nighttime Sky. Harran-Zhirr was delighted at the opportunity and agreed to travel with them. The days and nights they traveled through Tenmar were always illuminated by the Lights of Harran-Zhirr, who shared with all Khajiit he met hidden truths if they asked. And he always did so with verse and song, so even the youngest kitten could understand them.

But unbeknownst to the troupe Merrunz had grown restless in his den. The last time he was able to get out and play he swallowed the whole of Felix down his gullet – which is why that town is included in our hymns at night – until Alkosh tricked him into tying himself up to his bed. But Merrunz had finally bitten his way through the string, and with a great bound jumped back into Nirni.

“Elsweyr has grown to boring and patient during poor Merrunz’s binding by noisy Alkosh,” the Ja’Khajiit whispered, so his brothers and sisters could not hear him slinking about in the deserts. “This one can barely see anything through all of these trees, it is as if he have traveled to the land of Y’ffer!”

So the Ja’Khajiit reached into his den of boiling red water and black sand and threw fire into the Tenmar. The leaves were soon set ablaze and spread quickly throughout the forest, causing all Khajiit and the beasts to flee. The troupe of Harran-Zhirr found themselves surrounded by the smoke and flame in a small grove, unable to travel any further and soon grew scared.

But Harran-Zhirr, who now wore an amused smile, said, “Do not worry, for this one knows exactly what is happening and what to do.” He then took a lotus position on the ground and began to sing in a voice as bright as the sun:

Harran-Zhirr places a secret word here,

In the Land of Sugar and Moon.

It carries implications of meaning for both water and air,

And for those who find it, it shall be a boon.

The song wove through itself the heavens until it reached Khenarthi, where the secret word formed a cloud which rained down into the Fires of Merrunz in a great flooding and washed them all away. New trees and flowers grew out of the ground and soon Tenmar looked as beautiful as it always had. The Scholars of Tara’nel-lia and the others who had gathered cheered the name of Harran-Zhirr as loudly as they could, but this caused Merrunz to hear it and suddenly the Ja’Khajiit was there. All went quiet.

“Merrunz made this fire to burn Tenmar so he could see better, but jajo has made the flames this one was playing with go away!” The destructive kitten roared in anger, leaning in to sniff at the Chosen of Magrus. “Merrunz will like to know the name of this one, before he takes him back to his den to play forever.”

At this the Scholars despaired because they thought that the fate of Harran-Zhirr was sealed, but the foreigner himself simply smiled and said, “This one calls himself Harran-Zhirr, and he hails from the East. Harran-Zhirr would like to apologize to Merrunz and in return for angering the Ja’Khajiit he’ll make him a new coat to show his great nobility. If he accepts, of course.”

The Ja’Khajiit became excited at this, for he much enjoyed the thought of having a new coat. “Merrunz very much accepts!” The kitten began to prance around the small grove, thinking of his new coat. “Make this one’s new coat to be like Magrus’, so he can play with the sun and the stars!”

“Certainly Merrunz,” Harran-Zhirr said as he reached into the pouch at his waist to retrieve his supplies for making a new coat. “But first this one needs your old coat, so he can make the right measurements for the new one.”

And the Ja’Khajiit knew this to be true and that Harran-Zhirr’s request was not unfounded, so he removed his old coat and handed it to Harran-Zhirr. And all those present except Harran-Zhirr laughed at Merrunz’s nakedness, and the Ja’Khajiit found himself angered. “Hurry up and make my new coat, lest I bite you in half.” Harran-Zhirr nodded and began to make a new coat, but first he told all present to close their eyes so it could be a surprise. Merrunz was suspicious, so Harran-Zhirr sang a new song:

Harran-Zhirr gives Merrunz a Secret Word,

In The Land of Sugar and Moon.

It carries implications of meaning of things once different,

And although they are gone they might come again soon.

And when he finished all present, including Merrunz, was sleeping and the Ja’Khajiit was snoring loudest of all! Harran-Zhirr then got quick to work, painting and weaving a new coat on slumbering Merrunz’s skin. And when he was finished he also painted and wove himself a new coat, grasping the old coat of the Ja’Khajiit in his hands. With a roar he woke up everyone in the grove, which included Merrunz, who yawned and gasped in shock.

