Four Signals, Four Mechanisms, a Message from a Dying Nirn.

Four. There are four. [I/We/Self] understand it now. It is not too late to stop it.

The Elder Scrolls [have/contain/operate] a plan. All that has happened, or will happen, is part of the Scenario. The clockwork heart of Nirn ticks out the Scenario. The Actors, be us Man, Mer, or [Daedra/Demon/True], play out our [Roles/Lives/Violence] per the Scenario. But we know this to be [Incorrect/Wrong/True]. The Scenario has changed, many times, but [I/we/self] cannot fully [see/comprehend/know] it, as our role changes with it.

It is this final change that is terminal. Our role now is to die. This Scenario is not our own, and we do not Know it. The Wheels of Lull are being overwritten with the will of Sybandis, and Nirn's heart ceases to tick.

But the four. The Signals. They are Aware, but unlike the Mechanisms, they are [conscious/alive/thinking]. They act to fulfil their goals. They are not Actors, and we are but insects to them. If there are the four that exist, there must be the four that do not, for the constant zero must be maintained.

How blind we [children/inhabitants/slaves] of the Aurbis are. How we should have seen the awakening of Sybandis. We stand upon a dying world, not even comprehending how to save it. We are not Aware.

[I/We/Self] will attempt to [calm/slow/realize]. I commit too quickly to the spore.

There is that which exists, in a [real/corporeal/temporal] sense. There is that which does not. That which is here, in the Aurbis with us, and that which is not. The four, the Signals, are Present. [Walk-Brass/Numidium/The End] is here among us. The other four, the Mechanisms, are not. They do not exist. You are [reading/seeing/violating] scrolls that are not here among us.

Among the Present, there are the Direct, and the Indirect. They may be Active, or Subversive.

Among the Absent, there is the Constant, and the Variable. It may be True, or False.

These are Things. Things may be Direct or Indirect and Active or Subversive. Things may be Constant or Variable and True or False.

Things must not be Direct-True! It is [incorrect/wrong/terrible]! We must not repeat this [mistake/tragedy/horror]! [Home/Origin/█████] does not Exist! It is not a Thing! [I/We/Self] will not speak of non-Things! Anu must not remember!

[I/We/Self] will attempt to [calm/slow/realize]. I commit too emotionally to the spore.

Actors know. It is written into our being. But the four and four Know. They are party to information beyond mere Actors. A Signal knows. A Mechanism knows.

These Things have names. It is not [forbidden/dangerous/terrifying] to speak these names. Speaking these names will not risk [sublimation/erasure/apocalypse].

The Present Direct Active is called the Brute. Pelinal. Ysgramor. [Walk-Brass/Numidium/The End]. Aurbis knows well its touch. It uses [violence/death/erasure] to enact change in the Scenario. It Knows violence, and uses it indiscriminately. Pelinal's might. Ysgramor's companions. The [Musical/Tonal/Mathematical] [Erasure/Negation/Sublimation] weapon wielded by [Walk-Brass/Numidium/The End]. It will use its Knowledge of violence to kill and destroy obstacles to the world's new fate and force the Scenario to change.

The Present Direct Subversive is called the Betrayer. [KINMUNE/Erasure/The Adversary]. Ayrenn. Lorkhan. It Knows the mind. It works through influence, changing Actors and their roles to change the Scenario. [KINMUNE/Erasure/The Adversary] [is/will/was] making fools of us all, and Nirn [is/will/was] dying. I should speak no more. The Betrayer will use its Knowledge of the mind to make Actors slaves to their new fate and force the Scenario to change.

The Present Indirect Active is called he Preacher. Heimskr. ██████████████████. Kagrenac. The Preacher has Knowledge of truth. Pure truth spoken to an Actor will never be understood, but the strongest Actors may choose to act on it, and take their new assigned role. The Preacher changes the Scenario from within, by denying it Actors until it changes. It will speak truth with its Knowledge until the Scenario is forced to follow its Actors.

