Before the Storm (Part One)

“Close the gate!” echoed through the streets of Solitude as chaos unfolded before city’s citizens. “Don’t let Ulfric out Roggvir! Close that damned gate!” rang out again as a cloaked figure made his way out of the city being followed by legionaries until the gate slammed in front of them. Angry and shocked the troops surrounded Roggvir at front the doors. “What is the meaning of this?” came from a large Nordic Legionnaire, Legate Rikke, as she approached him wading through the crowded streets. Roggvir averted his eyes as she approached, knowing he had betrayed his post as an Auxiliary Guard and muttered “It’s not what it looks like, I swear.” Upon arriving to where Roggvir was surrounded she ordered him to be bound and taken to the hold at Castle Dour.

A few hours later, in front of Castle Dour in the courtyard, the soldiers of 1st Cohort, 4th Imperial Legion were placed in formation and waiting to hear their next mission after the tragedy that had happen that morning. First to speak before them was the Commander of Imperial Forces Skyrim, General Tullius.

“Men! As you know, there has been an incident involving the High King this morning. For now, there is no need for me to delve into more detail on that matter. What I can say is that the defense of Solitude has been our mission since our arrival in this land. Today, we have failed in that mission and now we are stuck picking up the pieces to a puzzle we never imagined could have happen. As we move forward from this point, our mission has changed. We must now go on the offensive and destroy these rebels to the last. We must defend Skyrim and its glory. For in this difficult and dark time the eyes of Skyrim will be upon us to lead them into the brightness of solidarity and hope. They look to us for protection and guidance and we cannot, rather we WILL not fail them. Legate Rikke has drafted new assignments for this unit. We are no longer at peace men, Ulfric must be stopped. Legate Rikke, Post!”

As General Tullius stepped away Legate Rikki took over. She paced back and forth sternly before finally coming to a stop in front of the formation.

“Ok listen up First Cohort; we are the Elite of the Elite, the Best of the absolute Best in all of Tamriel. We will not be bested by a bunch of drunken Nord’s who think that they can overpower the Imperial Legions of Cyrodiil. Now, these men may believe they are fighting for the future of Skyrim, but I can assure you they are nothing more than a nuisance that must be wiped clean from the land. This unit is made up of the best from across Fourth Legion. As such it is up to us to hunt down and capture this menace they call their leader. He ran this morning like a dog with its tail between his legs; he would not have gotten far since then. Cavalry, you are to deploy exploratores to track Ulfric the Coward, and send reports back when he is found. We will push forward with an attack if necessary; your findings will determine what our next step shall be. Men, Fall out!”

Upon release the men designated as exploratores packed and prepared for their mission as General Tullius and Legate Rikke met in the campaign room for further discussions. The exploratores were to head out by dusk to hopefully catch the trail left by Ulfric before it was too late. As the sun fell, the men left Solitude and began their hunt.

Back in the campaign room, General Tullius and Legate Rikke began planning for the fight ahead. Discussion carried on into the night as they waited for the first reports from the exploratores.

“What is our next step from here, sir?” Legate Rikke inquired of the General.

“We must stay strong, this land needs us. That damn cowards head will roll before we leave this land ashamed. That damned fool, how is what he did even possible.” replied the General.

“Sir, we must keep our wits. We will catch him. Our men are the best in Tamriel, if anyone is up to the challenge, It's our men. We must focus on the coming days and not allow ourselves to get caught up. There is a storm brewing and we must be prepared to handle it.”

“Understandably, this will be the beginning of this war as a whole. No more threats and petty bickering. We must contain and destroy them before it spreads like wild fire in Valenwood. Our men are ready, and strong. I have complete faith in them.” General Tullius proclaimed slamming his fist on the map table.

“Sir, if you will excuse me, I will go get a report on our men’s status for the night.” Legate Rikke spoke in an assuring tone and left the room.

.... More to Come ....