Interview with a Pawnbroker

Author's note - This interview was conducted at The Smiling Cat of Markarth during the reign of the Akaviri Potentate in the Second Era. The subject is Ra'thjiz, an elderly Khajiit pawnbroker of some repute. The authorship is unknown, but this appears to be the fifth in a series of similar interviews all apparently conducted by a single Colovian male.

"Ah, shijoh, Impeerial. Sit, please. This one will be with you in a moment. This one accepts generous donation of gold from current patron first. Current patron is wise, yes. Current patron knows other shop keepers in Markarth will not give her appropriate price for genuine Direnni signet ring. Good. The current, necessity is concluded. We may speak."

A genuine Direnni signet ring? Do any of those even still exist?

"Clearly, this one must conclude they do. This one appraises ring in mundane ways. This one is skeptical, so this one also employs magical identification. This one detects no forgery. Is the Impeerial interested in purchase? The Impeerial is a soft young human, with soft hands. He comes from money?"

I am a paid scholar, and I do have sufficient funds for this trip, but not for such an extravagant purchase, I'm afraid. My superiors would reprimand me harshly. I have heard that you're the best at what you do.

"This one does what this one can with the gifts the gods saw fit to bless him with. He is really just a foolish old cat. His parents named him so. It is a funny joke for Khajiit. Humans, maybe not so much. Humans struggle with the concept of humor."

I'd like your opinion on some of these items, if you don't mind?

"Ah, zahb. It wishes to play. The Impeerial knows this Khajiit can't resist a challenge. Good, then. Come. Show Khajiit what Impeerial has."

[At this point, I produce a fine steel Tanto from my cloak.]

How much is this item worth, venerable elder?

"Ah, let's see. Akaviri weapon. Short blade. Tanto? This one looks more closely. The forgery is subtle, but to the trained eye it is obvious. Impeerials attempt to emulate the craftsmanship of the snake swordsmen, yes? The steel is of lower quality, but it is the hilt that gives it away. The grain of this Tamrielic leather is altogether inferior, and the exact wrapping techniques of our foreign friends has never been fully mastered by your Impeerial smiths. For this imitation dagger, this one would pay perhaps 100 Remans if this one were feeling generous."

You've got an eye for detail. That's for sure. What can you tell me about this item?

[I next produce an old book, bound in leather with gold-trimmed pages.]

"A tome, yes? Rare books certainly have a market here in Markarth. Many scholars here, yes. Many schools. Ah, this one recognizes the words. Shonni-Etta, yes? Irat. Important for Impeerials, but controversial, no? This Remus, I like. Almost like Khajiit. Genuine first printing would be immensely valuable, this one thinks. Ten thousand Remans at the very least. Again, the forgery is subtle. This is an imitation, printed probably around 80 years ago. It is worth probably less than current editions, due to age and wear. It is nothing special."

Again, sir, you impress me with your eye for detail. Do people often bring in forged items?

"Sometimes by accident, yes. Rarely to try and trick poor Ra'thjiz. Most of his customers are honest, if uninformed."

Do I have anything on me of real value, then? Perhaps this fine mothsilk cloak or these golden rings?

"Impeerial is funny, but cunning. Impeerial knows his Amulet of Khenarti is most valuable. It is the self-same one worn by Bendu Olo, is it not? Are you a descendant?"

Note - the previous passage is marked through with heavy ink, but still barely legible through magical means. The author is trying to hide something?

I understand that next to Solitude, Markarth has become the most cosmopolitan and open city in Skyrim under Imperial rule. What do you think of Markarth?

"Meh. Too many Nords for this one's liking. The scenery is very pretty, though. How does the Impeerial boy like Anvil?"

Too many Nords for my liking.

"Oh..hahaha! The humans sometimes do know jokes, then. Fusozay. Impeerial is not so bad."

What do you think of the Potentate?

"Potentate is not so bad, either. Potentate collects taxes from this old Khajiit, but he keeps the roads safe. We have things in common, too, you know. We both have to try to satisfy a lot of Humans and Elves."

What do you think of the Reachmen?

"This one does not differentiate much between his Human clients, to be honest. This one notes the natives have more colorful tattoos, but are otherwise unremarkable. They live in remote places and often find valuable things. This one appreciates their business."

I'm afraid I've taken time away from your business already, but before I leave can you give me some advice for aspiring Pawnbrokers?

"Eh? Know your trade, and your clientele. Do not pretend to know what you do not. Do not pretend not to know what you do. Do not be afraid to say "No" to a big purchase. You are running a business, and there's no guarantee you will move the expensive Camoran Dynasty vase you just bought. Sometimes less is more. Do not get carried away, or you shall surely be carried to pitiable place."

Very sound advice. You've been a friendlier interviewee than the last I spoke to. I look forward to speaking to that Farmer next week.

"A farmer, you say? This one's fado was a farmer, back home. He wanted Ra'thjiz to follow in his footsteps. He did. This one did not wish to, though. Khajiit have an old saying. "Live the life that you love. Love the life that you live." This one is living his love, and loving his life. Does Impeerial love asking questions and writing the answers down?"

Yes. Imperial loves it very much.

"What did Impeerial's father do?"

He was a sailor, from a long line of sailors.

"And Impeerial broke the line, like Ra'thjiz? Then we are like brothers, almost. This one wishes Impeerial well on his journey, then. This one must really get back to work now. Feel free to purchase something while in shop, yes? Support fat old Khajiit?"

Sure, why not? Can I get a discount, since we're like brothers?

"Ha...this one would not give his actual brothers discount, so no. Nice try, though. Impeerial is a funny human."