For in front of him stood Alkosh in his terrible glory, looking ready to gulp down Nirni itself! And he was grasping his old coat no less! “Silly demon kitten!” he growled in ancient speak, “Jajo thinks he can escape from the name Mother Fadomai gave him? Alkosh found him leaping out of it first though, sneaky demon kitten!”

And Merrunz looked at his new coat in horror, for he found himself wearing the coat of a lowly demon kitten! “But Alkosh, this one was tricked by a stranger from the East called Harran-Zhirr!”

“Silly demon kitten! Alkosh sees no one here called Harran-Zhirr!” And then the First Cat jumped upon the lowly demon kitten, who hissed as he leapt back into his old coat and ran all the way back to his den of boiling red water and black sand.

The Scholars were speechless, and quivered in fear of mighty Alkosh. But then the First Cat smiled and threw of his coat to reveal simple Harran-Zhirr, who laughed a hearty laugh and told those present to stand up politely. “Do not let this one alarm you, for he knew Merrunz was going to be most unkind. Shall we carry on to Senchal and Lord Akh'bar?”

And with that the troupe carried on their way, rejoicing and celebrating the great wisdom of Harran-Zhirr as they left Tenmar and entered Senchal, the land of Tara’nel-lia. And till this day the suffix of –zhirr means ‘great wise singing sage’, and only Harran-Zhirr has earned it.

####Harran-Zhirr and the Almost New Shadow of Rajhin

Shush dear child, for Zahana shall tell you of how Harran-Zhirr out-stole the Thief God Rajhin himself, retrieving his shadow from the surface of the moons and attaining the trust of the Mane.

Harran-Zhirr had been in the land of the Khajiit for many phases, and Lord Akh’bar had named him a King for all the good he had done in the lands of Tara’nel-lia and elsewhere. The Children of Ahnurr and Fadomai and their followers admired and spoke with him whenever they came to him or when he summoned them. Soon, Rajhin the Trickster God grew interested in the Eastern stranger. The sneaky Khajiit immortal respected the ways the Chosen of Magrus was able to find his way out of situations. So he devised a plan to steal the shadow of Harran-Zhirr to increase his own cunning.

One day while Harran-Zhirr was walking to Torval to speak with the Third Moon – who had summoned him out of his small cave-palace in Tara’nel-lia – he met an old man lying unconscious next to a broken cart. He quickly ran towards him and made a potion with herbs he had in his pouch, which woke up the old Khajiit with a cough.

“Ah, this one thought he was too perish alongside the road,” the old Khajiit groaned as he got to his feet, a bit unsteady. He was a Cathay-raht, but his clothes were in tatters and his arms covered in small, fresh scars. “Dro’husir thanks this stranger for saving him.”

Harran-Zhirr was concerned for Dro’husir and offered him food and water, which the older Khajiit ate with gusto. “Wise Grandfather, what despicable vagabond did this to you?”

Dro’husir, who still hadn’t quite recovered from his ordeal, began to speak very loudly and elaborately. “ “Poor Dro’husir was minding his own business, walking to Torval to share the harvest he made from his farm with his sons and their sons! But then a group of thieves came out of hiding places in the woods and stole all of my fruit, vegetables, and sugar! What shall poor Dro’husir do know!” The old Khajiit then began to cry great tears, and as the sun began to set Harran-Zhirr saw something in the grandfather’s shadow – it looked like two! But then it was gone, and the Chosen of Magrus dismissed it as himself seeing things.

“Well, this one is traveling to Torval as well Wise Grandfather,” the Sage began. “Harran-Zhirr could protect both jajo and himself from anything that reveals itself.”

Dro’husir raised an eyebrow. “You are the renowned Harran-Zhirr?! This one is honored to be in your presence! You are very different than Khajiit, but very much like Khajiit. Where does Honored Harran-Zhirr come from?”

