Thalmor Report on the Factions of Skyrim: Thieves Guild

As promised, these reports are still coming. As always this is how the appear at the start of their quest lines. Any questions or comments are welcomed.

Justicars operating in and around the Rift will pay this report special attention. While many provinces seem to have an organization called the Thieves Guild, each is very distinct from its compatriots elsewhere. While the Thieves Guild in Cyrodiil is still regarded by many as a persistent rumor headed by a mysterious figure known as the Grey Fox, the guild based in Riften is quite different. While the guild in Cyrodiil seems to favor taking from the rich and protecting the poor and downtrodden of the province, the guild in Skyrim is willing to steal from any and all. The existence of this guild is common knowledge to the towns folk of Riften as well as the province as a whole. Its known that they inhabit the Ratway, a series of sewers and tunnels, beneath the city itself. The guild seems to be unhindered despite their notoriety, in fact it seems as though their existence is at the least, tolerated by several noble families, likely its quite lucrative to play along. While many Thieves Guilds bound their members to not steal from other members and to not murder their victims, this guild seems to be more violent, and may explain their current state. It was said that many years ago, the Thieves Guild enjoyed unparalleled influence and respect from thieves, commoners and the nobility. However it seems that a few decades ago, due to forces that can only be speculated on, the guild started to fall into decline. Most likely infighting over some issue such leadership or perhaps just simple avarice.

The name Gallus, seems to appear in books and records, he seemed to hold a position much like the Master of a lawful Guild. Many attribute his loss with the decline. Yet the superstitious seem to think it has something to do with a curse. Whatever the case is, to this day the guild has not recovered and now finds itself generally regulated to the city of Riften.

There are rumors that seem to connect the Guild with a shadowy group, more myth and legend than solid fact. Tales of the Nightingales are generally seen as a scare tactic to keep younger less disciplined thieves in line. Evidence about them is scarce but we do know seems nearly unbelievable. Some say they revere the Daedric Prince Nocturnal and are her agents within this world. What thieves and religious fervor have to do with one another is left to the individual to decide. Real or not this group has never run afoul of the Thalmor, but any more information found on this illusive group should be reported immediately.

Our interest in the Thieves Guild lies not in their organization or practice, but in who it seems they share the sewers with. Information recently came to light that a former Blade, Esbern, may be hiding down in the Ratway. We have captured a possible eyewitness from the Guild and are currently interrogating him for more information. The Guild will likely think he got caught, or was killed, given their current state, we have no fear of reprisals. We will be spending agents into the Ratway soon to find Esbern and capture him. All Justicars operating in the Rift must proceed carefully to avoid alerting either the Guild or Esbern to our motives.

In conclusion this is a Guild that has found itself fallen on hard times. They no longer possess the control and influence as they did in the past and are generally seen with disdain by the rest of the populace. Their activities are centered mainly in Riften and poses little threat to our operations.

Status: Continue to obtain information regarding the Blade agent they are shielding. Proceed with caution but you are free to dispatch its members if they interfere with your objectives. Emissary Level Approval.

By my hand and seal
