The Honored Prey - Part One: Origins of the Men of Akavir

The Honored Prey

by Maering Bear-Poker

A Brief Introduction:

In this follow up to my previous volume, On the Way of Honor and the Law of Moderation: A Look Into Tsaesci Physiology, I will describe in greater detail the Men of Akavir and their place in Tsaesci society. Their origins, their evolution, and their varied social roles form a strange but vibrant culture. Perhaps we in Tamriel will never truly understand these humans living among their serpentine masters, but maybe we can learn to appreciate the intricacies of their way of life.

Part One

Origins of the Men of Akavir

The first humans set foot on the shores of Akavir a very, very long time ago. These were sailors-turned-refugees from Tamriel during the early days of the Merethic Era. At the climax of the Ehlnofex Wars, when Lorhan’s Heart was sent East upon an arrow from the bow of Auri-El. Defeated, the Wanderers were scattered. One group, devout and determined Men, took sail in pursuit of the still beating Heart of their god. Upon the Sea of Ghosts their fleet was assembled, and eastward they sailed. But Fate would not favor these brave souls, and they would face disaster sooner rahter than later. A great storm came from behind them that wrough havoc upon their ships. They were pushed into the mighty currents of the Pandomaic Ocean never to see the shores of Tamriel again.

The storm dissipated as suddenly as it had begun, and for months they drifted with no sight of land. Supplies dwindled while desperation and madness overtook these doomed mortals. As the last of the food was eaten, the sailors resorted to cannibalism. For a week this depravity took place and stained the shipdecks red with blood. As if the heavens themselves saw fit to punish their sin, a second mighty storm fell upon the fleet and crashed it upon the rocks of an mysterious landmass none had seen on the horizon. The ships were destroyed and many did not survive. Those Men fortunate enough to reach the shores found themselves at the edge of a dense and dark jungle, full of shapes and sounds they had never even imagined.

They set up camp along the beach and did their best to survive, but the delirium of the voyage had taken so many of the survivors minds. The truly insane among them separated from the rest and went northward, raving and howling like beasts. Those that stayed gave up the practice of cannibalism in an effort to save what remained of their humanity. Instead foraged from the tangled darkness of the jungle and fished along the rocky coast.

In the wilderness of the jungle the survivors discovered many plants and animals that were strange, beautiful, and dangerous. Massive vine-covered trees towered upwards, creating a canopy that nearly blotted out the sun. Colorful flowers of unbelievable sweet-smells sprouted razor-sharp spines that gravely injured several foragers who came too close. Tiny flying reptiles that looked almost exactly like the Dovah of Tamriel were seen darting through the air, attacking and feeding upon strange, floating blobs that seemed to be filled with a gelatinous material. This was truly a bizzare and dangerous place.

Most curous and worrisome for these humans were the sudden glimpses of gold that would flash from the shadows and dance at the periphery of their vision. Sometimes glowing red eyes were seen briefly in the darkest thickets of trees. A feeling of being watched was always present, and some who had seen fuller views of their stalkers attempted to share their experience, but the voyage had stripped these Men of all their Words and Language. They would draw undulating lines in the sand and make loud hissing noises, while mimicking long fangs with their fingers.

One moonless night one of these creatures finally made its presence known. Sliding silently out of the trees like a golden fog, the Snake raised its magnificent head and let out a great hiss. The Men were caught unaware loud shouts of fear were uttered, but they grouped together at the fire brandishing their crudely-crafted spears and knives. They witnessed the massive beast, its perfect golden scales aflame in the combined light of the stars and the fire. It's eyes shined like forbidden rubies, radiating a sinister intelligence.

The creature stared deeply at them, evaluating them as if it could see all that they were and all that they had done. Its enormous body swaying slightly, rocking back and forth as the Men gazed upon. They were paralyzed by fear but also by fascination. Their eyes were transfixed upon the Snake's, and the humans seemed to fall into a trance. The forest behind the creature had become silent and still, and even the waves washing ashore seemed to no longer make a sound. The flow of time seemed to stop as each of the Men fell into utter darkness. Strange colors and symbols flashed in their minds; at first meaningless but soon materializing into structures made of bone and scale, vibrating with an obscure but wonderful misic.

After what seemed like eons, the trance finally fell away. The sun was now rising over the canopy of the jungle and the Snake was nowhere to be found, all traces of its presence gone. The fire was nothing but smoldering ashes as the Men looked around at each other, not sure if what they had experienced was real. They somehow felt different: something new and powerful vibrating within their minds. Quietly they looked at each other, finally turning their gaze towards the dark jungle. In unison they whispered a single world: “Tsaesci...