“Harran-Zhirr hails from an island chain far to the East, where the people lived in darkness before sound changed us forever. He has been sent by his own people to walk the whole of Nirni for many phases, for being not like them.” The Chosen of Magrus then began to build a fire, for it had grown dark and he wished to cook something to eat. Dro’husir volunteered to go find herbs and spices for the meal while Harran-Zhirr cooked some fish he had caught earlier that day. When Dro’husir returned he placed the ingredients he had gathered in the pot and soon the smell of delicious stew was in the air. Harran-Zhirr was suspicious of how fast the old Khajiit seemed to find the herbs and spices, but he was too tired to really think much about it.

When the food was finished Harran-Zhirr began to scoop stew into bowls and handed one to the old Khajiit, who said, “Harran-Zhirr is the one who cooked this, so he deserves the first bite.” The Chosen of Magrus smiled and tasted the meal, only to frown when his body froze like a hardened sand statue. Dro’husir began to laugh before tugging off his coat to reveal the Thief God Rajhin in his full glory, his seven shadows bounding throughout the campsite.

“Aha, Rajhin has tricked you Harran-Zhirr!” the Thief said with a grin. “This one placed a stolen herb from the den of Paerite into the stew, one that causes the body to grow still. Rajhin has been seeking Harran-Zhirr so he could steal his shadow, learning all that Harran-Zhirr knows. Farewell Chosen of Magrus!” And with that, the Thief God snatched Harran-Zhirr’s shadow and ran on slivers of moonlight to Jone, Jode, and Mane. But Rajhin was also very smart, so he stole the moons so no one would be able to find him.

The herb wore off and Harran-Zhirr leapt to his feet, but the Eastern Sage was not angry but amused at the antics of Rajhin. But he was also worried, for the Thief God had also stolen away the Third Moon in his hastiness and this could turn disastrous for all Khajiit. So Harran-Zhirr grabbed his favorite walking stick and began to sing a new song:

Harran-Zhirr whispers a secret word,

On this night of moonless light.

With it he weaves a path of beautiful stars,

Giving himself much needed red-sight.

And with the utterance of the secret word a clan of stars came down from the heavens and formed a beautiful path of light for Harran-Zhirr, who glided up into the realm of magicka. While there he met the Ghost of Lorkhaj, who flicked his tongue at the Eastern Sage as he bounded from one spot to the next.

“Hmm, this one thinks you are far too early to be here, Harran-Zhirr.” The Ghost of Lorkhaj said.

“Funny, for this one was going to say the same thing to the Ghost of Lorkhaj!” Harran-Zhirr replied, and the two beings knew themselves to be both students and teachers, laughing at a joke that was never told. And the Ghost of Lorkhaj let Harran-Zhirr pass, for he was likened to the Mage in the sky and the heavens were his home as much as Nirni was.

Harran-Zhirr walked and glided through the constellations, searching for the moons. Rajhin had hid them well, but Harran-Zhirr was known for his skill at hiding and could guess where the Thief God had concealed them. The Eastern Mage traveled to the Cat’s Eye, which blinked at him in confusion. “This one stares at himself, but he is not outside, yes?”

And Harran-Zhirr felt pity for the Cat’s Eye, for he was like it in many ways, and sang a new song for him:

Harran-Zhirr gives a secret word to Magrus,

Standing here amongst the stars.

It implies wordless love for things left behind,

A wordless love that can never divide.

The Cat’s Eye then shed a single tear at this before passing into much needed sleep, giving Harran-Zhirr permission to enter the Sands Behind The Stars. And there were the moons, as the Eastern Sage had guessed!

When Harran-Zhirr landed lightly on the surface of Jode, the Thief God’s mouth went agape from his seat. “How were you able to find Rajhin, Eastern Sage?”

And Harran-Zhirr chuckled at this question. “It is simple. This one is Master of Hidden Places and Things That Are Hidden.” With those words the Chosen of Magrus cupped his hands around his mouth and screeched a cyclone of stardust unto Rajhin, which carried the Thief God away into the heavens, but not before Harran-Zhirr stole back his shadow.

Grabbing the moons, Harran-Zhirr left the Sands Behind The Stars and returned them to their ancient places. And the Third Moon named Harran-Zhirr the King of No-Moons and Secret Things, making him eternal in the lands of Khajiit and the Sands Behind The Stars for all time.