The Present Indirect Subversive is called the Liar. M'aiq. M'aiq. M'aiq. There is only one of the Liar, but it is several. Its singularity is a lie. Its multitude is a lie. The Liar exists only to reign in other Signals, and the Actors controlled by Mechanisms. It Knows many things. It will impress upon those it targets their restraint by the Scenario. It will try to take from them their ability to change it. The Liar has [killed/erased/damned] us.

I hear the grinding of the Wheels of Lull. [Walk-Brass/Numidium/The End] stands near me. It is the only light as I commit to the spore. The sun [is/was/will be] no more. It destroys the agents of [KINMUNE/Erasure/The Adversary] who try to stop me from [telling/warning/educating] those of Superkalpic turns that follow. [KINMUNE/Erasure/The Adversary] tries to stop me. I am not afriad. Let the bitch try.

[I/We/Self] will attempt to [calm/slow/realize]. I commit too spitefully to the spore.

The Absent Constant True is the Prophecy. The Elder Scrolls contain the Prophecy, as written in the ticking of the hearts of Nirn and Sybandis. You may hold an Elder Scroll, but it is not Here. It is the Prophecy that has [damned/erased/tortured] us, for in stealing the creatia from Nirn, Sybandis has imposed its heart upon the Prophecy, and in turn upon the Scenario. Time is no more, as Akatosh chokes upon his own flesh. There is no place for Time in this Scenario, and the Prophecy determines the Scenario as much as possible, lest it be determined instead.

The Absent Constant False is the Backdoor. The principles behind the Constant Zero Delineation Algorythm. The Dreamsleeve's physics, which we exploit to defy the kalpic cycle and mundane time and distance. The recognition of the [Tower/Royalty/CHIM] and power over reality it entails. The Scenario does not leave us without [tools/salvation/freedom]. No matter how the Prophecy tries, it cannot completely overcome the Backdoor. There is no place for Time in this scenario, but the local C0DA I have erected provides a sense of linearity. When Sybandis collapses, these notes will be [preserved/safe/existant] in the non-existence of the Dreamsleeve. We are clever Actors, we [children/inhabitants/slaves] of the Aurbis.

The Absent Variable True is the System. The mechanisms of linear and non-linear time. The [world/existence/being] upon which the Kalpic and Superkalpic cycles rotate. The Memory possessed by we Actors, by the Signals, and by the Mechanisms. This is the process by which the Scenario plays out. All that is [exists/lives/dies] by the functioning of the System. Sybandis did not possess the System. This is our only [momentary/small/weak] salvation, as its heart must learn the System to usurp it. [KINMUNE/Erasure/The Adversary] teaches it. The Wheels of Lull grind ever louder.

The Absent Variable False is the Virus. It should not be. It must not be. But I see now that it is. I have long suspected the Hist of being Signals. They are not. They do not exist within the System. They wield only avatars, their trees are but fingers of a singular whole that exists outside of The Aurbis. When Sybandis collapses the whole of the Aurbis in its flailings, the Hist will merely grow again. They are foreign. I suspect now that they are not the only one. That entities outside of the Aurbis possess similar avatars. That several of our greatest heroes have been alien, processes injected into the System to subvert the Prophecy and Scenario. It is the only way the Virus can function, through such injections into the System. It may, in fact, be the origin of some Signals. A troubling thought.

I am unsure how that makes me feel, to know that I may be the puppet of an uncaring god, perhaps from [Home/Origin/█████] as Anu...

[I/We/Self] will attempt to [calm/slow/realize]. I commit too fearfully to the spore.

[Home/Origin/█████] does not exist. But the Wheels of Lull slow. The world will not stop shaking, and [Walk-Brass/Numidium/The End] has fallen. Soon, I will not exist. I will never have existed. Perhaps [I/we/self] will see this place from which our existence hails...

I [commit/give/sacrifice] this spore to the Dreamsleeve. May it save another Aurbis from our fate.