Interview with a Farmer

Author's note - This interview was conducted at a small family farm outside Karthwasten during the reign of the Akaviri Potentate in the Second Era. The subject is Lachdannon, a Reachman farmer. The authorship is unknown, but this appears to be the sixth in a series of similar interviews all apparently conducted by a single Colovian male.

I'd like to thank you and your lovely wife for your hospitality, good sir. I'm a ways from town and you folks generously put me up, despite me being a stranger.

"Ah, 'tweren't nothin'. You seem a nice enough sort. Have some more biscuits."

Oh goodness. I don't think I can handle any more. Is this a family recipe?

"Oh, aye. Not mine though. My lovely wife's. Them Nords love bread and biscuits. She ain't sharin' her secrets though."

Nor would I expect her to. Are all the ingredients in this fine meal grown locally?

"Yep. Most of 'em come from this here farm. The beef's from local cattle. Cabbage 'n corn 'n taters are mine, proud to say. Milk 'n flour for the biscuits is from down the road apiece. Mostly farmers and ranchers 'round this part of the Reach. Just a few miners and huntsmen."

How long has this farm been in your family?

"Long back as anyone remembers, I reckon. I was told a lotta these farms around here got settled after Hestra 'n her Legions beat some sense into the barbarians once upon a time. My folks was with the Reachmen that helped them out."

So your ancestors were the Karthwasteners who aided the Empire in the First Era? According to my histories, these warriors could assume the form of vultures and other creatures. Have you ever seen a werevulture in these parts?

"No, sir. I don't know nothin' about all that superstition. I've heard the stories too, as a boy. Near as I know that stuff's all in the ancient past if it ever happened at all. Folks in this community don't commune with no daedra or do any weird body changes. We work the land and take care of our families."

What gods do you keep, sir? In Colovia we love the Divines. My city of Anvil has a beautiful cathedral to Dibella.

"I know about Dibella, sure. She's one of the more important Nord gods. My wife's family was from Markarth. Folks out there love her. They got a real big church to a feller called Ees Meer or some such too. Feller with wings on his head, stabbin' a snake or somethin'. I've been told that's just the Nord version of Reman Cyrodiil, though. Somethin' about a Dragon Born. Me and my folks always said simple prayers to Zenithar to watch over our crops and families. It's good enough for me. I don't cotton to fancy city religion."

You don't attend an organized prayer service?

"I reckon the god of commerce and crops can hear me just as well out in the fresh air as in some stuffy buildin', mister. A church is four walls and a roof as far as I'm concerned. The gods are always right there next to us, so we better watch what we say and do."

A fine point. Reminds me of folk wisdom back in Colovia. I've always heard the Reachmen were uniformly savage and uncouth, but my visits through your lands have left me with mixed impressions. You seem to distance yourself from the traditionalists, but you proudly wear the same facial tattoos.

"Yeah, I got them markin's when I came of age, like my ma and da and theirs too, I reckon. I never met theirs, but I been told my family wore these markings all the way back to the beginning, when them Druids taught our people how to use magic and fend for ourselves way back in the long ago. To me my tattoos just means "tradition" and "family." Ain't nothin' to do with bird women or briar hearts or any of that heathen nonsense."

Do you ever have any trouble from the other Natives?

"Them barbarians? Nah. They leave us alone. Probably 'cause we're cousins. There's a few Nords around here, mostly Silverblood clan like my Helga but they're married in so they're family, too. We got the occasional stray troll or giant but they usually keep their distance. Back years ago them Hill Orcs burned the villages and looted them but the Legions came in and cleaned up that mess and we ain't heard nothin' from them any more. Hope they all died."

People in the Provinces have mixed opinions about the Potentate and his Legions. What are your thoughts?

"I never met the Potentate or any of his kinfolk so it ain't my spot to pass judgement. I reckon his job ain't easy, runnin' an Empire. I know enough about the Legions. Once upon a time they ran the barbarians back into the hills. When my grandad was a boy they routed the Hill Orcs and saved our village. Here about ten years ago when that Giant chieftain tried to claim this spot as his, they came and made a lot of noise and shot him full of arrows. Didn't kill 'im but he ran away with his tail between his legs. Didn't even bother comin' back for his club, so we made a kind of statue from it. Kind of an offerin' to Zenithar and a warnin' to other giants to stay away. You can still see it in the town square. People leave a little bit of what they grow and kill there for Zenithar every year. Brings luck."

Got any advice for other farmers out there?

"Life's tough. Faith helps. Zenithar listens. He can get you through some hard times. Love's even better. Cherish your family and be thankful for what you've got. You never know when it can get taken away."

Modest but powerful words, my friend. I'll be interviewing one of those Legionnaires you spoke of next week.

"Give 'im a pat on the back for me and my family. People like him keep Skyrim safe."

I sure will. Thanks again for your time and hospitality, sir.

"Ah, enough of that. 'Tweren't nothin'. Have some taters, now. You look awful gaint for a boy your age."