####Harran-Zhirr and Namiira’s Darkness

Shush dear child, for Zahana shall tell you of how Harran-Zhirr traveled to and returned from the Darkness Behind The World, and how he gifted all Bent Khajiit a secret way to straighten themselves before the Next Pounce.

Now made everlasting in song in the lands of Khajiit, Harran-Zhirr was growing old from the many phases he spent amongst the people and knew in his heart that it was almost time for him to leave. But he loved the lands of the Khajiit very much and decided to walk the shores of Tara’nel-lia for one last time.

As he walked listening to the music of the ocean he suddenly heard a strange beating noise and turned to see a group of Khajiit doing something terrible – they were dancing the Bent Dance! Harran-Zhirr grew immediately cautious, for he had dealt with the Darkness of Lorkhaj before – even speaking with the Ghost of Lorkhaj itself – and knew of its dark power. Grasping his walking stick, the Eastern Sage went to stop the Khajiit before they fully became Bent Cats and transformed into dro-m’Athra, cats of moonless darkness.

But as Harran-Zhirr went to do this, there came a great rumbling from within Nirni and through many cracks came forth the Great Darkness Namiira from her den, a place of scuttling blackness. And Namiira laughed at Harran-Zhirr, who frowned but was not distracted. “Namiira should not be here,” he said coolly. “For it is not one of her days for summoning, and especially not here in the lands of Khajiit.”

Namiira cackled high and low, causing the Khajiit doing the Bent Dance to jump in their shadows. “This one has always found Harran-Zhirr amusing, for he speaks and acts like Khajiit even though he knows he is not Khajiit! Harran-Zhirr reminds Namiira much of Alkosh and Lorkhaj and Magrus, but wonders why he doesn’t choose one to play with?”

The Eastern Mage frowned deeper, and spoke many incantations to make Namiira return to her den, but the Great Darkness did not disappear. “This one shall admit he is confused why Namiira does not go away. Harran-Zhirr plays and pounces with only himself, for that allows him to help other people better.”

“This one believes this to be false,” the Great Darkness said as she began to circle Harran-Zhirr. “Jajo is the Chosen of Magrus! Jajo wore the Coat of Alkosh! And jajo spoke to the Ghost of Lorkhaj itself! Which is why Namiira has come, to show Harran-Zhirr’s crimes!”

The Eastern Sage was now very confused, for he had not committed any crimes at all while he was in the lands of Khajiit, but Namiira went on to say, “For impersonating the First Cat and speaking to Lorkhaj jajo has been condemned to the Darkness Behind The World for all time, to dwell with the Bent Cats until their tails become straight.” And Namiira knew that because Harran-Zhirr was not Khajiit he would be trapped within the Darkness Behind The World for all time.

But Harran-Zhirr knew that the Great Darkness only spoke lies, but smiled for he had an idea of his own to limit the influence of Namiira in the hearts of Khajiit. “Harran-Zhirr sees the truth in Namiira’s words, and is now ashamed. Take this one to the Darkness Behind The World, so he can do no more harm to the lands of Khajiit.”

And with that Namiira grabbed the scruff of Harran-Zhirr’s neck in her mouth and dove beneath Nirnijijri to the Darkness Behind The World, which is full of suffering and no sugar and moonless nights for eternity. And when Harran-Zhirr saw all the Bent Cats he gave a small cry of despair, but gained courage when he remembered the plan he had devised and gave a sly smile. The Eastern Sage fell down into the black dunes beneath the blood sky and winced because the sand burned into his fur.

It was then that he heard the beating of the cursed Heart of Lorkhaj, which reverberated throughout the whole of the Darkness Behind The World. The dro-m’Athra danced their Bent Dance in the dreary darkness, not even noticing Harran-Zhirr walking pass them. Wracked with fear from the things he was seeing, the Eastern Sage began to sing a song in the land that denied singing:

Harran-Zhirr plants a secret word here,

Down in the Underworld of the Dead Moon.

With it this one creates a burning cloak of love,

Which entices all that see it with a new tune.

The secret word then surrounded Harran-Zhirr in a glowing ball of blue fire and light, and all of the dro-m’Athra that saw it growled and ran away to perform their Bent Dance somewhere else in the black dunes. But some of the dro-m’Athra that saw it, the ones that weren’t as bent as the others, were allured by it and began to follow Harran-Zhirr on his path through the darkness.

Still carrying his walking stick, the Eastern Sage stared up at the blood sky and saw that there were no stars and that saddened him. So he took pieces of his glow and made them hover around him to mimic the stars above Nirni, and this caused more dro-m’Athra to be attracted to his side. Some of the Bent Cats were enraged by the pure light, but when they came up to attack Harran-Zhirr they burned into ash upon contact with the warmth. For their bodies were black and cold, untouched by the light of the moons.

The beating of the Heart of Lorkhaj grew stronger as Harran-Zhirr walked on through the Darkness Behind The World, and the Chosen of Magrus saw the spurts of blood shoot into the sky. The dro-m’Athra that followed him seemed nervous and terrified, for they had abandoned their Bent Dance and were beginning to despair. But Harran-Zhirr spoke comforting words in their ears and they continued their long, depressing march.

After what seemed like many phases Harran-Zhirr reached the Heart of Lorkhaj, which was much more crueler than the Ghost of Lorkhaj, for it contained the Great Darkness of Namiira. “How dare you enter here with the Light of Magrus!” it screamed in a voice full of pain and suffering.

Harran-Zhirr smiled with his eyes closed, for the Eastern Sage knew that the Heart of Lorkhaj would try to corrupt him. “This one is known as Harran-Zhirr, and his not Khajiit but has come to live in the lands of Khajiit for many phases. Namiira sent him here by lies from her maw, and now he seeks to speak with the Heart of Lorkhaj to free himself and others and it from the Darkness Behind The World.”

“Never! Those who enter can never leave!” the Heart of Lorkhaj spat, and then it spurted its blood all over Harran-Zhirr. The Eastern Sage soon found his robes taking on the appearance and likeness of Lorkhaj, and he was filled with a great sadness for now he knew that it really was his time to leave from the lands of the Khajiit forever.

“Who are you that you forget your own history!” Harran-Zhirr said to the Heart of Lorkhaj, which bubbled and frothed. “This one has spoken to your Ghost and he bode him his blessing. Who are you to forget your own history?”

The Heart of Lorkhaj began to steam and spin until it exploded in more blood, but Harran-Zhirr was prepared that time and waved it away with his finger. The Heart was gone but not destroyed, for it was of Lorkhaj and the Noisy Cat was incapable of being destroyed. In the place where it once was the opening to a deep cave full of more darkness and fear, and Harran-Zhirr turned to stare at the dro-m’Athra that followed him.

“You are all Bent Cats for listening to the whispers of Namiira and her cohorts instead of the whispers of Alkosh and his brethren,” he said. “But Harran-Zhirr belongs to no one but himself and he offers you a chance to enter the Sands Behind The Stars.” And then Harran-Zhirr began to sing his last song for the Khajiit:

Harran-Zhirr ends a secret word here,

Leaving it for the dro-m’Athra in this Dark Pit.

It explodes in a great bright purifying light,

And those that wish to leave shall harken to it.

And as Harran-Zhirr stepped into the Deep Cave it filled with the light of the stars and the moon, and the dro-m’Athra that chose to follow him shed their coats of darkness and their tails became straight as Harran-Zhirr led them to the Sands Behind The Stars. And the Eastern Sage left the Deep Cave opened in the Darkness Behind The World, so the dro-m’Athra that wished to leave the Bent Dance could find his Secret Path.

When Harran-Zhirr returned to Nirni and the lands of Khajiit, he found Namiira there frothing in rage. But she could do no more to him, for not only had he returned from the Darkness Behind The World but was also cloaked in the Blessing of Lorkhaj’s Blood. So the Great Darkness returned to her den and didn’t trouble Khajiit for a very long time.

And as for Harran-Zhirr? He left his most favorite secrets for the Khajiit and left the lands after saying goodbye to everyone he had met. But as customary of the Eastern Sage, he left them in hidden places for us to seek out and find. To this day all Khajiit are respectful of the people of the island chain in the Far East, in remembrance of Harran-Zhirr.

But, who knows? Perhaps the Chosen of Magrus will return again someday and teach Khajiit knew songs. What a great day that will be.